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Posts posted by frantick

  1. 6 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    Cheers.....all this for 20 a year......555

    They're fairly strong menthol from what I remember. I smoked ultra light menthols in the States, but couldn't find anything here, so I smoke Camel blue.

    • Like 1
  2. On 7/10/2021 at 12:32 PM, Surelynot said:

    There has been a world wide clamp down on flavored cigarettes......particularly menthol, which makes it much easier to draw smoke into the lungs...........menthol is, AFAIK, banned in Thailand (if anyone knows where to buy in Thailand let me know .....I smoke about 20 a year!!!).........

    I'm pretty sure Camel Green are menthol. I have no knowledge of menthol being illegal in TH.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. 6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    I do miss the Mexican food in the US. Even fast food like LA Salsa. Line or wild  caught fish, wild shrimp, super fresh salsas for free! Also free chips. And real Mexican food. 


    Never had good Mexican in Thailand. Have had some that is passable. But, the ingredients, the salsas and especially the tortillas are really vapid. A poor substitute, generally. 


    And as far as gourmet Mexican goes, impossible to find here. Swordfish poblano. Fresh grilled (not fried) fish. Homemade mole sauces. Lobster tacos. Properly made Spanish rice. Sinaloa ceviche, etc. Wow. 

    Yes! Mole, just like chocolate some places.

  4. TB, like kebabs, are for late night post-drinking or post smoking your favorite herb. It's not "cuisine". Unfortunately the price in LOS is approaching that territory.


    (Yeah, I know 200฿ is not really cuisine territory)


    For a change from daily bland English breakfasts and roast dinners, it's a welcome option.

    • Like 2
  5. 42 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

    When Aerox first came out I rented one on a trip to Pattaya.

    Those pointy sides of the front fairing struck me in the knees all the time.

    No Go for me.

    Why is it more heavy ? Unknown

    But everybody compares the - (fill in name here) - to the PCX. Why ? Because it is on top.

    I didn't want the pointy sides either, that's one reason I waited for the '21 model which are not pointy.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Agusts said:


    You can try Facebook marketplace in city where you are, or Kaidee.com (need Google translator for this). Or try bahtsold.com that is in English.


    Always haggle and check documents, if in doubt buy from a used dealer shop, they are very good helping with registration and at least a business/shop to refer to if something goes really wrong, a nearly new low mileage small scooter should be fine ....


    If in Pattaya try this shop, they have some Aerox and ADV now and I have bought from them once before ...., they also advertise in bahtsold, here is two recent ones:






    You can change side panels for different colors easily, I think a few hundred bahts each...


    That first listing is a good deal especially since you can rent first. A week is plenty of time to know if there are any surprise issues.

    • Like 2
  7. 4 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    Did you pay the sticker price or is it common to negotiate some rebate?

    I suck at haggling, so I don't. Supposedly I got a discount. Paid 82,500 all in with 2 cheap helmets and 2 years of first class insurance.


    I wanted the white/gold model, but only available in the Philippines. Just ended up taking the only 2021 they had on the floor; blue/gray.

  8. 1 hour ago, Agusts said:


    Thanks for the info, I just checked on Yamaha website, the new 21 model has only two versions now, standard and ABS, the ABS version also has sub-tank rear shock (as they call it) , and has the automatic stop/start Smart Motor. it's 78.5k baht....


    Yeah, I know that auto start thing is on many scooters these days, but I have it turned off. For sure less wear and tear on the starter, and given traffic, I don't want to have an issue if I need a quick getaway for some reason.

  9. Since we're on the subject of Friendship, does anyone know what "hybrid" beef is? I was going to have them thick cut me a steak, but wasn't sure. It's not very marbled looking, but I can live with that if I can get a THICK steak that doesn't overcook in the center.


    Although lately I found some nice 1 1/2" Aussie steaks in Villa. 3-400฿,  but that's about what I pay back home for a thick steak.

  10. 2 hours ago, piston broke said:


    Sir ! - you obviously havn't riden an ADV 150 - The Aerox, although a very good scooter - rides like a small scooter ...The ADV rides like an auto dirtbike ...has much better suspension and brakes ......

    Tried the adv, felt like a boat to me, not light/nimble, but to each his own.

