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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. yes of course females have abused kids but it is a lot rarer, bus drivers and doctors in my opinion don't have the same opportunities, but teachers yes there need to be more stringent checks and i would add scoutmasters and football coaches to the list. nothing to be lost by being over cautious. and if it saves just one kid from the horrors of abuse then its worth the effort Hindley was not an aspiring teacher, its impossible to weed out every sicko but the odds can be shortened, I cant see any valid argument for taking chances. should kids be put in danger for fear of appearing over cautious.? i don't think so
  2. Again and again this happens, I've always thought it was a bit unnatural for any bloke to actively put himself in a position where he is in daily prolonged contact with other people's children, dealing with one's own is more than enough for most people, at least it should be if done properly! 1000's of years ago our baser instincts would probably have been to kill the offspring of others on sight , before copulating with the mother, a bit like lions If this was taken into consideration as part of the application process we might not be reading as many reports of this nature It should be the default line of thought that the applicant is a pedo and up to him to prove he isn't In the same way as its not natural for any bloke to choose a life of celibacy in the catholic church, past events bear this out to an alarming degree
  3. will they taste better now? The headline should have read "Scientists have eventually invented a new name for a commonly eaten mushroom," followed by " previously known as "het *****? by those who have picked and eaten them for probably hundreds if not thousands of years" just finding the common name seemed to be beyond the scientists and" journalist" alike i
  4. Unless administered forcibly by a third party, I don't think intoxication should ever be considered as valid mitigation. It should , if anything, render one liable to more severe punishment. The perp is obviously a wrong'un, easily identified by the trade mark "bum fluff" moustache
  5. happy hour must have started early today, or are you still out from last night?
  6. None of the victims of these attacks by Thai mummy's boys ever are capable of defending themselves, drug induced or not the attacks are almost always, as you say, targeted towards children or the elderly. On the relatively rare occasions that they have to fight somebody equal to themselves they invariably lower the odds by bringing a gang with them. There is no shame attached to fighting 5 or more onto one. It is seen as a mark of intelligence
  7. is there really a clause in their teachings about avoiding snow ? I very much doubt it
  8. Where, coincidentally, the dregs of Thai society are also prone to gravitate to. leading to incidents like this, Can't say I'm bothered or surprised
  9. Forget the cops, concentrate on all the others, other than that I totally agree
  10. Is anybody here wondering why they always state the reg number ? I'll put you out of your misery, its a tip for the lottery, I can guarantee anybody connected with this case including (especially) the bereaved will be working out the permutations of any two from those four numbers as we speak! Sad but true
  11. Indeed a boat of that type would have little chance in waves of over 3m in height, Stopping the boat , if that is what they actually did, would be the height of insanity, as it would mimic the the effects of engine failure which is the worst thing that could happen in rough seas. Its a pity the engines didn't fail before they set off. Water ingress would of course be a problem, most of these boats rely on a tiny bilge pump, which are only designed to remove miniscule amounts of daily expected water ingress, very few have a pump capable of dealing with the amounts of water that would be generated from the conditions described I have some experience in these matters , around 15 years ago , I and a (now ex) friend had a tour boat business operating out of huahin, didn't actually make any money probably due to trying to do things "right" but it was a great experience, however eventually nerves got the better of me and after about 5 years I sold out , Knowing what I know as a result of my experiences, I would never set foot on any tour boat in Thailand under any circumstances.
  12. I don't waste my time thinking about it, it is what it is, I accept it and drive accordingly , or refrain from driving, as I see fit, a tactic that has served me well !
  13. All that paper must end up in the same place as dead rats and dead pigeons, it is indeed one of life's great mysteries, Although it might explain why my local immigration have moved to a much larger brand new office two stories high with no obvious increase in staffing They have also taken up residence in a recently constructed huge multi discipline administration center not 50 km away from the original site! God only knows
  14. You forgot to mention roundabouts, Its hilarious watching them negotiate those. A few on here are very concerned about those who drive without licences, in view of the nature of driving test that you have highlighted above, the lack of a licence is of absolutely no consequence whatsoever.
  15. These are "Thai experts " an oxymoron if ever there was one, this time the "genius" claiming "expertise" is....."Dr Wittaya Chartbanchachai, a specialist on a World Health Organization panel on injury prevention" although he lost any credibility the moment he opened his mouth The fact of the matter is that nobody cares, except for a few concerned expats on here ! I can't ever remember any Thai I have spoken to ever mentioning this subject or show any wish to discuss it that includes quite a few police and people who have lost friends and family to traffic related deaths. It is just something they appear to accept, maybe something to do with Buddhism Twice a year, they have this virtue signalling festival, and nothing changes, in truth during the two annual periods of seven deadly days there is no significant increase in the death rate, some might say that in view of the increased traffic that this is evidence that these warnings are at least having some sort of positive effect. Personally I think its more to do with the fact that due to the volume of traffic on the roads a lot of this traffic is reduced to a snail's pace well that and the fact that some of them are just too drunk to to even attempt to drive
  16. but then an "expert" says...... “An estimated 17,000 people will die in road accidents over the coming ‘seven dangerous days’, a toll that matches the previous year. expert in what exactly?
  17. the length of the waiting list would render the NHS useless for many on here. Aren't they on strike at the moment anyway?
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