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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 12 hours ago, Nemises said:


    Getting off-topic bro....so my final off-topic post is: You mean “better looking” in YOUR opinion.

    Yesterday we walked from Sydney Star Casino to Darling Harbour to Central train station. Never saw one hot “Aussie” girl. But did see MANY hot Asians.

    Try it at 6pm down george st when all the offices close. Its like one huge fashion runway. ! immaculately groomed and dressed. Not many flat nosed no tits amongst them. I came here to Thailand because I got older and wanted the path of least resistance

  2. 1 hour ago, markcm19 said:

    There were lots of medications in the room indicating that the man had probably died from some illness. 


    wow! I guess there is no need for any investigation, then, as that absolutely solves it.

    Farang come here to die. Have a quick look for bruising or holes and then stick them in a furnace. Its a 3rd world country you really expect a CSI and the associated costs?

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Nemises said:

    LOL. My TH apartment is modern, has A/C, large rooms, loads of natural light plus a sunny outdoor area. Oh, and it has no mold. 




    No air con required in Sydney??? Are you serious?! Evenings can be cold, so (expensive) heating is necessary. Australia's electricity costs are among the highest in the world. Many AU residents in the southern states cannot afford to warm their homes.




    Cost of THAI food in THAI restaurants/bars/pub was used in my eating-out comparisons, not meals in pretend or otherwise IRISH pubs.





    Gold Coast?? Read my post again. SYDNEY is used in the comparison not the GC. Good luck finding "blonde haired blue eyed bombshells" in certain south-western suburbs of SYDNEY.




    Health Insurance for me when travelling overseas (to Thailand) costs nothing. It's provided FREE by my AU credit card provider as Travel Insurance when I take my annual 350 day "holiday" in Thailand. 


    They are even better looking in Sydney. Super models walking down george st. Sydney is BIG where did you live, western suburbs where the "ladies" were pumping out 6 kids for the $1200 centrelink payment?


    get real bro

  4. 5 hours ago, murraynz said:

    Cosy beach is great place to stay. Plenty of restaurants,quiet,yet I can get to walking st for 60baht on mbike taxi, or walk to baht bus takes 20 mins.. Good views, no sexy ladies looking for work.only problem is too many rude Russians in high season. 

    "walk to baht bus takes 20 mins"


    longer in rainy season and arriving soaking wet is not ok.  I lived there and never again ..

    • Haha 1
  5. 32 minutes ago, Nemises said:

    Single male, renting, dining out all meals. Sydney (AU) Vs Isaan City (TH):

    Apartment rent per month:
    AU: 45,000baht (unfurnished)
    TH: 4,000b (furnished w/-WiFi)

    Electricity (per KWh)
    AU: 10b
    TH: 4b

    Whiskey (700ml bottle):
    AU: 900b
    TH: 340b

    Food (per meal at pub):
    AU: 300-400b
    TH: 75-90b

    2hr oil massage
    AU: 3,000b
    TH: 500b

    Gym & pool:
    AU: 6,500b per month
    TH: 650b (includes towel & WiFi)

    AU: 500b
    TH: 200b


    Worth also mentioning:

    Climate (cool season, daytime high):
    AU: 17-18 degrees
    TH: 24-25 degrees

    Eye Candy (Hotties sighted per hour when out and about):
    AU: 0-1
    TH: 50-60

    Friendliness (Number of hotties prepared to stop, talk & smile - per hour)
    AU: 0
    TH: 50-60

    couple of things. Your oz home wasn't a moldy shitty 4k fan room . Electricity in oz = no air con..add in air con in this stinking hot weather and the bill will be the same. Whisky is a win here..pub meals are you for real? half a chook with chips in most pretend irish pubs here is 350 baht with nearly free labour (staff)


    massage ? its a win here


    Hot women? bahaha  I lived on the gold coast surrounded by blonde haired blue eyed bombshells with real tits and married one. Thai girls dont even rate


    HEALTH INSURANCE !!!!!!  wipes away all gains !!!! farang never add this in when making comparisons..its a mystery why..ostrich syndrome for sure IMO


  6. 9 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Apart from wine and cheese, I've not found anything cheaper in the UK.

    Recently bought a 60" LG TV, only difference in price was 3 year warranty in Thailand (Lazada), 5 year warranty in UK (John Lewis).


    My house and girlfriend are considerably cheaper in Thailand, as is my council tax, water, internet and electricity.


    In oz ALL real food is fractions cheaper, of course wine n cheese but also real beef, LAMB chops! and and  delicatessen foods eg salamis , Bulgarian feta cheese 500 grams tins for $7 

    I miss it

    Thai food = boiled rice and slivers of meat with complimentary sugar and MSG. Im over it

    • Like 1
  7. Yes after 11 years of receiving the single rate when the knew all along I was married. They confirmed that to me in writing at the time on receiving the single rate pension and as mentioned before I did query it at the time. Obviously they are reviewing overseas pensions paid and looking to tighten up the screws.
    My wife is now 57 although in appearance to be only mid 40's, finding a new job is nigh on impossible.She has no seperate  income.
    The confirmation letter they sent me took 5 weeks and 4 days to get her,sent ordinary mail ,they will not use email.
    With the dollar heading south I guess I'm not the only one feeling the squeeze thats why I sought opinion on success rate of appealing 
    Take her to oz. Why would you stay here with the dollar collapsing and no end in sight. If you find a nice small town I doubt it would be much more expensive especially with health insurance and she would be on benefits in a few years
    • Thanks 1
  8. Personal experience from a "Trip" last night... 
    Tripped coming out of the BTS & banged my head (lots of blood), trip to Sukumvit hospital, no passport no questions/checks on insurance, just treated & guided to the cashier on exit (15K paid on my credit card).
    Head hurts like a bitch this morning & despite me repeatedly telling them "No Stitches" I can feel where they've given me 2-3 
    What's worse is they claim no stitches and still charged you 15k.

