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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Nah just lock him up no need for the likes of him to be at large, not that complicated at all The complications start when people start making excuses for this sort of behaviour, There is always some sort of excuse these days, The guy needs removing from society. Would have been better if they had shot him at the scene, nice deterrent too
  2. And most of them have the decency to make use of a public phone box or a disused shop doorway,
  3. Look, you were the one questioning whether he was a Marine or a soldier, here's what you said... "Small query - is a US soldier a marine, I understand marines hate being described as a soldier. They are part of the navy." I quoted you and simply commented that his occupation was irrelevant in the context of this story. Which it clearly is. That is all I said , but for some inexplicable reason, I seem to have touched a nerve, I can't really understand why you got so upset and to be honest I really don't care Your 1st response was ...."I'm sure there's no personal rancor in singling me out for petty censure" "petty censure" ! Realising you were a little upset but not understanding why, I replied.....Nothing personal at all, why are you so sensitive, ? To which you replied....."Perhaps my sensitivities stem from others who do stalk my posts and attack my opinions because of personal dislike" Hardly a rational response. and indicative of paranoia In a futile attempt to ease your troubled mind and to reassure you that there was no personal dislike (there is now by the way) I commented... "Well you can rest assured that I am not "stalking you" Do you consider his former occupation of any relevance?" Bizarrely, and evading the question of the relevance of his occupation you continued..... "Don't quote me nor seek my assent for your views.It could lead to me incorrectly assessing your motives" you were clearly getting worked up weren't you? Anyway in your final attempt to wind me up which I have quoted above you have clearly demonstrated to me, and everybody else here, that you are indeed , nothing more than an antagonistic crybaby (your words) So if you are not going to agree and feel unable to discuss the relevance of his military past with me, then, I suggest you put on the aircon , pour yourself a sweet milky cup of tea, and have a little afternoon nap. It probably won't help with your issues but it will save me wasting anymore of my time quoting and responding to your silly old mans rants.
  4. what are the defining features that separate those two nationalities from other caucasians?
  5. I get that , and maybe a Thai would spot a fake ID easily but a foreigner might not be able to, especially after a few changs. in the same way I could probably spot a fake £20 more easily than a Thai would,
  6. Most larp is pork Larp neua is not so common Tak is not Issan A large proportion of issan people are ethnic Lao or ethnic Khmer Lamb is relatively expensive Just because you don't agree, does not mean others are "out of reality"
  7. Ouch that's terrible, but its late and as a suitable humorous reply evades me , I guess its time to round up the sheep and get the flock outta here
  8. You got me, but, In fairness, i could say, that there were no pick-ups around in the buddha's day so one would expect a lack of guidance in that respect, As regards rape and murder a cynic might say that some of those could be due to less educated devotees following some of the examples set by less desirable members of the clergy But you're absolutely right i simply forgot
  9. Anti vaxxers = Schoolboy like behaviour= Uneducated .. Fascinating I think I'm onto something here
  10. Bigoted comment Not lacking in irony But at least you took the trouble to write it in english
  11. I'm guessing for anybody who knows anything about psychology and linguistics, this sort of bizarre attempt at an insult must be absolutely fascinating on several levels. The word "anti vaxxer" is evolving before our very eyes tonight on this forum. From a word invented, by those in a blind panic, and intended as a pejorative for people who made a decision not to have something they didn't want, injected into their arms, to a general insult to be thrown at anybody regardless of their vaccination status or views thereon A lot of covid inquiries going on at the moment and a lot of revelations are being made , the truth is beginning to emerge, another few months and "anti vaxxer's" usefulness as an insult may well be diminished
  12. Thailand is the land of fakes, I doubt the guys on the door really care, as long as they are seen to have asked for ID there is little else they can do. the police aren't really that bothered about it either it to be honest, Its something they home in on now and again, like crash helmets on motorbikes, where I live its the last thursday of each month with often additional checks prior to Songkran and new year
  13. They might throw that at her if she's found to be lying The club is unlikely to lose their licence on account of one underage customer, anyway I'm sure you know how it works here . the club will have been paying "insurance" since it opened
  14. missis seems to think she had fake ID A photo of her ID card on her phone ( of course) with the D.O.B. altered, take that as unconfirmed though
  15. I guess that's how a diplomat would describe things, One in particular is downright hostile, whilst others, Chong Chom / O'smach for example, are actually quite friendly, 300 baht to come straight back , think of it as a tip
  16. That's what you get from google translate lol should have been "anonymous" surely
