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Posts posted by frantick

  1. 1 hour ago, GinBoy2 said:

    Hmm, traffic don't miss any of that.


    I lived in San Diego for years, where when you looked at Google maps the traffic algorithm would show red when traffic was backed up for 10 miles.


    Here in Rapid City, 5 cars stopped at a red light is enough to generate a red on google traffic maps!


    No, i'm happy with South Dakota traffic 'backup's'

    Now that you can't drag race on 8th Street (aka Mt. Rushmore Rd)!

    Used to be bumper to bumper on Friday and Saturday nights in the 60's and 70's.

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  2. 6 hours ago, mmaaarrrkkk said:

    give me an option


    the world is not black and white as most dumbass think it is


    Still dont understand what your last post has to do with treatment? 


    You dont want to be vaccinated and still want to tax the hospitals? Sorry bro , off to the 'not to treat' ward you go

    I pay taxes and health insurance for all of my 'dumb' lifestyle choices, same as everyone. If you want to change that, well let's ignore the fat people, smokers,  etc., let's start with loggers, pilots, oil rig workers, etc. Death counts yearly very close to covid stats. 


    Death by choice. Stop trying to force people into your safe space.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, mmaaarrrkkk said:

    nope u dont believe and dont want the vaccine? And still expect us to save u? Sorry bro, you are on your own . i have vaccinated people to save


    Many people ; incl me , would prefer not to take the vaccine , but at the moment , its the best of the options we have on hand. If i am using my body and future to test a vaccine for the unvac , why should u have the benefits if the same thing hit both of us?


    Make your own bed , lie on it

    So you admit to being a test subject. My work here is complete.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 3 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

    Well put.


    Who needs unvaccinated tourists entering your country and starting the whole damned thing again.


    If your unvaccinated you will eventually be very limited in what you can and cannot do.





    Won't happen. And if it does, will be short lived. UK just cancelled vaccine passports, Thailand copies everything they do.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 2 hours ago, mmaaarrrkkk said:

    The solution is so simple. There should be no segregation as it doesnt make any difference to the spread. The vaccinated can still get it and pass it on. Only diff is that the vaccinated have less severe symptoms and more likely to survive it. 


    The solution is for the medical community to forget their medical oath of the unvaccinated patients and not treat them. Much like signing that 'do not resuscitate' thing.


    Unvac patient : Doc I cant breath!

    Doc : Too bad bro! But I stand with u tho in your beliefs!


    The ones refusing to be vaccinated should make known their stand. The 'unable to be vac' (due allergyy , access etc) should be exampted.


    I'm ok with that as long as the critical vaccinated patients get the same non-treatment. After all, they also made a choice that didn't protect them.


    Yeah, yeah, we know. Less likely to occur to the vaccinated, but still happening none the less. Just ask Israel, Iceland, etc. etc.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 11 hours ago, cdemundo said:

    You have said that thousands of qualified people disagree with the narrative that you doubt in the MSM.

    First, I am skeptical. Could you find dozens? Hundreds? surely not thousands.

    More important, there are no MDs involved in treatment of hospitalized COVID patients that are COVID vaccine skeptics.

    I will cite two articles that support my contention, so hold your horses on "America's Frontline Doctors", cuz they are not.


    "No Evidence That Doctor Group in Viral Video Got Near COVID 'Front Lines'

    — Who are the physicians behind America's Frontline Doctors?"



    "Op-Ed: As a doctor in a COVID unit, I’m running out of compassion for the unvaccinated. Get the shot"



    Finally from an expert that everyone knows and trusts,  (sarcasm alert kids)

    "Howard Stern to anti-vaxxers: 'You had the cure and you wouldn't take it'"



    "When are we gonna stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say it's mandatory to get vaccinated? F--- 'em. F--- their freedom. I want my freedom to live," he said. "I want to get out of the house already. I want to go next door and play chess. I want to go take some pictures. This is bull----."


    Posts in these threads are largely for entertainment and I know it is a flaw in my character that makes me continue to post, conspiracy theorists can't be convinced, but I know that a few who are the fence do exist.

    As Ringo says "Peace and Love." (This is actually one of the rare forums where some are too old to know who Ringo is.)

    Stern is a known germaphobic, which just validates that people are scared for themselves, not others as they profess to be.

    • Haha 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, ebice said:

    Maybe I am interpreting this statement incorrectly-(The analyses compared specific health events among all COVID-19 mRNA-vaccinated people during the first 3 weeks after inoculation with health events among similar types of patients during the 3 to 6 weeks after mRNA vaccination. The total number of people evaluated was 6.2 million for the first dose of either mRNA vaccine and 5.7 million for the second dose.)

    Can one infer the conclusion is based on only 3 to 6 weeks of monitoring vaccinated people for health issues? The quote above is from the website in the posters message.

    Also, this entry in the link noted as well: Federal and Kaiser Permanente researchers combing the health records of 6.2 million patients found no serious health effects that could be linked to the 2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccines"

    Is this normal for someone to have access to so many health records in US, that I assumed to be private and confidential or are they available to the public, or anyone?


    Kaiser is a huge healthcare provider, so could be all the patient counts came from them. Generally healthcare statistics are provided to governing bodies without patient-identifying information like name, medical record number, address, etc.

  8. Haven't changed my mind. Continue to follow the rapidly changing science.


    Soon, the twice vaccinated will be considered unvaccinated, having not had their booster. Then the statistics are out the window. If not the first booster, then the second or third, etc. Think you're out of it? 90% vaccinated? Bam, new variant, start over.


    It won't end until the man-bun brigade, literally or figuratively, wakes up.


    I'm not a conspiracy theorist; they're too incapable, stupid, and power hungry to think up a plan like this.

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  9. 2 hours ago, orchidfan said:

    Thanks, that sounds encouraging. 

    I have no health issues and never had a cold or flu in over 40years. 

    Maybe I can risk it. Wear a mask,keep my distance and hope for the best.

    Nary a sniffle in 40 years? You should be more worried about Alzheimer's than covid, bubble boy. ????

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