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Posts posted by frantick

  1. On 1/29/2021 at 11:34 PM, cdemundo said:

    I addressed this question, you seem to be fixated on the succulent grandeur of your own opinion.  The purpose of economic stimulus is ... well economic stimulus, not the redress of the unfairness of who was impacted by COVID.  I understand and disagree.  I respectfully disagree, something you might consider.

    Didn't your mama ever tell you that money doesn't grow on trees? @Thomas J's opinion is shared by many, at least those that understand economics.


    Give me $200 now, inflation will take it back soon enough. No thank you.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Thomas J said:

    That cost of living HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH COVID.  The fact remains that waitresses, movie theatre workers, truckers, farmers, waitresses, cooks, taxi cab drives etc the list goes on, all have had a DECREASE in their income because of Covid.  My comment is correct, that Seniors were not financially impacted.  They got their retirement checks no different than before.  And the fact they got an increase speaks to the fact, their income went up, not down. 



    Don't waste your breath, he doesn't get it.

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 1/15/2021 at 8:12 AM, Mai mee said:

    Just because you don't need it, it doesn't make you virtuous.


    My social security benefit is minuscule because I have been self employed the majority of my adult life. My primary source of income is oil and gas revenues from production on some land I own the mineral rights to in Texas. After Covid hit, oil prices actually went into NEGATIVE numbers for a while as production FAR exceeded demand and there was no capacity left to store it. My monthly checks went from averaging over $2500 a month to ZERO, and even now have only risen to an average of about $600... Retired yes, but Covid like to killed my a55! and yes, I have savings.


    I have paid a LOT in taxes during my working life (one year I paid over $250,000 in "Alternative minimum tax",an extra tax penalty for having an unusually good year) and there's no way I'll recoup even a small percentage of that on the government "benefits" I'll receive in my retirement years. The country is toast already, it's done, so I'll take yer measly $200 bucks a month, you BET! You'd just blow it on Biafran alternative gender studies anyway, so bring it on big-boy!

    So you made enough money to pay $250,000 in just taxes for 1 year and now you're pining for $200? A fool and his money...

    • Like 2
  4. I retired last year, actually the end of December 2019, from a job that paid over $100,000. So I didn't get the stimulus even though my 2020 income went down to under $50,000. 


    But, I just started doing my taxes online and see that I will get the $1800 ($1200+$600) stimulus refund bump due to my actual earnings in 2020. Yahoo! (Actually I'd prefer the government had used it to pay down the deficit to make my dollars worth more. But they're out of control so taking what I can get.)

    • Like 1
  5. On 12/31/2020 at 10:00 AM, canthai55 said:

    This from a person who says he rides choppers and does not know what a shovel is


    Actually we referred to them as Pan head, shovel head, etc., due to the shape of their cylinder head. Never dropped the word head when discussing. But my 'chopper' was a '72 Triumph with coffin tank, hard tail, and springer front end, so what do I know.

    • Like 2
  6. My AIS unlimited plan expires next month. What is my best option while retaining my existing phone number? I've seen the 1990thb yearly packages on Lazada, but those use a new SIM. I really don't want to run 2 sims in this phone.


    AIS sent me a link to browse new packages, but they're like 650thb monthly for 4mbs. (The only option I'm considering)


    Does making a trip to the AIS store in the mall help my chances of getting a better deal with my existing number?

    • Haha 1
  7. On 11/3/2020 at 4:39 PM, polpott said:

    Well its still very American but would 100% have eaten in there last night had I known about it. Was in Darkside Evolution and starving. Nothing nearby so ended up eating in a new bar owned by an Aussie, had egg bacon and beans and could swear he'd cooked everything on the barbie.


    Will give it a try next time. I've always wondered what grits were like but never had the chance to try them.


    If you try grits and find them boring, lots of sugar is how I, and many people like them. Unhealthy, I know.


    Makes me miss my trips to the South and visits to Waffle House!

  8. 21 hours ago, CygnusX1 said:

    I had some spicy KFC chicken pieces once when there was no regular available. I was in agony as well, had to eat a large amount of ice cream to reduce the pain. Wasn’t disgusting though, just way too hot for farang like us to handle.

    Some farang grew up eating Mexican, Creole, Buffalo wings, etc. Like me; 'merican. I like KFC spicy wings, only wish they had the flats too instead of just drummies. (Where are all the flats?!!)


    They're not spicy to me. Now I'll have to try the sandwich!

  9. 4 minutes ago, Pib said:

    It would depend on your IO, but you shouldn't  be surprised if they ask for one because if your bank prints a consolidated transaction entry in your passbook because it been many months since your last transaction the IO may wonder if you maintained the required 800K three months after the extension, then didn't drop below Bt400K for the next seven months, and then got back up to at least Bt800K during the next two months.  


    With so many different types of savings accts such as regular, fixed, hybrid, etc...it can be hard for an IO to know what type of acct you have and then be more understanding that it was a fixed acct you simply never touch, how it pays interest infrequently/maybe only once a year/etc.   So, since your passbook is going to reflect a couple transactions per year don't be surprised if the IO asks for annual statement.


    If your bank is the type that will print a passbook "B/F" (Balance Forward) transaction each time you want to update the passbook even through you know the balance has not changed and even if a fixed acct, then it may be smart to do that once a month.   A B/F transaction simply reports your balance for that day.   Bangkok Bank accts are that way.  It should print a B/F transaction from a Passbook Update Machine...if not, the bank teller can force a B/F passbook transaction at the counter.   


    This way you will show numerous and "frequent" updates of your passbook which should satisfy the IO that your passbook reflects all transactions....would show if you lived-up to the required income/balance requirements throughout the year as that is what they are looking for.

    Bummer, but that's what I figured, thanks.

  10. So I don't have to worry about this until next June, but if I have a fixed account with the 800k and only two updates in the passbook, initial deposit and update on extension renewal date, do I still need to get a 12mo statement? Cuz you can't withdraw from a fixed account or you'd need to open a new account. But I'm worried the io's won't figure that out. Jomtien.

  11. 27 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    Correct. And it’s Facebook’s freedom to delete whatever bull$hit they don’t want on their site. “Up to them”. No one forces you to use it if you don’t like their contents. 

    I'm not the one complaining about spreading bs into my living room. I know better than to get my political bs off Facebook.

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