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Posts posted by frantick

  1. 2 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

    I have no idea what your first question means.


    As for your second question, consider the following.  To date, How many expats have been able to successfully register for vaccination by any of the numerous registration schemes that have been provided such as MorProm, in-person registration at designated hospitals, or the InterVac sites? 


    The answer is...Very few!  Even though many expats have gone to extreme lengths to do register in a number of different ways, all of their efforts have been in vain!  All of these registration schemes have failed miserably. In the case of in-personal registration at "designated" hospital, a list of such designated hospitals was NEVER even provided, even though the CCSA repeatedly promised to furnish for weeks.


    Then when the registration scheme changed to being online, the MorProm app intentionally limited it to those who could provide a pink card, which almost no expats would normally have, when it would have been very easy to allow for passport or Thai Drivers license.


    Then, when the CCSA changed stance and said that MorProm was not actually intended for foreigners to use and introduced the InterVac site, it was a complete fiasco and NEVER worked properly from Day 1, and has now been completely non-functional for over two weeks now. 


    Now, the daily briefings in English  from the CCSA offer almost no meaningful discussion concerning foreigner registration for vaccination, even though they promised that foreigners were not being forgotten and would be kept up to date in every briefing.  That has been an empty promise!


    You tell me...have all of these major screw-ups been merely accidental or have they been by design?  I would say it is the latter.  It's becoming clear that the registration schemes to date as well as the daily CCSA briefings in English have been public relations tools to appease foreigners, rather than legitimate tools that will lead expats to vaccination appointments.


    I believe there are very strong reasons to assume that expats are at least being ignored in the present vaccination rollout scheme FOR SURE!  A stronger but entirely appropriate way to say that is that they are actively being discriminated against.


    So, with all of this being said, to answer your second question precisely, if expats are not able to register, they will not be able to receive vaccinations from the donated vaccines that will soon be provided to Thailand by their very own home country, where their very own tax dollars helped pay for them!  Does that really sound fair???


    The only way to assure they will receive them is for it to be stipulated that EVERY US expat receive vaccination from the donated vaccines FIRST.  Sorry if that sounds nationalistic to say, but based on how expats are currently being treated in the Thai public registration scheme right now, it's entirely appropriate to feel this way.

    Funny how these commies tout equality, wear a mask for your fellow man, etc until it comes down to their fear of dying. Then it's GET ME A SHOT FIRST!

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  2. 14 minutes ago, tifino said:

    ... should have just reacted, by then silently openly 'Pointing' at him, and get those around you to do the same...   Once this look me too moment gains momentum, it is then time to spirit oneself away into the background 

    Like the final scene in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". Note the Pointers being the ones with no humanity.

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, xylophone said:

    Jumping back into this subject, and am hoping that a few others can share their experiences with me....... 


    Cialis has always given me sinus-type headaches, but that was when I was taking 10 mg on occasion, so I ordered some more and have cut those in half and have taken 5 mg, however that still gives me the sinus problems and headaches for at least a day.


    So my question to others is, does this go away, because if it doesn't I'm not prepared to feel like <deleted> every day in the hope of peeing better, and if I just need to get the old fella working better, taking 5 mg twice a week would suffice for me.


    Feedback welcomed.

    I only take half of a 20mg Apcalis once or twice a week, depending on my expected needs. I don't get headaches, but I never do ordinarily either. I do get mild congestion though and sneeze when I cum sometimes. Same as if I had a cold.

    I take it for sex, but I do notice better urine flow when using.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 46 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I already said that I don’t have a link. It would be archived and very difficult to search for.


    Accusing me of virtue signaling is just lazy and silly. It's a canned American right wing talking point that is basically meaningless. When you can't make an argument based on logic, go ad hominem.

    So if you already know, and you're already compliant, why did you bring it up in the first place?


    51 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I already said that I don’t have a link. It would be archived and very difficult to search for.


    Accusing me of virtue signaling is just lazy and silly. It's a canned American right wing talking point that is basically meaningless. When you can't make an argument based on logic, go ad hominem.

    So based upon something you thought you read one time; that's your argument.


    I hope this thread has satiated your "academic interest". Let me know when the book comes out.

  5. 40 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Thank you for that. Of course, it's not as if it's likely that you will caught and punished. But it could happen. Also, the very old report that I recalled reading about here of just such a case, sure it's possible that it was the result of a hallucination, but I doubt it. 

    Do you have a link to that thread that you "recalled reading", or did you just create this thread to virtue signal? Do you follow every letter of the law?


    The only thing I've read here involves a UK citizen, a much more convoluted set of circumstances than a normal US citizen coming to Thailand on an extended holiday.


