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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Is this just keyboard racism or are you a full time bigot?
  2. The main reason that it took so long was because they would not allow him to start the process for the 30 day extension until he could show a screenshot of his online TM30 application and as he was a guest in my wife's house, the application and approval was made on her phone. What's the use of having an online system if they are not able to check the system?
  3. Samutprakarn and they effed him about rotten yesterday, took him from 9am until 3pm just to get his 30 day extension.
  4. Thank you Dr. J. I will pass this information on to my friend.
  5. I currently have a friend visiting, who arrived on a 3 month visa (2 months with a 30 day extension). He has just activated the 30 day extension, which allows him to stay until 6th April. However, he wants to stay for another month after this runs out. What options does he have?
  6. Thai TV hardly covered the Olympics - what else will we miss? Hopefully the Summer Olympics.
  7. Serious question, what action would you take if it was a Thai driver?
  8. It's a good job that they managed to get out before being charged with 'work permit' related charges. In Thailand being an Assassin of drug dealers is a protected occupation, which is reserved for Thai police people.
  9. I don't think that this thread is going in the direction that he imagined that it would. ????
  10. I heard that the Pope has a caravan in Bang Saen for dirty weekends. Apparently its a real posh one with velvet flock wallpaper, fur lined handcuffs and an inside khazi, which doubles as a confession box.
  11. From the headline 'no charges yet'. I would be more worried about the hospital charges.
  12. I sometimes park my car on public land, does this mean that everyone has the right to use my car?
  13. Lazada have it at 69 Baht for 40g (+p&p)
  14. Lazada is your friend. https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=oven+door+seal&_keyori=ss&from=input&spm=a2o4m.home.search.go.698a7f6dNdrm1N
  15. I stopped drinking around 4 years ago, so for the new year (muted) celebrations I tried to get my usual Heineken 0.0. Being able to hold a bottle and chat with my mates makes me feel a sense of belonging to the crowd, the bottle is a great prop. While shopping for Heineken 0.0 I could only find cans and they don't give off the same vibe and the substitute beer actually starts to taste like a substitute beer. However, I did spot San Mig's Zero beer and a quick scan of the label and the very oversized lettering of 'ZERO' told me that it would be ok for a non drinker. On New Year's Eve I fired up the BBQ and opened a bottle. Like I said, it tasted putrid, so I palmed it off on one of my relatives. The relative returned to me 10 minutes later, pointing out to me that there was 3% alcohol in the drink and showed me the small print at the bottom of the label. Unsuspecting non drinkers are part of Sam Mig's target when offloading this 'drink' and I feel that the brewery should be stopped from this underhand marketing. It boils my pish so much that I'm thinking about writing them a very strongly worded letter.
  16. Religion is the opiate of the masses. Smokey36 - 2017. (Though I think that he may have been quoting Karl Marx).
  17. It's a human right to wear condoms, even during the period that aids was a highly deadly disease. It's a human right to grow up without being raped by your local vile perverted priest. It's a human right to be given pain killers if you are dying a painful death, rather than being told that you have to suffer to go to heaven. It's a human right to be gay. Unless you are a Catholic. Why would anyone listen to this evil man, who is at the very top of the biggest propaganda ring in the world?
  18. If you want alcohol free beer Heineken 0.0 is the best available in Thailand (bottles taste better than cans). Don't fall for San Miguel's Zero beer, it tastes putrid, it definitely isn't beer but it does have alcohol 3% alcohol. ????
  19. I have a friend over on a 60 day tourist visa and he intends to activate the 30 day extension. Could someone please clarify when he should apply for the extension (he's only been here for 2 weeks so far). is there a time window?
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