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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I saw a news report in the UK a few months ago, In which it was claimed that government spending on the NHS exceeds the total amount of money taken every year from both tax and NI, I honestly don't know how true that is but it sounds plausible to me. Obviously a lot of this is due to the total mismanagement of the health service. However if the UK gov had managed to address the problem of the obscene amount of illegals entering the country, none of whom are required to pay a penny, and in many cases are able to queue jump. It would not be necessary to charge the foreign wives of UK nationals such ridiculous amounts of money for a service they may never require I have no idea how much I personally have contributed to the NHS in over 40 years of paying tax, but as I have not set foot in a hospital or even a doctors surgery in over 40 years i think I am pretty much in credit A good friend of mine took his wife and her kid to the UK 20 years ago, As soon as she was able she started work at a local mushroom farm and worked there paying tax and NI until it closed down last year. She is now 60+ and suffering from a bad back it is unlikely she will work again. their recent attempts at claiming any form of benefit have been denied, seem very unfair to me. Although apparently when she reaches the required age she will be entitled to a state pension. The whole system is a mess, the removal of illegals who are not allowed to work and live off state benefits may not solve the problem but it would not make matters any worse would it?
  2. THey obviously like the idea of being mistaken for a whore, Many women have strange fantasies
  3. "A Doctor" really??? That's a new one, I normally only meet ex special forces and merchant bankers, Who do you think you are kidding? What sort of doctor or any other professional refers to those with whom they disagree as "knuckle draggers"
  4. He will have another go soon , his sort just can't let things lie. The sort of person who torments a dog then wonder why they get bitten. I hope he doesn't get out much or we will probably see another thread similar to this one but with him as the subject.
  5. Well I am quoting you again and regardless what you think, I will quote anything and anybody I want to on this forum,including you if I wish. I am not quite sure who you think you are , but I am beginning to understand why, on your own admission, you have had problems here in the past, and my prediction is, that you will no doubt have more problems in the future. I will quote you again if you reply, you are very antagonistic yet appear to start crying when somebody responds, The correct response to me stating that his occupation is irrelevant would have been to simply agree. or if you feel that his occupation was relevant then you have had ample opportunity to explain why. In the meantime feel free to assess my motives in whatever way you feel appropriate, my cursor is hovering over the quote button in anticipation
  6. That may well be the case, but I see no reason why the UK cannot be a bit more selective as to who they allow in. It's not like there is any shortage of applicants. There is little to be gained from allowing just anybody to enter. For example too many followers of the "religion of peace" most of whom hate us, have already had a negative affect. The authorities are again warning of possible terror attacks, in response to the situation in Gaza, it really is not difficult to see the problems we are letting ourselves in for. However I await the expected accusations of islamophobia and racism from the usual suspects
  7. Well you can rest assured that I am not "stalking you" Do you consider his former occupation of any relevance?
  8. Unless the UK authorities banned him from leaving the country I doubt he would have any problems coming here. There are no criminal record checks for most visas or visa exempt entries.
  9. There are plenty of people who take more from the system than they pay in The NHS has managed to cope with this for years, One reason for this is people like myself who have paid in for over 40 years yet have taken nothing from the system, To expect the NHS to take care of every sick illegal immigrant is patently unrealistic. There are just too many coming both legal and illegal and it needs to be stopped, one does not need to be a genius to realise that. But as usual the moment the useless government actually makes moves to achieve this, people like you, "the open borders brigade start whinging". How many of these foreign scroungers would you personally be prepared to sponsor? Hmmm thought as much
  10. You have just made that up, why did you not mention it in your original character assassination of this guy, To be honest I doubt the guy in question actually exists.
  11. Well you have certainly shown your credentials, referring to anybody with concerns regarding the excessive immigration as "knuckle draggers" and "racists" You people cannot discuss anything in a civilised manner and immediately resort to the same tired old insults in an attempt to end any constructive discussion
  12. yeah the 3 year waiting list is standard for everybody, The uk NHS is more concerned with diversity and wokeness than actually treating people. There is a sure fire way to jump the queue though, if upon your return you got off the plane in Paris and made your way to Calais and completed the journey on a small boat, you would receive instant medical treatment on your arrival in the UK. and free hotel accommodation whilst you undergo the treatment Just don't forget to destroy your passport on the way over...... Sad but 100% true
  13. I've lost loads of teeth some to decay and some from fighting, I never felt the need to replace any and at £3000 a pop I doubt I ever will Amoxy does indeed work very well, years ago I had a rather nasty infection in a front upper tooth, the dentist in the UK , trying to be clever, said "amoxy is no good anymore, i need to prescribe a different anti-biotic" I think it was called metronidazole or similar, came with dire warnings about drinking alcohol, 1st course didn't work , 2 days before flying here I started the 2nd course, that didn't work either, by this time even my nose was swollen with the infection, so after a few days in agony here i sent the misses of to get some amoxy and 2 days later no pain. I finished the box and all was Ok within a week. Still got the tooth to this day
  14. I remember that as a kid, my father had a bottle of something that was i think predominately oil of cloves, Not sure but I think it was called "sloan's liniment" tasted awful but did help with the pain when applied to the surrounding area, A side effect was producing gallons of saliva
  15. Don't waste your money on scotch, I have in the past had excellent results with Lao Khao, a fraction of the cost and tastes no worse. But severe toothache seldom comes from nowhere, rather it starts small and develops over time as infection takes hold, Of course a genius such as you would know that, so why have you left it so long? Give the amoxy time to work and then go and have the tooth ripped out, its a painless procedure these days you know
  16. Never heard of chlamydia causing incontinence and i am surprised you as a non smoking teetotaller would have any reason to have researched the matter So presumably you are celibate too, you sound like a real barrel of laughs, Are you one of those involuntary celibates they refer too as incels? No wonder you spend so much time trolling on here. Absolutely fascinating, you should contact this guy called Louis Theroux he could make a documentary about you
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