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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. If that's the case then all these foreign medics need to pull their finger out. Millions unfit for work, ? there's millions there now who are not even allowed to work.
  2. Because the indigenous population are too racist and stupid to be trained up to work in such positions? Or perhaps because the uncontrolled immigration has overloaded the system to a certain degree?
  3. him or someone like him, its their only hope, It takes a certain kind of person to stand up to these screaming wokies, most politicians are scared stiff of saying anything that could be construed as *****phobic or ******ist. and blown up out of all proportion by the left-wing media
  4. I hope so but the whole charade is like a cancer, I fear its only a matter of time
  5. Easy as abc? I wouldn't be so sure or so smug. just look at the problems people have now regarding the current required documents, with different immigration offices demanding different documents just on a whim. Do you think that all of a sudden it will suddenly become plain sailing, and they will all fall into line ? Of course they won't and their opportunities for extorsion will have only increased Not all countries run their tax years from 1st of Jan either the Uk's tax year runs from April, another potential hurdle
  6. I don't think anything, and I won't be basing any decisions I make on what is written in online newspapers by second rate journalists who's prime objective is not necessarily to inform. This is Thailand so logic does not come into it . its a concept they neither understand nor have a word for
  7. The rules changed some time ago and I can only speak from experience in the construction industry, If operating as a sole trader the client( the one who pays you) is required to deduct tax from payments before you receive them, it used to be a flat rate of 18% now it is i believe around 25% Obviously if working as a window cleaner or market trader, for example, when one would be generally paid in cash such regulations would be unenforceable and would obviously not apply.
  8. Exactly, it remains to be discovered , yet it didn't stop you from stating....." When you show up for your visa renewal they will ask you for proof of your visa declaration if you have lived in Thailand for more 180 days." with the usual air of authority expressed by many on here who know no more than the rest of us
  9. And what if you have not , immediate deportation ? or will people be detained until they comply? And for a tourist who comes several times a year and inadvertently stays more than 180 days will they also be subject to detention until they comply? I would say that's unlikely and unworkable for those who have all but spent up before departure, and like most tourists will not have thought to pack the mountains of documentation required in their suitcases
  10. In the uk employees, and most sole traders will have their tax withheld at source, Directors can elect to pay themselves fee's that are beneath the tax threshold ,and, if they are also the owner can pay themselves in dividends from which tax is not withheld but must be paid retrospectively. Maybe you are not from the UK or if you are maybe you had a bad accountant. I have no knowledge of what "benefits" being a professional tax exile brings, and bearing in mind what you have written, i don't think I'll bother looking into it
  11. Speaking as a director of a limited company , I have never had any money withheld by a bank in the UK, either in my personal or business accounts. Although whether the UK is "more civilised" than here is questionable
  12. The real Hi-SO's wont be paying any more than they are now, despite their alleged intended targets the super rich , and the multinationals will remain unaffected. as usual
  13. That is the nature of all the rules, regulations, and procedures regarding tax and indeed all legal matters, The purpose of which is to provide a steady stream of income for their brothers who work as accountants and solicitors, it is also quite effective at provoking, out of frustration, the reaction that you referred to, ie "OMG just tell me how much", which is exactly what they want .Although bearing in mind the relatively small amounts of tax that retirees will probably be liable for, just paying up will probably work out cheaper than engaging the services of Thai accountants who have no doubt already prepared their dual pricing policies in preparation. Anybody engaging the services of a foreign accountant working here will meet a similar fate. .Likewise putting any faith in a couple of pages of assumptions and advice prepared by unqualified lay people acting as international tax experts will also inevitably lead to at least disappointment and probably worse We can expect a lot more scaremongering headlines regarding this over the coming months Meanwhile I doubt any of the "internet giants" referred to, or the likes of Starbucks are concerned at all,
  14. more likely to be all retirees, do you really think anybody will be "grandfathered" out of it? And it will probably be only be Thai insurance that will be accepted, any "proper" insurance will be an optional extra
  15. Correct, their assertion that it will bolster the economy, is laughable , and that it will somehow combat inequality is actually quite nauseating
  16. Fair enough, I only ever came here visa exempt once or twice probably why I've never heard of it, Just out of interest is that when they changed the rules to limit the number of visa exempt entries by land to two per year?
