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Everything posted by JackGats

  1. ATM withdrawal in TH or even paying a hotel with a foreign credit card in TH is tantamount to importing funds into Thailand I think. More difficult to police than bulk remittances, but all the same. If you rely on that to stay under the radar, you'll be technically committing tax evasion. P.S. Same regarding flying in with wads of currency to exchange at money changers (where they photocopy your passport).
  2. Not fully. Bank secrecy only gets lifted in Germany when the revenue service is already suspecting or investigating someone. The revenue service cannot just phone or e-mail a bank in order to ask for data.
  3. If only this meant "low plastic".
  4. The question is, once you speak Thai very fluently, will Thais want to speak to you in Thai? It may turn out that however better your Thai is compared to their English, they will refuse to speak Thai with you. Instead of pursuing the conversation in Thai, they will abort the conversation with the usual "How long you been Thailand? You speak Thai good". That's as far as spending years learning Thai may bring you: "How long you been Thailand - You speak Thai good".
  5. What about the word "always"? Doesn't it have a meaning too, like other words in the sentence?
  6. Is the FACTA form for Americans to fill in?
  7. If the income has been received in another country and later within the same tax year is being transferred to the taxpayer’s account in Thailand it must be taxed in Thailand. This describes the state of things up to now, not the new situation created by the RD paper.
  8. Agree, provided you do your garlic cooking up the same mountain.
  9. What about doing away with punitive custom duties on cheese, balsamico and olive oil then?
  10. The question asks "will it put ME at risk". It might still involve a higher risk for others.
  11. Doxocyclin not a good proposition if you stay out in the sun for long, like you would in Thailand.
  12. In other words if you get paid a pension of say 8k dollars a months as from January 2024, under the LTR you're allowed to remit 8k x 12 dollars worth taxfree in 2024.
  13. Oh dear. We're back to earned income now. These feedbacks from the LTR units will soon have covered all thinkable enforcements and their opposites.
  14. Never mind how many new flights, seats will never be available when you want to redeem miles.
  15. Let's not forget tax advisors have recently been creeping out of the woodwork eager to cash in on this scare. LTR holders will make juicy customers if they can be scared enough to seek counselling at this premature juncture.
  16. Why accusations took so long? Because the wymmyns loved it as long as they were young and popular. After the wymmyns hit the wall and ceased to be popular, they "remembered" being raped. Same old, same old.
  17. Meeting emission objectives = closing our 2 last coal power plants while China connects a new one to the grid EVERY MONTH.
  18. From Royal decree 743: "Section 5 Income tax under Part 2 of Chapter 3 in Title 2 of the Revenue Code shall be exempted for a foreigner categorised as Wealthy Global Citizen, Wealthy Pensioner, or Workfrom-Thailand Professional who is granted a Long-Term Resident Visa under immigration law for assessable income under section 40 of the Revenue Code derived in the previous tax year from an employment, or from business carried on abroad, or from a property situated abroad, and brought into Thailand."
  19. Even if you leave Thailand to settle elsewhere, the LTR gives you the right not to worry about the 30 day-deadline whenever you visit Thailand again.
  20. In that case what will happen to those hailing from a country that has a DTA with Thailand, but who have not been taxed in said country because they are de facto residents of Thailand owing to the time they spend in Thailand? I assume the mere existence of a DTA with Thailand would not get them off the hook. They would have to show taxation did occur.
  21. In the run-up to the election I was nearly called names on this forum for suggesting we had nothing to win in any political change. Rants after rants were posted about "the will of the people". Well, there you are folks! The will of the people. The people need your money after they were promised hand-outs of cash.
  22. Could be worse than that, ie considered and taxed as money earnt (without a working permit) from inside Thailand.
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