    You check to see if the bandage is gold plated?
  9. More bad news for Australian expats on the way. Next month the Australian Reserve Bank is tipped to lower interest rates causing a further drop in the AUD against the USD. In fact It is predicted the Australian interest rate will drop to below 1% and the AUD will consequently fall to about 65c. It is now just above 69c and has fallen about 3c in the last month or two. 

    I hope it gets to 50 cents so I can sell my condo even at a loss and still make a fortune!


    Feel bad for the renter brigade. Getting hammered while ripping up $.. Sad


    Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie!


    • Like 1
  10. A huge big pain in the ass to take a songtaew there and back. Big queues of people at South Pattaya Rd intersection, so many Russians and the traffic jam to get there sometimes is very bad.
    Yeah high season is the big drawback. Russians storming the baht bus as if it were the last one on the planet
  11. Happened to me after my divorce. I should have got back on the bike quicker and just banged anyone to get over the hurt. Once I did that, I was okay. They can squeeze all the confidence out of you but your not the problem. Chin up...
    Didn't work for me. She had the biggest natural boobs in all of Asia and was just a goddess. Took me years to get over that and banging some skinny runt with 2 fried eggs did nothing for me.

    Fortunately time heels all wounds and now completely over it. Still miss the tits though lol
  12. Actually it's 28 days in a 12-month period. Supposedly it was being abused by unemployed seniors not old enough for the old age pension who claimed to be mentally stressed so they would get the pension rate not the lesser Newstart rate, and who would then take extensive overseas holidays. It was a widely-reported rort at the time

    Never heard of that you have a link? It's bloody near impossible to get the DSP so they would need extensive mental health assessment by a specialist.


    You can't just show up sign some forms and get the DSP

    Your right 28 days but it ripped apart a lot of family's



    • Like 1
  13. In Thailand I have a nice 3 bed house overlooking fields and mountains.
    1. Not a problem, no financials, I'm OK with 90 days at a time.
    2. None, except the the 3,000bht in treatment and meds last month (first in 7 years).
    3. 11k/month for my home loan repayments. (Utils inc moobaan and 100/100 fible add 3Kbht/month)
    4. All really cheap, doubt if I spend 200bht/day
    5. Great when I'm not ill, very low if I'm ill (but that would be the same anywhere)
    Taken from my bedroom balcony (before the smog).
    Are you worried you may be rejected having to many stamps as a tourist.?
  14. [mention=259633]Odysseus123[/mention]:

    The average Gold Coast house costs $655,000. You keep posting pictures of what appears to be super upscale suburban neighborhoods and pristine vistas as if they were taken from your back porch. Those neighborhoods would be out of reach for the vast majority of Australians, let alone a retired Australian expat returning from a long stint in Thailand. My question is: what's the point, how is that helping anyone?

    [mention=97442]GinBoy2[/mention] :

    if I understand it correctly you live in Wyoming, USA which shows up on lists of "most affordable" states to retire in. Got my interest, and started looking around. But what I haven't heard from you is much about the hellish winters, the flooding, the redneck environment, the poor airline connections, the remoteness, the cultural wasteland, or how your Thai wife is treated as a non-white person or being in an inter-racial relationship. I'm just saying if you're going to compare other places to Thailand, you need to be objective and present a realistic and balanced portrait, not just make it a self-congratulatory puff-piece about where you've chosen to move to.

    [mention=297438]madmen[/mention] :

    You've been one of the most outspoken posters on this forum about how the condo market is going great guns, and how all the visa changes and possible medical insurance requirements are much to-do about nothing, and now you tell us that in truth, you're planning on repatriating to Australia in the near future? Dag! That's all I've got to say: Dag!


    Have I stirred things up enough this on this glorious sunny Sunday morning, gentlemen? [emoji3]


    Place is rented not for sale. I was right the 800k and 65 k has barley changed but the rip off insurance if it is indeed mandatory is another beast altogether . I need to go back for medical reasons only and will come back and the 40k a month converted to oz dollars plus pension will make it super easy so yeah condo is frigging great cash cow.  



    • Like 1
  15. Now your being absolutely ridiculous.
    I've given explanations not of my own, but from a website.
    Is this another of your 'what if' conspiracies.
    The term 'renewal' is often used in the UK, meaning something needs replacing with new.
    Contracts quite often use the word 'renewal' which relates to the period a contract needs to be renewed.
    Dead right he pumps out the what if threads at an alarming rate. I have wondered if there is mental illness or depression there.. It's not normal. I hope he can pull away from TV
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