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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Trump didn't kill anybody though did he . America has always had its fair share of nutters, do you really think they need to import anymore.
  2. Yes whenever there are large groups of animated people accidents will unfortunately happen Football matches, for example, Quite a few died during a large muslim festival a few years ago too if you remember. nothing compares to the average terrorist attack though, the twin towers takes some beating We had a nasty one in the uk a few years ago too at a pop concert attended by mainly kids, where do you think the perpetrators were from
  3. Oh god a drama queen. Have you considered for even a second that any threat to you girlfriend might possibly come from an illegal immigrant, a radicalised muslim perhaps a member of Hamas, they recently also got a taste for Thai blood did they not was that donald trumps fault too? Some have historically hated America and its allies since before we were born, all he is doing is trying to keep those that hate the US out, or at least reduce the numbers sneaking in thus making things safer for everybody. what's not to like
  4. Politicians around the world get charged with crimes, Tony blair and Bush are responsible for the deaths of millions How long did the vietnam war last, how many died? How many died when the religion of peace visited the twin towers? <deleted> happens What happened on jan 6th was a walk in the park by comparison , blown up out of proportion by a hysterical left wing global media. Had it not occured on the "hallowed ground" of the capitol it would have been just another demo
  5. Just read the link i sent you and stop the insults, you aint doing yourself any favours It really is an almost evangelical zeal that you people possess
  6. Well he's been there before with out any major incident,, quite a bit happened since though under the watchful eye of sleepy joe. the events in Gaza and Ukraine are taking us closer to the edge than we've ever been, China and Taiwan will be next, Sleepy had better wake up
  7. And now "its a brain defect" I clicked on your link and read the pathetic attempt at character assassination , Throughout the whole article they appeared to be clutching at straws his poster was compared to "nazi propaganda" i wonder by who? he would be concerned if a gang of Romanian men moved in next door who wouldn't? he said this he said that he supported trump is that the best they could do, Now do me the courtesy and do your self a favour click on my link and learn a bit about Enoch Powell https://www.friedmanomics.co.uk/post/has-history-got-enoch-powell-wrong you might be surprised You might think about moderating you language too as you are starting to sound like one of those hysterical female social justice warriors
  8. These guys just want to protect their countries, I haven't ever heard them refer to those you think they hate , as anything as unpleasant as that which you have just called them, I can't even think of what they would have to say to compete with "hate mongering racist scum" "robbing gypsy bastards" ? "bomb chucking ragheads" ? never heard them say anything like that ever ok so they are concerned about immigration? It doesn't make them racists, people are not obliged to wish for excessive uncontrolled immigration, and even if you are, there really is no need for all the hate, just because you disagree. I don't really like your obviously liberal left wing views but I don't refer to you as scum. Your responses so far are exactly as I predicted
  9. true enough Lou, but where I come from, and where I currently live now, there is always some equity in a vehicle ( one way or the other) , helps a bit if its insured though, which is something I hadn't considered at the time I commented
  10. From what I see of them both are rightly concerned about the effects of uncontrolled immigration on their countries, The worst either of them ever appear to have done is a bit of straight talking, using normal everyday language as used by normal every day people. The lefty website you linked to was pathetic... he referred to a chinese takeaway as a "chinky" Oh my god how shocking, you really have to accept that that is probably the way 99% of british people refer to such a meal, So we all all far right racists then Regarding Enoch Powell not sure why you brought him up he's long dead, but it really is worth you reading a bit more about him rather than just repeating the tired old rhetoric regarding the "infamous speech" I'm not one for posting link after link but this will start you off https://www.friedmanomics.co.uk/post/has-history-got-enoch-powell-wrong like it or not there was a lot more to the man Never heard of Raheem Kassam but his name indicates an unlikely ally for someone you allege is an out and out racist
  11. Could not agree more, give the guy a break for gods sake, Farage has exactly the same problem in the UK The tolerant woke left harbour an almost evangelical hatred of anybody who's views do not align with theirs. they put the right wingers to shame in that respect. One only has to look at the hate filled comments on here directed at anybody who expresses support in any way for either of the above to see examples. The responses to this post will be further proof, Donald and Nigel Not far right and not far wrong
  12. I'm guessing you believe whatever makes you happy regardless of its source, or accuracy Anyway I'm curious , Is this person of great standing in his society who's opinions are printed in newspapers, in someway responsible for you ending up in a Sino - Soviet ghetto? it can't be much fun surrounded by Shifty Chinamen and their shrieking Chinese fishwives, Surly scowling Russian gangster's and their molls not to mention the badly behaved offspring of both. Sounds like the guy owes you an apology big time. I might be jumping to conclusions here , but , unless you are a complete hypocrite, the insulting comments you have directed to others, indicate that you are actually living here with a wife from your own country? I find that astonishing, you have actually "taken coal to Newcastle" as we say in English or sand to the desert. might be easier analogy to understand for Americans I have only ever met one other person who did that, The most miserable guy I ever met What has somebody's visa got to do with their knowledge of the property market ? Same goes for the nationality of their wives If you insist on believing the rubbish that estate agents pay to have printed in low quality freebee online newspapers, you can expect people to laugh, not much point in going on the attack, you won't be able to fight them all