  11. 5 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    As it isn't a step through doesn't that make carrying stuff more difficult at the front?

    Yes. I installed a hook. And although good for small bags, large bags hanging to the side means one of your feet is dangling until you get home.


    But I wouldn't go back to a step through because the Aerox is just so stable, big bike feel. I just plan my big bag shopping to my last stop before home. It's doable. And if I didn't have my GF's helmet under the seat, most big bags fit easily there.

  12. 10 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    My point exactly, they don't want to talk about it so they employ insults to paint anyone with a social conscience as a winger.

    They just have a life to live and would rather not stand around exchanging bullet points. As we're doing here.


    So bye for now, I'm sure someone will come, continue, and give you the attention you so desperately seek. I've never required much.

    • Haha 2
  13. Actually 'woke' was a term initially used by the sjw brigade themselves. They were proud of their ability to traverse immense Wikipedia subjects to prove America was a bad country, Britain colonization was bad, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You name one good thing about a country, and they'd find a million bad things. As Maher said recently, progressives don't recognize the progress that's been made.


    And as I'm saying, they'll never stop complaining no matter what reparations are provided. There's always another victim for them to 'save'. Maybe once those reparations start negatively affecting the wokesters, they'll finally Shut The . Up.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, kurtmartens said:

    Ah well.  Tomorrow this will be forgotten and a new topic will be batted around. 

    We could only hope.


    But reading the last 3 pages, it's 99% 3 posters whining the same point. I'm guessing it'll continue on for a few more.


    I pay US taxes. Some tax benefits only apply to those in residence; as they state for covid jabs. US citizens make higher average earnings than most countries. Use some of those US dollars to fly "home" to get your jabs.


    Alternatively, relinquish your citizenship so you won't have to pay those useless taxes anymore. You could probably convert to Islam and immigrate to France to get your government-provided Thailand covid jab.

    • Haha 2
  15. 2 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

    I have no idea what your first question means.


    As for your second question, consider the following.  To date, How many expats have been able to successfully register for vaccination by any of the numerous registration schemes that have been provided such as MorProm, in-person registration at designated hospitals, or the InterVac sites? 


    The answer is...Very few!  Even though many expats have gone to extreme lengths to do register in a number of different ways, all of their efforts have been in vain!  All of these registration schemes have failed miserably. In the case of in-personal registration at "designated" hospital, a list of such designated hospitals was NEVER even provided, even though the CCSA repeatedly promised to furnish for weeks.


    Then when the registration scheme changed to being online, the MorProm app intentionally limited it to those who could provide a pink card, which almost no expats would normally have, when it would have been very easy to allow for passport or Thai Drivers license.


    Then, when the CCSA changed stance and said that MorProm was not actually intended for foreigners to use and introduced the InterVac site, it was a complete fiasco and NEVER worked properly from Day 1, and has now been completely non-functional for over two weeks now. 


    Now, the daily briefings in English  from the CCSA offer almost no meaningful discussion concerning foreigner registration for vaccination, even though they promised that foreigners were not being forgotten and would be kept up to date in every briefing.  That has been an empty promise!


    You tell me...have all of these major screw-ups been merely accidental or have they been by design?  I would say it is the latter.  It's becoming clear that the registration schemes to date as well as the daily CCSA briefings in English have been public relations tools to appease foreigners, rather than legitimate tools that will lead expats to vaccination appointments.


    I believe there are very strong reasons to assume that expats are at least being ignored in the present vaccination rollout scheme FOR SURE!  A stronger but entirely appropriate way to say that is that they are actively being discriminated against.


    So, with all of this being said, to answer your second question precisely, if expats are not able to register, they will not be able to receive vaccinations from the donated vaccines that will soon be provided to Thailand by their very own home country, where their very own tax dollars helped pay for them!  Does that really sound fair???


    The only way to assure they will receive them is for it to be stipulated that EVERY US expat receive vaccination from the donated vaccines FIRST.  Sorry if that sounds nationalistic to say, but based on how expats are currently being treated in the Thai public registration scheme right now, it's entirely appropriate to feel this way.

    Funny how these commies tout equality, wear a mask for your fellow man, etc until it comes down to their fear of dying. Then it's GET ME A SHOT FIRST!

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