    Upon death, the Thai government notifies the US Embassy, who in turn notify the federal government. The US does not change SS earnings, increases, etc, based upon living abroad as some other countries do. So you can call it fraud or you can call it buerocratic red tape.


    Of course if the US changes the benefits based upon residence country, then it would definitely be fraud.


    • Sad 2
  6. This happened to me once. I was expecting something prepaid like about 3000฿ worth and the delivery guy calls and says 50฿ COD. I figured they forgot the shipping charge or something and I didn't want to reorder, so the misses went down to pay. 


    Of course my other item had already been delivered to the office so she paid the 50฿ which turned out to be two cheap hand towels that I didn't order. Never again!


    Of course the misses still thinks I accidentally ordered them even though I showed her my order history. Whatever you say, honey.

    • Like 1
  7. I just buy the non-refrigerated Mission plain ones as they're soft and don't tear when you pull one off the stack like refrigerated. They have about 6 flavors, but I just care about the flavor of what I fill them with. Basically they're flour and water; flavored ones with garlic or spinach, etc. Not sure what you're expecting. Purchased at Villa Market.


    For tacos though, I prefer soft white corn tortillas. Haven't looked for those yet.


    Good luck in your quest.

    • Like 1
  8. @moontang, maybe I missed it, but what was your primary reason for leaving LOS, insurance requirement for O-A? Or just all the other stuff?


    I'm from Rapid originally, but I did live 1 month in Upton, WY working on an oil rig.


    I'm pretty sure I'll move back some day even though my GF says she'll wipe my a.s when I get older. Only been here a little over a year and for sure will wait for some sort of normal (post covid) to return before deciding my long term fate.


    Chok Dee.

  9. 3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Ya, you're mistaken about that....


    [Democrats Abroad signed an unprecedented joint appeal with its arch-rival Republicans Overseas Thailand, plus the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 12074, and the American Women’s Club of Thailand, addressed to Secretary of State Antony Blinken on May 6.]





    Guess I should've read the whole article. Vets I'm all for, same as I'm for their ability to get Tricare. 


    I guess I'm just one of the odd balls wanting little attention from my government.

  10. Not to turn this political, but notice that letter came from expat 'Democrats'. Gimme, gimme, gimme.


    How anyone could move to a foreign place, especially like Thailand, and expect to be nannied by their home country is beyond me.


    And to the poster asking about Medicare; outpatient services will NOT be covered unless you're paying the monthly premium. Inpatient is mostly covered and there is no premium you have to pay.


    Just barricade yourself in your condo and come out when vaccines are available to expats if you're that worried. Or wait it out like the rest of us.

  11. 1 hour ago, Phillip9 said:


    Complete and total misinformation.


    From the US CDC:

    "A growing body of evidence indicates that people fully vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) are less likely to have asymptomatic infection or to transmit SARS-CoV-2 to others."




    And the missing data, rarely reported and probably intentional, is that this would 'likely indicate' this applies to the unvaccinated that have recovered from the virus as well.


    New studies indicate long term antibodies found in bone marrow samples of previously infected persons.


    I'll take natural immunity, or 2% chance of death, over rushed vaccines any day. No, I'm not antivax.

  12. 5 hours ago, peterdwje2 said:

    Those who have fixed deposit accounts -- how did you open them and where? Bangkok Bank says they cannot open without work permit, but I am retired. On OA extension and in Bangkok if that makes a difference.

    Common response is to try another branch. 


    Personally, I used an agent for my initial savings account, then opened my own fixed account a month later.

  13. My previous 90 day was done by my agent because the online wasn't working at the time. I was worried having the in person report would mess up my next online report which is due May 29th.


    So I tried the online reporting today and was approved almost instantly. Make sure and click on the province/city/etc. lists icons a couple of times to get the lists to drop down and select from the list; don't type it in.


    Now for my first self-acquired extension...

  14. 8 hours ago, Kinnock said:

    Yes.  Because I understand statistics and risk.

    No. Because I understand statistics and risk. A measly year's worth of statistics and acceptable, to me, risk.


    Imagine it's 1955 only it's really 2020. Some bad batches of polio vaccine are released. YouTube and Twitter are deleting posts going against the 'scientific concensus' that the vaccine prevents polio. Denier's are claiming the vaccine is killing people. It was.


    I'm not a denier, just need a larger, longer sampling to truly know the risks.

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  15. Boomer here. It's all just 1's and 0's to me. How many 'youngsters' would get that?


    None not in IT, that's for sure. And most of those in IT are just configurators (System Admins) or hardware assemblers (PC Techs) not knowing s..t about how they actually work. I DO admire the few bright ones though.


    But, I've always tried to follow the practice that you can learn something from everyone, young and old, smart and not so smart.

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