  17. I have heard of him, of course, but, I am not a teenager and probably like most on here, this is the first video of him i have ever watched, I see nothing particularly offensive or controversial in what he is saying in it. Whatever else he may have said or done in the past is irrelevant regarding this thread. Your obviously anti Tate stance is based on whatever he has previously said or done, and is nothing more than virtue signalling to others of your ilk. A sad attempt to enhance your wokeness. The stupid woman in the video probably considers herself to be woke too, So woke that she kicked off over paying a few cents extra for a cup of tea, A few cents that she could easily afford, but that would no doubt make a huge difference to the poor old woman, she had obviously upset enough to chase her. Its no surprise that , despite "running for her life" she still managed to find time to video the whole incident, skillfully playing the victim to divert from her privileged indignation at being "overcharged" and obvious lack of empathy for a poor old woman who probably hasn't got 2 cents to her name. A typical woke hypocrite And you assertion that the proceeds of overcharging end up in the pockets of local officials, effectively accusing the old woman of being some sort of unofficial tax collector working on behalf of the corrupt authorities is one of the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard here's what you said....... " "Most of these poor countries are due to the elites creaming the money for themselves. Think about that Andrew." You have just given a pretty good reason for first world countries to stop all aid to impoverished third world countries... very woke indeed "I agree there are a large number of poor people in the country but they do not get the benefit of the increase costs that foreigners pay. If they did i would be in support of it, "....... Yeah sure you would ,until you were asked to pay a few cents more than a local .you would soon be moaning on here if that happened to you. " Dude, is an utter clown who should be mocked and laughed at"..... for exposing the hypocrisy of spoilt little lefties ? " Anyone who takes this clown seriously, needs their head checking" ... In the video he makes a perfectly valid point, Sorry pal, but in the context of this thread, at least, Andrew Tate actually comes across as considerably more principled and far less hypocritical than you ,
  18. Are you incapable of rational discussion ?, you have been unable to offer any facts or rational arguments to disprove my assertion which is that the sole reason, for the amount of accidents and the lack of general road safety is a lack of interest and a lack of incentive or motivation to change, to put it bluntly they don't care and they can't be arsed. You have painstakingly written at length, describing in some detail the many issues that contribute to this situation, most of which are actually valid points that I totally agree with, but none of them disprove my assertion, on the contrary they actually confirm it, let me try to explain In a previous post you referred to the 5 "E"s, do you remember ? 1. Education 2. Enforcement 3. Engineering 4. Emergency 5. Evaluation All of the above, as you say ,are essential to road safety, or as you correctly said " without them, Road Safety in Thailand is doomed" . you then gave a presentation of these points in detail highlighting their importance and lamenting their absence, Again i don't disagree, its far from ideal to say the least. I'm sure you will agree. that all of the above are ultimately the responsibility of the government, and previous governments, and each and every one of them has repeatedly failed to fulfill their responsibilities to any meaningful degree or as you put it yourself... "The 5 Es were first mentioned in Thailand at the ASEAN road safety conference about 2007 successive Thai governments have failed to adopt this as it would interfere with such things as the constitution, road building and other government interests For over 3 decades Thailand has had various “Road Safety Action Plans” and has espoused the virtues of the 5 “E”s (it has to be said with little effect)" That validates my assertion fully, does it not ? They have been talking about this since 2007 and have done nothing but pay lip service to it all, you yourself, have concluded that it is,in part, due to corruption, there will no doubt be other reasons, but the end result is the same, it is way down on their list of priorities, which means they don't really care, it's just not important to them The lack of interest from the general population means that no prospective government has ever seen fit to include it in any of their manifesto's as it is not a vote winner, its far more effective to just offer them 10000 baht each to get their vote. The two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive , they could offer them the 10000 and safer roads, or they could have offered them the 10000 on condition that they agreed to take some training, or something, but they did not, because again nobody would be interested, they don't care . The same reason why they think nothing of undertaking tailgating running red lights, speeding etc etc its not a lack of advanced driving skills or education,its even included in the video they watch as part of their driving test, and its only basic common sense for god's sake, it is scant disregard for the consequences , a lack of care Now if you are going to reply please do me the courtesy of addressing the points I have made, preferably in order and present your reasons why you disagree, I have no need to hear about your self perceived driving skills, and your accusations of racism are water off a ducks back and are just a convenient way for you to avoid discussing the matter in question. So stick to the script , I doubt that you can but i will allow you to prove me wrong. You consider my view racist , then it must be , but that is not what this discussion is about, and it does not mean I'm wrong , so don't waste anymore time banging that drum, address the points like I asked, if you are capable.
  19. I have never heard of such a rule ever being enforced , i am not sure that it ever existed There was also theoretically a requirement to comply with some tax regulations that was never enforced either. maybe you have confused one with the other, I regularly stayed for more than 180 days throughout the 1990s and 2000s and was never pulled up over either of these regs
  20. Convictions are never removed from your record, they remain on the police data base for ever. However after a certain period of time, which depends on the nature of the conviction, they will not be disclosed following a request for a standard CRB / DBS check. I believe there is also an enhanced check specifically for those applying for more sensitive positions but I have no idea what the parameters are regarding disclosure of previous convictions should that check be required, but I would imagine , sex crimes , violent crimes, and drug related convictions will be disclosed regardless of when they occured
  21. There was no argument it was a simple question that you could have simply answered. Where would you go if your local was shut? I would have replied, "to the nearest suitable alternative" you chose not to, and became very defensive , which I called out , Now you are drawing further unnecessary attention to yourself , keep digging if you wish
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