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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Hard to tell from the pixelated photo, but I imagine she is covered in tattoos and is a well hard faced be-atch. Apparently she eats her breakfast egg while it's still inside the chicken.
  2. And next week, the star formally known as Rhiley Morrison will demonstrate how to eat light bulbs, in order to appear brighter.
  3. ???????? Meat is meat and fruit is fruit and never the twain shall meet.
  4. Better to stick with topics you are educated about. Judging by his post, that's going to narrow the field down considerably. ????
  5. Et tu Sipi? Guess that culture never got as far as the Outback. ????
  6. That's more than I put into my sausages, unfortunately my chicken separating machine is in for repairs. Full ingredients for my homemades: Pork shoulder (or mince) Sage Salt White pepper Nutmeg Rusk Natural skins No artificial flavouring No artificial colouring No artificial preservatives
  7. Sorry but I disagree with this, I will never refer to the Thai street hot dogs as sausages. If I ordered a full English breakfast and got hot dogs instead of sausages, I would send it back. To hell with the dictionary definition, calling the slop that comes out of Pizza Hut 'pizza' doesn't make it so...
  8. Why did they use the word 'sausages' in the headline when the story is about hot dogs. There is nothing in this story about real sausages. Also, as they are talking about local made hot dogs, they should define their understanding of the word 'delicious'.
  9. Excellent news, I now have another excuse for not washing my car. ????
  10. If you hate Thaksin for being corrupt then you deserve to have Prayuth as PM. What an absolutely weird thing to base an argument on. So if I don't like steak I should have to have salmon, despite whether I like salmon or not. Why do you feel that we have to pick a side with either of these crooks? BTW, there is no steak or salmon, these were used as an example. I feel that I need to explain that to you, as you are having difficulty understanding my other posts.
  11. Your statement does not make sense, there is no current election, so why would the politicians be bribing voters at this time?
  12. put politic aside, i rather look at a young pretty woman in politic then an old fart running the country Really, is that how you use your vote, voting for a pretty face rather than a career politician with experience. You would prefer a bimbo with absolutely no experience as a country leader. You set the bar pretty high, don't you..... ????
  13. Lie detector tests, same same witchcraft. Why not just toss a coin, Heads = guilty - Tails = innocent.
  14. I'm presuming that the posters on here who believe that the second election win by Thaksin was fair and just are either ill informed or in denial about what a fair and just election means. Many of Thaksin's opponents, and indeed many who spoke out about him, also 'conveniently' happened to be drug dealers, so where executed during his 'war on drugs'. Around election time, red envelopes were flying around the villages of North Thailand to 'help the poor farmers', so definitely not a bribe then? The current lot are no better but let's not make the Shins out to be the answer.
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