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Posts posted by frantick

  1. 27 minutes ago, mr mr said:

    i am not complaining about them putting in 50. i am pointing out the mess they made doing during that time. 

    i have managed to save enough from work and investing to have a simple life. spare me with that. the top 100 companies on earth have more money than god. 

    So what's your problem with rich companies? Distribution of wealth? To whom? We're all self motivated; human nature. If we weren't, you'd have worked 30 more years and given your money to the poor instead of hoarding your earnings and retiring early.

    • Sad 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Phil McCaverty said:

    Nothing in there to suggest that the US is in line for the first tranche of vaccine (60 m doses) due in September. I guess they'll just have to get in line.


    It'll be interesting to see how the US public react to having to pay big bucks for the vaccine when British citizens and 3rd world countries are getting it for free.



    We've been subsidizing your drug costs for years, so nothing new for us.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I smoked Marlboro menthol ultra lights in the States. Came here and tried all of the 'light' Marlboro products but they were all strong and harsh. Plus they were more expensive than I felt I wanted to pay here.


    Tried L&M Storm 7.1 for awhile, they were light on the lungs but left a harshness in my throat. Then I bummed a Camel Blue off of a Thai lady and found it to be the closest to ultra lights that I've tried, so stuck with those. And they're only 60 baht. I'm not sure the equivalent non-menthol.


    E cigs make me cough, I'm not sure why.

  4. 1 hour ago, zzzzz said:


    its for your safety, as if someone is later diagnosed with the virus they have everyone that was in the general area at the same time, so can contact you and have you go in for test>
    I see nothing wrong with being cautious


    Giving a fake name, # is childish

    Sorry daddy, that's what I did. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.


    Been here 4 months now. If I haven't had it, I'm not contagious now. If I get contagious, somebody else's fault giving it to me. If someone else does give it to me, I wouldn't blame them and don't care.


    Of course after I did that I remembered about all the cctv they have here; probably track me down anyway.


    Arnold Ziffel 0615892481

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, genericptr said:

    aren't we just having the same debate about general safety that we've always had? Normally people assume the risk calculation for themselves and act accordingly. If the virus was really that dangerous the government wouldn't need to be telling people to stay at home because the people themselves would be too scared to leave their homes.


    There's something extremely strange and maternal emerging in regards to this virus. Not sure what to make of it but time will tell.

    What's emerging is virtue signaling of regard for fellow man when in fact they are afraid for their own lives.

    • Like 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, rabas said:

    Ah, again the masks.


    Whether masks work and even how well they work is known and each type of mask is rated.  N95/N99 masks block almost all viral particles entering your airways. The problem is not 'experts' but the media who can't fathom whether an expert means with or without eye protection, or even where they are needed, etc.  My wife and I went to our local hospital OPD on March 31. On April 6 they announced that 8 doctors and nurses had tested positive and 69 others were placed in quarantine. Glad we wore masks.


    But this thread is about following science. If you want to know if  your mask works...


    "it was found that tobacco smoke as it comes from a cigarette is an extremely concentrated aerosol with a relatively stable distribution of sizes ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 micron, peaked between 0.2 and 0.25 micron."


    Perfect distribution to test if worst case viral particles can penetrate that mask you keep rewearing. A small battery fan, plastic tube and laser pointer to illuminate particles is all you need.  



    And there's your proof right there that masks don't work. Because all those healthcare workers caught the virus and they wear the most stringent protective gear.

    • Like 1
  7. Oh and for you smokers, like me, out there, there is positive news:


    The rate of current daily smokers was significantly lower in COVID-19 outpatients and inpatients (80.3% and 75.4%, respectively), as compared to that in the French general population with standardized incidence ratios according to sex and age of 0.197 [0.094 - 0.41] and 0.246 [0.148 - 0.408].


    Conclusions and relevance: Our cross sectional study in both COVID-19 out- and inpatients strongly suggests that daily smokers have a very much lower probability of developing symptomatic or severe SARS-CoV-2 infection as compared to the general population.



  8. 45 minutes ago, lagavulin1 said:

     An asymptomatic carrier can infect 60000 people indirectly. How many deaths do you want on your hands. 

    And somebody gave it to the one asymptomatic carrier, see how that works. The only hands these deaths are on, are the hands of a bat, a lab worker, or someone in China.


    Governments have had their play time to slow down the virus, now it's time for everyone to be exposed and hope for the best.


    We're all going to get this. Do others not know that?

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Live your life the way you want, go ahead, run around not having anything but personal responsibility, and hopefully you will not find yourself on the wrong side, no one is stopping you are they?, Oh yes not much to go and do, but then maybe you should be in Government and make those decisions for us.  Do you believe for one second we are really happy with what has happened, no we are not, but you know what life goes on, things change and what we thought we knew gets changed when we find out there are others who are in charge, and not just ourselves and we adjust to the situation.  I would like to book plane flights that at this point may or may not get canceled.  However, since it seems that you know what's best for everyone, then go ahead and continue to air your public frustration over your personal liberties being violated.  If you feel like this then why not return to whence you came from, I am sure there that everything is the way you want it to be.  You and I unfortunately can not change what has happened or what will occur, so stop with the temper tantrums about Pattaya not being opened, bars being shut, and beaches closed.  It does absolutely no good.

    Temper tantrum? This is a discussion forum, I'm discussing my side of the lockdown subject. Sorry if I scared anybody.

    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    And as many as you say may think like you, than there are no asymptomatic carriers of the virus now is there...Think again, and really try and get a grip on the me me me attitude.  Life is not about just you......

    It's called personal responsibility. You want to hermit in your cave, up to you. I want to risk it, up to me. Why should your life take precedence over mine?


    Give me liberty or give me death. (Even if it's from the CCP Virus)

  11. 7 hours ago, brucec64 said:

    So you are saying at risk, or just intelligent people, cant go out for essential items and services, just so you can go out and get <deleted>? What kind of person are you?

    Nobody else will say it, so I will. I am not my brother's keeper. You must be from a nanny state where everybody took care of you; I'm not. You wanting to live the rest of your life in fear, has squat to do with me.


    I don't believe the Thai numbers; I think they're higher, but I frankly don't care. I'll be the first in the bar with no mask and a smile on my face. Not because I'm an alcoholic I visit maybe once a week, or looking for women as I have a gf here, but because I fight for the 'old normal'.


    And I'm one of those grumpy (sometimes), old (definitely) men.


    Now you can go off on how many lives I'm putting in danger that I don't care about. Maybe you should move to your safe space.



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