  17. Not much to go off in the OP So It will be interesting to see what verdict the TVF hang' em high brigade arrive at. I have no feelings either way as to who's telling the truth,and I couldn't care less personally, My missus has been taking a bit of an interest in it all, on TV and "social media" (of course) she's of the opinion that the girl involved is telling porkies and only involved the police as her blackmail plans were not working out. stranger things have happened The lengthy news coverage implies to me that its not exactly an open and shut case, If he is proved to be guilty he could be facing a lengthy prison sentence, as of course is only right and proper But if the opposite is proved to be true and her allegations were indeed all lies, then she should face an identical sentence, and of course be publicly named and shamed along with anybody else involved Unfortunately even if he is exonerated his reputation will suffer irreparably for a long time, as accusations like this leave a stain that is very difficult to remove. Is it right to reveal his Identity before the case has been concluded ? Personally I say No
  18. Good post AddyA lets not forget that many of those critical thinkers were rewarded with suspensions for there efforts. The word "anti vaxxer" won't be going away anytime soon, as it now appears to be metamorphosing into a general insult , an example of this can be seen in a currently running thread about a foreigner defecating on the pavement outside a shop in Ubon Ratchathani (seriously I kid you not!) There are no anti-vaxxers any more, there are just people who chose not to receive it, and are no worse off for making that decision, Those screaming "Anti vaxxer" these days are just a few of those who now regret having allowed themselves to be used as guinea pigs in a worldwide experiment, and are understandably jealous of those who stood their ground As far as I remember there was hardly any mention of the natural immunity received from having contracted and recovered from Covid, no, no, no only the Vax would (allegedly) protect you from catching it and only the vax would stop you from passing it on, (doesn't even make sense). The natural immunity and or antibodies one received as a result of having had the virus, strangely counted for nothing, one had to be jabbed, again and again and again, some "experts" were suggesting everybody being jabbed every 6 months. Starting at 6 months old ! and how did we end up with so many different vaccines anyway ? Something's not right there either, the Astra Zeneca vaccine is now virtually banned! that must be very comforting for those who received it There must be a lot of people who are, understandably, quite embarrassed at the way they behaved and the things they said and did during the covid situation . I personally deeply regret allowing myself to be injected 3 times, but at the time the loss of personal liberties that we were threatened with was something I could not accept One poster on here created almost a full time job for himself, not sure if he had a work permit, but he must have been almost permanently glued to his laptop for the best part of 3 years, obsessively posting charts and statistics of infections and death rates almost daily, to ramp up the fear amongst the english speaking community, Since when did anybody have such trust and faith in facts and figures produced by government. The actions of a rational man? or the actions of one consumed by fear and panic (as a result of believing all those government figures) He's conspicuously absent on this thread. Thankfully I feel that the days of lauding those who encouraged fear and hysteria, and vilifying anybody who dared to question the narrative are behind us,,,,,,,,,,until the next time, which, if unelected organisations like the WHO have their way , will be sooner rather than later
  19. Strangely on a thread about lamb, there has been no mention of mint sauce
  20. The second part of the above quote certainly seems to have upset a few on here for some reason, but as far as generalisations go , its not that far off the mark. Its probably a bit different in the predominantly muslim southern provinces, but I've never been there so I wouldn't know. Now as to the first part of the above quote... I have not met many Thais , except perhaps a few monks, who allow their "Buddhist beliefs", to interfere with their day to day activities, Materialism, Ostentatious displays of wealth, Lying, Sexual misconduct, Abuse of alcohol, and Xenophobia being just a few examples, To be honest I have no issues with that. And before the pedants start on me .... No I have obviously not met, or spoken to, every Thai national on the planet, and doubtless there are exceptions, but again as a generalisation it's not far off the mark
  21. virtually impossible to say from the photo but I would say it was probably one of the above, I would put money on it
  22. Why those who do not use agents feel the need to stick their nose into other peoples business is a mystery to me. Shortcuts are there to be taken after all
  23. I'm guessing the OP must be referring to the multi entry Non O based on retirement, ( or marriage) which is the only visa I know of that could allow 15 months, if used carefully. It has certainly been removed from the UK e visa website, and many others according to recent reports, apparently the marriage version is still available from Savannakhet. Personally I have never used an agent, but I have no issues whatsoever with anybody who does, for whatever reason. I cannot understand why anybody posting on this forum objects to others using an agent, It really isn't any of their business. Do agents even have any influence regarding visa applications made in foreign countries, its not something I ever thought about before but I would be interested to know the answer As for the objectors, why not just get a life and mind your own business
  24. Bill Gates should have been told to STFU since day 1 Not quite sure why a computer geek, who just got lucky, was allowed to interfere
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