  13. Both apparently absolutely brilliant, according to those who know about such things, Mind you another guy was afforded a similar accolade for cutting a cow in half and pickling it in formaldehyde anybody else lucky enough to have seen or heard of that masterpiece ? The rest of us are just to dumb to understand or appreciate such genius......or so they say
  14. No I wasn't trying to get you to say anything "unwise" I would never do that, and I did get your point, obviously nothing more need be said in that respect, I was merely reflecting on Regency which whilst I find it ok its nothing special, I am surprised any of the Elite here would lower themselves to drinking it at a mere 600 baht a bottle, Its like us drinking Lao Khao I do genuinely wonder how the adverts are allowed on TV. in view of the rather strict advertising regulations that Chang and leo have had to be rather more inventive to circumnavigate To be honest If I do present as being better versed in Thai matters than some on here ( which i'm sure you would agree isn't difficult) it isn't intentional I keep my eye on the ball as much as possible and on rare occasions i may (mistakenly) feel like I have it almost partly sussed but inevitably I am soon brought back down to earth. Normally by the missis. I am fully aware I will never really understand anything that happens here. and I freely admit it
  15. The fact that anybody has to resort to borrowing money from these scum is only proof of a total lack of intelligence and also irrefutable proof of a history of such behaviour. Somebody said on this thread earlier that the poor have no other option that is not really true, every village has somebody who will lend out money and every Thai will know several who lend out money. The traditional rates of interest usually "Roi la Ha" or "Roy la sip" 5% or 10% per month still extortionate but infinitely more manageable than the interest rates exhibited in th OP The only reason the guy in the OP could not avail himself of this service is because he will have had a history of defaulting on such loans and the locals wouldn't touch him with a barge pole When they borrow money from these out of town "mafia style" loan sharks , they are clearly informed of the extortionate interest rates that will be applied and also of the consequences if the default. It is not hidden in any small print. But it goes in one ear and with little to obstruct its path, it comes straight out the other. There is always a sad story, in this case alleged medical treatment, My inlaws aren't getting any younger there have been frequent spells in (government) hospital and no payment was ever required missis's sister had a cyst removed too, again no charge. The guy in the OP seems to be driving around in quite a nice pick up, what does he do when his insurance is due or he needs new tyres? Please don't anybody try to tell me that he budgets for such foreseeable regularities , Its brand new cars and motorcycles every time for these types, nothing else will do, and no problem or shame expecting others to pick up the bill Advice to all who read this thread, never ever lend them money under any circumstances whatsoever
  16. Whoever posted the "confused" emoticon to the above post really ought to brush up on their Thai language skills as soon as possible
  17. I'll meet you half way, it's desperation caused or at least compounded by stupidity
  18. I don't mind a bit of regency now and again to be honest however I freely admit I am in no way a connoisseur ! Its a while since I drank any but I seem to remember on the bottle that it once won some sort of award 20 odd years ago. I still find it very unlikely that it is seen as a threat by other established companies who produce brandy , and at 600baht a bottle, I doubt producing a bottle of it on arrival at party involving the higher echelons of Thai society would garner any respect .
  19. You may be right you may be wrong, the truth is none of us foreigners really have the slightest idea what is going on in Thai Politics, You should refer to my earlier post We don't even know the correct pronouns to use when addressing people or how to "wai" correctly when greeting strangers. Any" informed political comments" that might be made on forums like this, are based purely on western preconceptions and ideologies, and on what information people have been selectively spoon fed by english speaking mainstream media and of course a few self appointed experts Whilst we are of course perfectly entitled to comment, none of us are really qualified to do so to any meaningful degree
  20. Here we go again , firstly I never mentioned alcohol checks, many of these sites do not check for alcohol, they are not even staffed by police, but by uniformed volunteers employed by the local administration, ( known as "Or Por Bor Ror) they don't even have the power to arrest or even stop anybody. However they have no issues shutting a road down to a single lane presumably for some misguided notion of safety, or more likely, simply to emulate what they have seen their equally clueless brown uniformed cousins do If you really think it is a master stroke of Thai policing to place road narrowing measures or indeed alcohol checkpoints in such places then you have just publicly demonstrated that you are as stupid as they are and are totally justified in referring to me as a genius, at least in comparison to yourself, although I have never considered myself as such Why don't you finish your afternoon chang, have a little sleep , and see if you can come up with a safer alternative, along the lines of cops in cars driving around actively looking for drunken drivers who they can stop, brethylise and arrest Where i come from we call people like you a "beaut"
  21. Taint lickers ( credit to the American Pie films for that phrase) to a man / woman If anybody needs that phrase explaining I will be only to happy to elaborate on its origin
  22. Regency is unique, in so much that it is openly advertised on TV. the past few evenings the advert has been shown at 10pm and 11pm on channel 29 (mono) ok no sight of the actual product itself but also no images of a similarly named soda water like the chang adverts, but the Brand name was clearly shown and there was a clear alcohol warning which to me confirms what they were advertising.
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