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Posts posted by madmen

  1. On 5/9/2019 at 5:48 PM, batata said:

    Chinese investors!!!! no surprises then, all expected, Singapore is much to classy and not easy to corrupt for them

    Gun foot SHOOT !!!


    singapore is a multiracial and multicultural country withethnic Chinese (76.2% of the citizen population), Malays (15.0%), and ethnic Indians (7.4%) making up the majority of the population. There are also Eurasians in Singapore. The Malays are recognised as the indigenous community.

    • Confused 1
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  2. 19 minutes ago, mngmn said:

    Bangkok condos THB 100,000 per square metre. Perth apartments AUD 2000 per square metre in central city suburbs.


    No brainer.


    Hang on a minute. Bangkok condos are in the heart of the city, right in the main drag. Perth condos at 2000 aud are 10-20kms away from the main drag in perth city center.

    Lets keep it real , no car needed in the heart of Bangkok. Taxi from perth suburbs to city center $50-70 To pay 350 baht for a schooner of beer smaller than a pint.....No thanks

  3. 1 minute ago, Nyezhov said:

    Somehow I think I would enjoy Loei more than rural Hungary

    East Europe >>>The worlds best cheeses, salamis, wines, cheap real beer, cheep hookers,incredible architecture and museums , art galleries, culture, great night life, Real women that were never hookers and stunning villages Where the number one export is not sending daughters to work as bar girls  eg isaan>>>Pattaya.   I find Loei rather Underwhelming 

    • Like 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, uhuh said:

    Agreed, but you are wrong about prices for prostitutes in "the West", whatever that means:

    Sweden totally illegal

    Germany 30 euro ST, cheaper than Bangkok


    Sure but will she hold hands taking long romantic walks telling you that your first farang she fall in love with and how first time she have orgasm with farang and.....she stop work and wait you come back if you pay 20k baht per month? These are all free extras in Thailand

    • Haha 2
  5. 40 minutes ago, CH1961 said:

    And here the truth about Australian beaches ... feel free to use any search engine to get more examples ????

    FFC_28-01-2011_EGN_02_28beach rubbish1_t640.jpg

    images (1).jpeg

    That happens on new years eve parties and Australia day but you can also see paid workers cleaning it up . Whats wrong with second pic? looks like bondi beach during a holiday eg Australia day or Boxing day


    This is Bondi Beach taken by a camera with more than 2 pixels ????


    • Like 2
  6. 1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

    When I was there they didn't have power in the mornings.

    The hotel had it's own jenny, so not really a problem.

    I would go for an early morning walk along the river, then sit by the pool or by the river drinking a beer.

    Its a big problem for those relying on machines eg those with sleep apnea and other illness. Used to get lots of power cuts in Bankok about 12 years ago but very rare now. I live in a high floor so walking down to ground would probably kill me

  7. 8 minutes ago, soistalker said:

    My Vietnam Visa is $185 per year, given by a polite and smiling vietnamese consulate. Last year, same same. I do not need to leave the country for a year. I do not need to refister my address. I do not need to go to immigration the day after I arrive in country. I do not need go to immigration every 90 days. And I dont need to marry a good-for-nothing ex-slapper lazy woman to make it easier for me to stay here. No one every yells at me. No one is violent. No one is nasty to me. And I dont have smelly men clapping at me as I walk by. I can ride a motorcycle without being run down by an immature driver who will not follow the law because me, ME, ME! I can walk down the beach at night with ZERO fear of being murdered by a "Burmese" who will bludgeon me before he rapes my wife and bludgeon her.

     "do not need to go to immigration the day after I arrive in country. I do not need go to immigration every 90 days"


    oh what a drama queen! this can be done by mail.  I agree about the slapper though 

  8. 2 minutes ago, seasia said:

    Food costs a fraction of the EU ?


    Let us see.


    Pasta is half the price in Italy compared to Thailand.


    Drinking water, despite it being safe to drink the tap water in Italy is actually cheaper there.


    Quality ham cheaper in Italy.

    Quality cheese  cheaper in Italy.


    Beer about 30 % cheaper.


    Wine a quarter of the price.


    Pizza cheaper and better.


    Olives cheaper.

    Salami cheaper.


    Tomatoes taste of tomatoes not the tasteless Thai rubbish.


    Chocolate  is  cheaper.


    Bread is better and cheaper.

    Chicken is more expensive though.


    To balance, transport is way more expensive.

    Getting someone to do a manual task is also way more expensive.


    Roads are better, motorists obey and respect pedestrian crossings, they stop, unlike in Thailand.


    Service better.


    Health standards are higher.


    No place is perfect.


    All depends on what your priorities in life are.


    All of the east European countries are also cheaper than Thailand except perhaps in their Thai restaurants.

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  9. Just now, AlexRich said:

    I also tire of the childish idiots whose only response to, at times, very sensible and helpful posts, is "leave then". The point of Thai Visa is to provide information that is helpful, like if you have breathing issues avoid Chiang Mai. No point getting butt-hurt because someone makes a critical comment about your favourite place ... or in some cases the place you can never escape from.



    Its not a one way street

    The serial bashers and we all know who they are deserve to be told to  F off and thats assuming they are even in the country

    • Like 1
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  10. 42 minutes ago, connda said:

    I don't think you or others are 'foolish', just under-informed.  You don't know what you don't know, and most don't see all of Thailand's warts until they get here. 
    If I had it to do all over again?  I would have spent a lot of time on expat forums for different countries.  I would have traveled more.  I would have factored in the host country's immigration policies, like permanent residency before making a decision to settle here.  Because of the Thai government's recent moves to make living here more difficult, as well as looking at a future where immigration policy simply gets more repressive, I've now done my homework.  Had I done that homework 12 years ago - I would not be living here right now.
    It's progressively becoming a real pain in the ass to live here.  There is no doubt that foreigner money is welcome, but that foreigners themselves are not. 
    My recommendation to others?  Find somewhere else to retire.   Find some other nationality other than Thai to marry as nobody here will give a damn about you supporting a Thai family.  They will suck you dry and then show you the door - even if you have established a family.
    Live in Thailand and you'll always be an unwanted outsider.

    The world was a different place 12 years ago. All SEA country's are slowly tightening their Visa laws and what looks ok today will guarantee to change in the not to distant future. The thing is all SEA has its good points but what Thailand does is pull them all altogether under the one roof and for this we have to pay extra.

    • Like 1
  11. 18 hours ago, Bournville said:

    Plus finding a comfortable seat is easy! Cheap food in Bali can be had sitting in an upholstered wicker chair.. the same cheap food in Thailand was ALWAYS eaten while sitting on a plastic or metal stool at a rickety card table!

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

    People may think thats a petty complaint but I agree with you 100% Im 6ft 3" with a dodgy knee and sitting on those 12 inch high plastic stools with my knees around my ears is a no go

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