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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 2 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

    Though the  jury is still out on this fellow, Thailand for some reason seems to attract some of most mentally ill tourists/expats in the world. I'm very surprised that immigration policies are not a lot more stricter but I'm sure in time they will be.

    for some reason? they are just about all men . Alcohol and women would be the leading cause 


    • Sad 1
  2. After you have lived in Thailand for a while you will realize that a larger age difference than the West is considered normal.  Also because of the large number of women who supplement their income catering to older men of all ethnic backgrounds it is not seen as as much of a taboo as the West.  Also having a second or minor wife is considered normal in Thailand for the man and the second wife and little if any stigma is attached.  


    All in all Thailand is a much more male friendly place to live for all but the new wave crop of PC men. 

    Been here 10 years. Mostly Only 2 places girls learn English, a bar or university.


    The guys married to girls 20 years younger are not from university but most guys in denial about their past and suck up any story like I not bar girl I just cashier lol


    Once you have a few years under your belt here you will get it.


  3. 26 minutes ago, NanLaew said:



    They've been carpet-bombing my inbox with imminent rate hike advisories after I solicited an online quote from them a few months back.

    Never ever get a quote online for insurance. I made the mistake with Regency for expats and now i get their super annoying ads every 30 mins on you tube and developed a dislike for British accents

  4. 37 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

    Why is it that only those who 'didn't marry a bar girl ' get so defensive. In a country with so much income inequality prostitution is so widespread as to be a way of life , judging people by their lack of choices seems odd.

    Ive met some very nice bargirls and some pretty appalling ' straight girls , if I married it would be to a nice girl regardless of her past.

    Amazing how people are in denial of the fact that bar girls were and to a lesser degree still are a major reason why farangs visited and settled in Thailand. Also before banging on about unwelcome sex pests be aware that their passing would barely dent the business ( though many Isaan villages would be far poorer ) as 90+% of prostitution in the country is driven by Thai punters.

    Bar girls are nice to you because they are telling you what you want to hear, its there job. straight girls are not interested in old men so in comparison can come across as appalling . No different to the west where straight girls will give a crusty old guy trying to be cute an appalling look as well

    • Sad 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Puchaiyank said:

    I'm guessing anger control is not an issue with Thai men.  Flying into a fit of rage...whether drunk/drugged or not...seems to be the norm for many and the consequences are not severe enough to discourage this abhorrent behavior.  Past time to make the public aware that this will not be tolerated.

    50% of female murders in the world are by partners. Thailand aint special

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  6. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Especially if you're aged 90 and haven't been back to the "homeland" in 30 years. What a mess. People are going to be really hurt by these changes. Many people and very badly. 

    You have chosen extremes to make your point. Do you even know anyone aged 90?  the reality is they will go back to their 1st world nanny state in an nice new plane where they will be cuddled until they die with no visa stress issues . biggest problem is finding accommodation but with air bnb there is a short term solution

    Its hardly a big deal, we are not talking a Marco polo type of adventure

  7. 10 minutes ago, Lungstib said:

    Strangely enough, if you read the declaration announced in 1932, some Thais were calling for an end to absolute dictatorial powers and something akin to democracy some 100 years before you think they should get it.

    In your own words "some thais" 

    1932! Plenty of time to get it right and they still struggling. Your post is a perfect example of why democracy may never work here. 


    Thais want stability before democracy and that's why there were no big protests in the last 4 years. I'm truly surprised that farang on TV don't get it 

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