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Everything posted by JackGats

  1. I was told the "residence certificate" we get from immigration (for instance in order to extend a driving licence) was not really a "proof of address". It was more a document that certified we were living in TH legally. I once saw a real proof of address issued to an expat. Very different from the above "certificate of residence". Someone from Thai city hall came to his home to confirm he was living there. I think you need a tabian ban for someone from Thai city hall to agree to come to your home and check. If language is the sole problem, getting a certified translation should be easy.
  2. A short heads-up about glitches when e-filing Form 90. I managed to send in my Form 90 (with a request for refund of paid dividends) after some trial and error. On my MacBook I couldn't log into my e-filing account at all. The system returned an error message when I sent back my OTP number. On my iPad I could get into my account, fill in the form and complete the whole process up to the very last step but the final submission didn't go through. Worse still, when I relogged to start from scratch, all my figures were gone. My personal data remained unscathed. Finally, on my Samsung Galaxy all went smoothly and I got an acknowledgement of receipt from the TRD. P.S. I ended up filing on my own - taking things into my own hands - after the tax agency I contracted seemed to be making nothing but a dog's breakfast of the whole thing.
  3. You can get a "letter of residence" from any hotel where you stay, and with that go to the immigration office corresponding to where the hotel is located in order to get a residence certificate.
  4. I'd like to buy new models more often but the hassle of re-installing banking apps and verification apps prevents me from doing so.
  5. I remember someone explaining that the removal proper of the amalgams cause more contamination than keeping them until they fall off by themselves.
  6. Whether the US or Canada, men in both need to board an intercontinental flight to get laid.
  7. I also hope Trump puts the Southern Poverty Law Center on the list of terrorist organisations, for that's what it is.
  8. Which point might that be? An animal species that has irrevocably poisoned its own planet beyond livability has no moral right to murder people on account of a few grams of white powder found in some pocket.
  9. Another problem with the death penalty is that with few exceptions it only gets applied to men. Still, in my view the real issue here is that drugs is a victimless crime and should be legal, no less.
  10. There we go again. Not only that, but "rapists and sex offenders" for good measure.
  11. Very clever of Bill Gates to come up with such a story. Suddenly they now all want to be Epstein's victims. Cowards all of them.
  12. He was liquidated. What did he do wrong exactly? Oh yeah, a middle-age gold-digger was a (17-year old) child at the time when she tripped over herself to get an invitation from Epstein. Big deal. Children cannot consent you see, except deranged parents sending their 10 year-old son to the chopper for sex reassignment is ok. Our Society is sick, very sick. RIP Epstein, you were not even guilty of anything reasonably criminal or abusive, not by a long shot. You just organised parties for late teenagers and some big shots.
  13. 10-digit number? I have a Thai TIN. It has 13 digits, which is confirmd on this website: https://org-id.guide/list/TH-TIN Quote: "The government site still mentions a 10-digit number but the law changed in 2012 and the TIN is now 13 digits long". So this Siam Legal guy does not even get this simple fact right?
  14. It's a malfunction in the sense that most hard-wirings of the humain brain world dysfunctional in the modern world because of technology. Masturbating to porn all day instead of going out and trying to find a mate is also such a malfunction due to technology.
  15. Alas, the thinking process is just the male-on-male rivalry hard-wired in the male brain. Male sends money in order to prevent, or so he hopes, the woman from having sex with other males. In the male brain this gets rationalised as "saving the girl from prostitution". In practice, because of the internet and easy money transfers, this foolish male behaviour ends up ruining the sexual market for all men, as more and more girls get paid NOT to have sex.
  16. The International Driving Permit according to the Vienna convention is valid for 3 years (unless your driving licence expires first). The International Driving Permit according to the Paris or Geneva convention is only valid for 1 years if my memory serves me right.
  17. Grab never agreed with me. I am now in Indonesia where I first tried to use Grab with my credit card. It worked well for 2 days. Then Grab started to demand "verification" of my credit card before each ride. This is not how such an app is supposed to work: once a credit card is verified, rides should get charged to the credit card automatically. Anyway, even after I scrambled to (re-)verify my credit card through my banking app, the Grab app still let me hang! I downloaded the local Indonesian ride app (Gojek) and this local app works fine with my credit card. Another thing with Grab that points to it being more of a scam than anything else: it uses the main push notification channel to send spam. This is unethical as app ethics go. I suspect the Grab business model is not based on providing rides. It is based on spamming users.
  18. But if the male is a local 16-year old hoodlum who doesn't' even know what a condom is, it's suddenly alright for him to bed the 16 year-old girls isn't it? There's a name for this self-defeating ideology: age cuckoldry. Meanwhile the gutless Western man is getting what he deserves: Higher and stricter age of consent laws that blackmail 99% men. Stricter and less proof for sexual abuse hoax laws that affect 99% men. Enormous funding for Anglo UN and NGO programs pushing feminism and restricting male heterosexuality. Government tyranny happy to use feminism for increased power. Male and female sexual jealousy. Female sexual marketplace sexual strategy (envious MILFs) Weak male sexual strategy of appeasing women to get laid. Hypocritical and pathological christian feminism and evangelism. The list goes on.
  19. This is unfortunately not a joke. The Department of Homeland Security now understands its mission statement as waging a war against "trafficking", ie against male heterosexuality. This is ignoble and unprecedented: an government department created to protect its citizens against terrorism and gangsterism dedicating itself instead to getting its own citizens into trouble abroad. https://www.dhs.gov/topics/human-trafficking
  20. I can't understand why people who are already taxed in their own country, ie who don't need Thailand as a tax residence, do not simply spend 6 months outside Thailand. What is so special about Thailand that they should feel a compulsion to stay here more than 6 months? I like the few months I spend in TH but six months and a half is my upper limit. What's wrong with Vietnamese or Cambodian food? What's wrong with Indonesian sex?
  21. The Department of Home Security may have agents. German police? No way.
  22. It is correct for the time being, ie as long as something new like taxation on world-wide income doesn't arise. Your remittances while you hold an LTR visa are tax-free (which doesn't mean you are not required to file taxes and mention said remittances in your filing).
  23. Fresh coconut juice is high in K.
  24. Just the overall smell of the place. A dishwater smell.
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