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Posts posted by frantick

  1. 2 hours ago, placeholder said:

    But cdemundo never contended hospitals should refuse someone treatment because they refused vaccination. Just that morally speaking, if you refuse to be vaccinated, you shouldn't use the hospital. Not legally speaking, but morally speaking.

    Morally, I pay for treatment, I get treated. I'm from the US so YMMV (Your Morals May Vary). 


    There are no long-term studies for these "vaccines". I'm a long-term thinker. And now the original control group's are getting vaccinated so we may never know the true value of these vaccines. Morally, I'm in the clear.


    At this point, it almost seems that with all the vaccinated breakthrough cases, vaccinated transmissions, and deaths of those vaccinated, that the vaccinated just want the unvaccinated to go down with them.

    • Confused 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, cdemundo said:

    If you deny the existence or danger of COVID or need for vaccination you should have no reason to hesitate to make this promise.

    Has nothing to do with your other examples.

    Which make no sense at all, you probably didn't do too well on the analogies sections of standardized test when you were in school.

    Choose not to vaccinate. no problem.

    Don't use limited medical resources if you get COVID.

    Actually you should read your quote first to see who needs to retake their test.


    I don't deny either. My "dumb" choice should be treated the same as all other dumb choices. The healthcare system is there to treat ALL people; even those who make bad choices. You wouldn't treat a skateboarder who broke his wrist, or a heart attack victim who ate too many steaks? There are a million choices that you make that can put you into a hospital bed. Or did you want to control all of those choices also?


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  3. 19 minutes ago, cdemundo said:


    But you didn't answer my question.


    "Just curious, if you were to catch COVID would you be willing to forgo medical treatment to prove your point?

    I think that would be quite sporting of you."

    A tired argument. Should skate boarders stop skating? Should skiers stop skiing? Should red meat eaters stop eating red meat? Many things can put you into the hospital. Life is about choices AND about individual freedom to make them. At least, it used to be.


    Vaxed can transmit virus. Unvaxed can transmit virus. Nothing in life is 100%; live accordingly.

    • Confused 1
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  4. Why go to the cinema?


    Because if you don't have an Atmos sound system at home, it's the only place you'll be able to hear and understand the dialog track. Playing 99% of downloaded content requires ear-splitting fx/music track volume levels to even begin to hear the dialog mix. Too loud for my neighbors I'm sure, and me; I'm in a condo. So, I use subtitles always. Maybe I'm just old.

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  5. 4 hours ago, phetchy said:

    Also, as there is no tea money involved in 90 day reporting, they would be happy to relinquish a non-PG Tips part of their duties?  

    I'm fairly certain that tea money IS involved in 90 day reporting. I wouldn't swear on my mother, but as I was being processed at the 90 day counter yesterday, I saw someone reach over me and hand the worker a passport with, what looked to be, 100฿. The worker put the money in a box, processed the new passport, then returned to processing mine. Could be I'm mistaken.

  6. 4 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

    My point being covid death numbers are in your face daily in the news, everyday deaths by region are posted whereas you have to dig to find numbers related to vaccine deaths. What is so hard to understand?

    Exactly. Without statistics on vaccine deaths, whether known or probable, how can say, a 35 y.o. woman, make an informed decision. Could be chance of death in her age group unvaccinated is .00005%, but death from vaccination .00005.5%. Who knows? But regardless if she dies, she should vaccinate to protect the tribe. This, even though the vaccines may limit, but do not prevent the spread of covid.

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  7. 6 hours ago, Mutt Daeng said:

    I know its too late for you this time, buy maybe you could try entering all your data manually from scratch and not use the autofill function of the browser. I had a problem with autofill but when I entered everything manually, I was successful. 

    Tried that also, no luck. Was thinking maybe they forced an in person visit after an extension where I stopped using an agent. More than likely though, probably just a bug in their online system.

  8. As a previous poster stated, I've also been using the website successfully, but just renewed my extension in July and now it doesn't work for me. All of my info is the same as it's always been, but the few times I got past the first screen, just got a blank page; and yes, I waited. Other times got the pop-up on the first page to go to immigration. Tried over 3 days. Chrome saves all my form data, so I know I'm doing the same as I've always done. Also tried Edge.


    Anyway, went to immigration today and got my 90 day slip. Whatever.

  9. 6 hours ago, likerdup1 said:

    Yea, it's always that damn media pushing everyone to do the right thing. Such inconsiderate numb skulls ...


    Why would anyone NOT want to be vaccinated. I assure you that anyone reading this has had at least 2 or more vaccines in their lives.. Polio and all the childhood vaccines for starters. I get a flu vax every year. Hasn't turned me into a child eating American democrat robot yet. Proud to understand the importance of vaccination and not go along with the social media BS conspiracy theories.

    Those are actual vaccines; ie they prevent the disease. Covid vaccines do not.

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  10. Isn't this, link below, the PCR test required to fly these days or am I ignorant and this is something else? If it IS the current testing method taking place, doesn't removing it from the FDA approval list basically say it doesn't work? Why isn't this being reported on a larger scale? Educate me please.



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