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Everything posted by JackGats

  1. So for example if you flew on a one-way ticket with at least six months remaining on your Thai visa, they would try to bump you for not having a return flight.
  2. A girl who was studying for the bar was keen on me back then. Though not ugly, she was no looker either. I don't regret having passed.
  3. Nazi = national socialism (Nationalsozialismus). So strictly speaking Hitler was a socialist.
  4. Right-wing populist parties aren't fascists (why would they be?). They're anti-immigration, vaguely anti-EU and anti-NATO, opposed to climate hysteria and compulsory homosexuality, among other things. They gain traction, threatening the binary-trap monopoly of established parties. The latter then try every trick in the book to have them banned. Old guard clinging to power. Rings a bell.
  5. She still has fifty times more chances of getting justice than disenfranchised men have in their Western home countries.
  6. Indeed that was July 18th not August 18th!
  7. I just got the mail stating my "qualifications for LTR have been endorsed". That's rather quick. I applied on August 18th with all required documents. Planning to fly to Thailand around August 20th. I'm confused about in which order I am to do things as of now. I am outside Thailand and I want the visa to be stamped in Bangkok. What I should do next is "choose the location for LTR issuance" (OSS Bangkok) on the LTR website. Should I do that right now OR after I've booked a flight to Thailand OR after I've landed in Thailand? There's also the termination of my present visa (non-O) that goes hand in hand with a form bearing the rambling title "CRITERIA AND CONDITIONS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM FOR PRE-APPROVAL PROCESS ...". At which point should I upload said form? Right now OR after I've booked a flight to Thailand OR after I've landed in Thailand? When I log in to my status page I don't see any button to "choose the location for LTR issuance". I only see "Please upload the remaining documents and update additional information in order to proceed with the visa issuance". Is that because I already chose the issuance in Bangkok right from the start of my application? I don't remember exactly what I did back then but I have a faint memory I was prompted for that choice already.
  8. Strictly speaking, the correct pronoun should be "it".
  9. How would a virtual card work in case of a refund? Can the ticket be refunded on the virtual card? I thought virtual cards were burner cards, to be used only once (like in order to pay membership on a porn site lol).
  10. The Iranians working at the IDC are not per se gangsters. They do most of the leg-work. They even take care of some of the paperwork which should be the responsibility of Thai staff. I remember being grateful for an Iranian who spoke good English. He dug out the file of the detainee I'd come to help out so that, at last, something could be done. I remember his barely hiding his impatience at the lethargy of Thai staff around him. I surmise they're Iranians who are no longer wanted in their own country (refugees of sorts).
  11. Write to driving licence agencies and ask them if they can help. My agency in Pattaya offered to secure a certificate of residence for a fee with a view to renewing the licence. You may have to do the hotel thing first so that you are "residing" within the constituency of the agency.
  12. The death penalty for drugs (or blasphemy, or adultery, or prostitution ...) has never been a deterrent. It's a satanic cult that happens to be called "the law".
  13. Ciclopirox and other pharmacy varnishes didn't work for me. What I found worked better was tea tree oil.
  14. Seems your brains were blown out too.
  15. Don't pharmacies in Thailand only sell delayed-onset Melatonin? I switched to Theanine as my soft, non-addictive sleeping aid. I noticed it worked much like Melatonin only much longer. While Melatonin only helped me to fall asleep, Theanine kept me sleeping for hours. P.S. Theanine is often not recommended for people who take blood pressure medication, but I don't know how stringent this contraindication is.
  16. I certainly don't believe in ad hoc narratives from a scientific nomenklatura who keep changing the goal posts.
  17. Yes but I don't believe in that narrative. They changed it to hedge their bets after the rate of global warming didn't materialise. Especially so after it turned out temperature measurements had been taken too close to cities as cities grew (urban heat islands). They stigmatised sceptics for refusing to believe in anthropic global warming, but they refused to recognise there was an "anthropic" bias with measurements being taken too close to modern cities. By definition the climate is that which changes. Throwing in rain, droughts, winds, coastal erosion, hurricanes just serves to allow cherry-picking events as they happen. The refusal to make allowances for population explosion whenever geohazards are being attributed to "climate change" is a scientific scandal. The world's population grew from an estimated 2.5 billion in 1950 to 7.9 billion in 2021!
  18. When it turned out global warming was not clear-cut they renamed it "climate change". When it turned out climate change itself was not clear-cut they renamed it "rate of change". What next? Or maybe you thing you're the only one on this forum who understands secondary school maths?
  19. Really? So it's alright to execute people for adultery or insulting Allah isn't it? Because those criminals knew the law. They knew there was a death penalty for blasphemy or adultery. Congratulations for your enlightened view!
  20. Let out a stinker so that everybody rushes to open the windows?
  21. I remember reading about a youngster who turned in his dad (who was dealing meth). Rarely happens though.
  22. If it were up to me (and not up to the girl to accept me), I'd apply the following formula: Gap = [my age] - 18 The reason being you don't need females to be old already, they get old by themselves.
  23. According to David Benatar, when people fall into depression it's because they suddenly see life for what it is, instead of through the lens of our hard-wired optimism bias. I've considered becoming a perpetual nomad but I'm scared. I've got so much running on my passport or smartphone these days. If I lose one of them I'll need six months to recover. So it's cannabis and Viagra for me.
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