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Everything posted by AAArdvark

  1. Mine says Chonburi just like it should. Must be magic! And 28 hour service
  2. 90 day online approval says "keep in passport". Can the old one be discarded?
  3. I just did my first online in 5 years and it was accepted and pending. Jomtien There seems to be multiple address and an app https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login Is the correct/best address to use? The receipt has boxes for Tourist or Non-Imm but that is not on the application form??
  4. Which brings up a question. When it is submitted on line, who actually approves it? Does it go to a central place or is it routed to a particular IO?
  5. did you use this "https//extranet.imigration.do.th................................" ?
  6. By the way, if anyone wants to try the app, if is no longer supported but you can download the apk for 90 days Report apk
  7. Simply that your arrival date is the date you get stamped in
  8. Thanks for your information. With online there can be consequences because the online often takes a while to be accepted or no accepted at all. This means there could be a rush to file in person.
  9. Does that mean I add 89 days to the date I arrive? This gives me October 9 where my app gives me October 10 as if it was adding 90 days?
  10. I use an Android app (90 days report) to calculate the correct filling dates. The online date for online filing is given by the app as: Arrival day Jul 12 (regturn from overseas trip) Due date October 10 In Person Sept 26 -- Oct 17 Online Sept 26 -- Oct 10 When I manually count the dates, I get dates that are one day off. Could someone please verify my math
  11. Well I guess I have been wasting my time with TM30's and TM47's if they don't know where I am
  12. Same with me and several friends
  13. How is it normally spoken, June 21st or 21 June?
  14. More dangerous when walking on the street with no walkway.
  15. They are hidden behind metallic covers as cigarettes are not allowed to be seen.
  16. Hopefully your Airbnb term is at least 30 days or it would be illegal, making the TM30 problematic.
  17. You obviously don't do much traveling. Using pills is exactly the wrong way to do it. Just tough it out and force yourself to use the new timezone and in a couple days you will have adjusted.
  18. Many farmers hurting
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