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Posts posted by madmen

  1. I think you don't know how the Philippines are ticking. Sure, this law text exits. But who cares. All of my friends live since years and years on a tourist visa in Philippines. Including myself. You get one month, then you extend your free visa and after 3 months you will get 6 months. After 2 months you will even get a ACR-I (ID card for foreigners). This is very helpful in daily life. (Bank, renting, travel etc). With the tourist visa you are allowed to stay up to 3 years. Then you do a 1 or 2 trip to i.e. Hongkong. So to cut the story short, almost nobody I know bothers to apply for this expensive and complicated retriee visa. But up to you, keep staying in the Big Joke land. We for ourselves don't miss this land of FALSE SMILES and feel sorry for all of you.


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    Who in their right mind is going to buy into a country that will deport you for being rude to government officials?


    Maybe backpackers who could care less but this thread is about older singles and family's that may want to relocate.


    And that nutter PM has made it legal for the public to kill drug dealers. Good luck if you upset your Filipino neighbour's.. [emoji24]


    • Like 2
  2. Most good agents do not offer a convenience service
    they do not have the time to do so
    they won't stand in line or hand hold for persons who can do it themselves but are too lazy . dumb or both to do it themselves
    That is the domain of the bottom feeders
    ?some People pay 20k for the convieinace. Agent doesn't care what you call his service
  3. Good idea.
    The urine stained cargo shorts and yellow Singha tank top with coffee and beer stains might be a precursor also.  [emoji846]
    Overall appearance and an alert demeanor may assist one with not being a victim of these crimes.
    In a previous life I worked as a Ferrari salesman at scuderia veloce motors in Sydney.
    I learnt very quickly not to judge a book by its cover and cargo shorts minus the pee stains of course plus the wife beater
    .. Bought Ferraris lol

    However I will test out your theory and start wearing a suit and not have a drink before I visit 7/11 [emoji16]
  4. Why?
    Just put the 800 k in an account and forget about it until you leave this place.
    Your Elite Visa money is gone for ever.
    Talk about a bad investment....
    Oh I agree [emoji106] but I'm talking about the level of wealth that allows them to buy a 5 million USA DOLLARS condo in the Q condo Nana bts.

    The elite visa is still going for good reason as it's loose change for many
  5. No.
    Thais usually count the change 2 or even 3 times before handing it back to you.  Then, I count it myself after I receive it takes about 5 seconds.
    Anyone that claims it has happened "dozens of times" is either not telling the truth and making a Thais are thieves reference or they are being victimized for a reason.  Maybe lack of focus, attention, the odor of alcohol, etc.
    I'm going to try chewing on mints to see if alcohol is the real culprit [emoji23]
  6. no it won't 
    they agent will simply deposit and show money in bank again and pay again for seasoning to be overlooked
    this is a benefit to agents with 800,000 baht
    use money twice, charge twice, and pay IO twice
    Remember we are talking about those that are struggling. Paying 50 k a year would have a big impact on a family with kids.

    The guys that were paying agents for convenience are not going to pay double IMO. There is a point where common sense kicks in.

    The wealthy expats just buy an elite visa.
    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. Not necessarily. The IO could possibly apply a single waiver, covering seasoning before and after the issue of the visa extension. Also, I see nothing in the order to suggest that you will need to visit immigration between extensions. It's possible that they will ask to see evidence of your compliance when you make your next visa extension. Therefore, IO applies one big fat waiver every year. Agree that the price for the service will probably rise. How much? Depends how greedy the IO and his superiors are.
    Don't forget, when you pay tea money, a percentage goes all the way to the top. Big Joke gets a cut and even those above him.
    Good news for those with families here if that's the case.
  8. Same as it always has done. You give the agent 15k baht.  Agent puts 800k in a Thai bank account. Takes copy of bank book and letter from bank saying that you have 800k baht in your bank account. Promptly removes 800k from your account and toddles off to immigration with bank book and bank letter. Pays IO an unspecified sum and IO waivers any need for seasoning. IO grants visa extension. Agent gives you your passport containing 12 months visa extension, job done. No need for 800k baht or any visits to IO.
    New rules state that the money needs to be there for 3 months after extension. So another trip to immigration

    How will your agent handle that
    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
    • Haha 1
  9. There are many countries that treat Thai citizens living in their country far better than Thai Immigration treat foreigners living in Thailand.  I really believe there will be a lot of foreigners leaving Thailand as their visas come up for renewal.  This exodus is already slowly starting.  
    Every time a foreigner leaves Thailand, their apartment or condo becomes empty. The restaurants and coffee cafes end up with one less customer, as do other stores they shop at.  Once these people leave, it is doubtful of them ever returning.  In spite of what many Thai visa posters think, over time this foreign exodus will have a negative effect on the local Thai business's where these foreigners live.  
    I read a fair amount of smug comments about these expats being unable or unwilling to abide by immigrations monetary requirements and are happy these people are being forced to leave.  Shame on the pompous and smug expats who make these comments.  I hope the fleas of a thousand Camels infest their nostrils.  As to the expats who are negatively affected by all this nonsense, I hope the best for you. [emoji846]
    Sorry to burst your fantasy but those that can't afford 800k most certainly can NOT afford a 5 to 10 million baht condo paid for in cash!
    Should be quite a few 4k fan rooms up for rental though
    • Haha 2
  10. I originally planned on the "800k in a Thai bank" method. Then when the new rules on 65k baht income came out, I thought that I'd give that a try. Made my first transfer this month, always with having a backup of 800k baht method in mind.
    Now, just praying that the 65k baht in a Thai bank method doesn't prove problematic. 800k baht method doesn't seem a very good option now.
    Of course there's always the agency route as a backup......
    How would the agent method work now?
    • Haha 1
  11. I give the Thai's the respect that they are due - nothing more.
    To do more would label me a mouse, a weakling and a man with no moral scruples. I am not that man but it appears that you are.
    Respect is earned, not given and Thailand has not earned that respect and hasn't come close, nor will it, I suspect.
    I am assuming that you can still pick your balls up at immigration if you ever leave.
    Oh come on. Your being silly, I'm not talking about useful debate on these boards but blind hard-core attacks on every single thread for as far back as TV can be researched on EVERYTHING thai

    You know it, I know it and The fact your trying to minimize it shows your an instigator. Or are you to blind to see it?

    Only idiot farang would take on a nation of buhdists and think some how karma is just a myth.

    Well today kinda destroyed that theory.

    I have genuine sympathy for the family guys on a small budget that have embraces thailand. They don't deserve this.

    • Like 1
  12. Hmmm
    So I have 800K in the bank and a valid retirement extension in my passport.
    But I am fed up with Thai immigration and decide to move to Vietnam.
    I therefore transfer my 800K back to my bank in my home country.
    I then grab a taxi to the airport to leave Thailand once and for all.
    But I am arrested for overstay at the airport and put in the IDC because my extension is no longer valid (Because I don't have 800K or even 400K in a Thai bank).
    Am I missing something?
    Yes, desperately missing thailand within a few months [emoji16]
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