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Everything posted by JackGats

  1. The manufacturer wants to prevent abuse. I bet the acetaminophen/paracetamol is only included as a deterrent to abuse. Acetaminophen is lethal at high doses.
  2. As for me, I don't bang people on the head with my degrees too much. They might wear out.
  3. Kratom was legalized in Thailand as an alternative to methadone. Switching from Tramadol to Kratom might be like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire though.
  4. For once the hotel's response was sensible. I guess here the "condescending" tone was the issue. Condescension though does not harm the planet (or anyone except snowflakes). A new toothbrush every day, on the other hand, is a total waste.
  5. "... resulted in the seizure of 0.88 grams of cocaine." Under zero tolerance, the police can confiscate 999 grams and resell them, while still sending the guy to jail for 1 gram. That's why some countries have zero tolerance in place.
  6. One thing I found that helps is eating less. I found that out when I did my Covid quarantine in Bangkok. I was kept slightly hungry all the time because I could not go out and eat as much as I wanted. One consequence was that I was hardly farting at all.
  7. For a second I thought this topic was about masturbation.
  8. If you look at the movie adaptations of great novels, like Dickens', the good adaptations are the older, black-and-white ones. The more recent ones pale in comparison. They butcher the plot and miss the spirit. The same applies to radio dramatizations. Present-day radio dramatizations feel like they were done by people who didn't bother to read the book, or who were hostile to it.
  9. Not what I was asking but thanks for pointing me to decarboxylators. I didn't know there existed dedicated contraptions to decarboxylate herbs.
  10. If I get it right you must first dry your stuff before decarboxylating. You can't put fresh non-dried buds into the oven at 110°C, otherwise they would kind of stew in their own water. The recommendation is to hang the harvested autoflower bush to dry for weeks on end at room temperature. Why so long? I own a kitchen dehydrator like the ones for drying mushrooms, vegetable and herbs. Couldn't it be just the ticket to dry my buds? For herbs they recommend drying for 4 to 6 hours at 40°C. Would that do the trick for weed?
  11. "Negative income tax". Is that meant to be English? If it is wouldn't it mean you get money back from the tax man?
  12. Especially since snipers, bodyguards, spies, bank robbers etc. are precisely what women ARE NOT in real life. I stopped watching Star Trek when women started to captain spaceships and starfleets.
  13. I take it "regardless of whether they are resident" should be interpreted as "regardless of whether they were resident".
  14. One thing I find reassuring in this whole story: Thailand has made it repeatedly clear one is not a tax resident in TH if one stays less than 180 days in Thailand. Few countries are so black-and-white about tax residency status.
  15. I know what you're talking about. I book window seats too, in order to be able to sleep (at the cost of it being a hassle to go to the john). It is then infuriating to find a stupid gap wherethrough your pillow will slip 2 hours into your night's sleep. Before you book a seat you may want to take a look at seat guru websites. They have seat maps for each particular flight. They may have warnings about "bad seats", without specifying the cause (gaps, seat non reclinable etc.). Of course if the airline switches planes at the last minute it will all have been to no avail. You may find yourself having wasted money on a seat for nothing. Not so long ago I had another mishap with a window seat: cold, coming from the window side. It would've taken a padded jacket and triple pairs of trousers to feel in any way comfortable. If that happens again I'll reconsider booking window seats at all.
  16. Well, maybe I am ADHD too, that's why.
  17. But the Singapore bank can be a pain in the neck. It will want utility bills (not always easy to get in Thailand). It will demand copies of your passport at regular intervals, to be certified at the Singapore embassy in Bangkok.
  18. Well what are you waiting for then? Get a Thai TIN asap! Then feed the Thai TIN to your UK bank. Do you prefer to risk losing your UK bank accounts just for the sake of not wasting 25 minutes at a Thai RD office in order to get a Thai TIN? As has been said before, having a Thai TIN is no game-changer as fare a taxation by Thailand is concerned. You can have a Thai TIN and not stay 180 days in Thailand.
  19. How easy is it to get this kind of kiddie coke prescribed in Thailand?
  20. Tolerance to weed is not that much of a problem since weed is relatively harmless. You can just increase the dosage to keep up with tolerance.
  21. In many countries having a wife who has a job can save you a lot of alimony money after a divorce. Dunno about Thailand.
  22. Indeed that is the fear of any LTR holder right now. Until further notice though, it feels good to have landed an LTR visa.
  23. It's a no-brainer. Your remittances are tax-free under the LTR if your are a tax resident in TH.
  24. What would be worth it is for members of this forum to be able to know what your topic is about.
  25. Youtube has quite a few classic cult movies you can watch for free, like The Great Combo, Sunset Boulevard, The Red House etc. For some reason these free movies never have original sub-titles. Running auto-generated sub-titles (in the original English) shows what a dog's breakfast auto-generated sub-titles make of the actors' lines. For intermediate-advanced learners, some teachers of Thai include their own 100% word-for-word sub-titles, like this teacher: Note that VOA Thai include their own sub-titles if you want to practise on the news, provided you put up with the political bias! If you want to rely on (Thai not English!) sub-titles there are quite a few options out there, not as many as we would like but enough to make headway in our study. Another online teacher I recommend is the lovely June (who hasn't been posting for 3 years now, sob-sob, did she get, as we men say, scooped up?):
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