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Everything posted by AAArdvark

  1. Exactly where is it and what services do they provide there?
  2. Almost as bad as people using BKK for a bank or the city of Bangkok rather than the airport.
  3. If you ask if it is a ladyboy or lady you can ask how old she is. Unless you don't care about either
  4. Only safe plan is to talk to your local imm and that would be in the place you might be moving to, if applicable.
  5. apparently not if it is an online transaction. Also, some of this got confusing with the new tm 30 system and Immigration requiring new tm 30s for no real reason other than the existing one was old.
  6. When going to a hotel, I always use my driver's license and never a passport.
  7. I know this is old but you can google 7-11 TH app APK download. It will install that way.
  8. A little bit of punctuation would go a long way to help us understand your English.
  9. But some thing must happen to the body. Embassy gets notified but they brobably won't find next of kin. Does the local community dispose of the body without payment?
  10. How to not bother your family. I will have little things of value, certainly not enough for someone to fly from the US. No Thai relatives. I don't care what happens to my body. No will. So how to avoid any expenses to my US family?
  11. So what is to be done for those 4 countries? I thought that a statement showing deposits from overseas was all that was needed.
  12. Does that guide still work with the new TM-30 system?
  13. A beer from the Philippines with multiple versions
  14. I always try to give ONLY my driver's license, and most of the time it works.
  15. More like ambivalent on Taiwan and just dislike mainland China. And then you have the 50 pecent of the people who could not find either on a map.
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