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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Everybody that I know who has had the "vaccine" including myself has contracted covid. I also know many who have not had the vaccine, and not one of them has had covid.
  2. That's why most of the unsavory characters found loitering in "soi africa" inevitably end up in the immigration detention center.
  3. I certainly hope that you are correct. And as you appear to be so sure of what the future holds in store, could you give me a few numbers for the next lottery draw?
  4. I'm getting a bored with this now so here is my final comment. I am guessing you are pretty big on human rights, diversity, inclusivity and all that. How do you stand on homophobia and gay rights? No doubt you are all for it. Probably have a few gay mates too, why not its perfectly acceptable these days, Why not try asking your muslim friends how they feel about gay rights, and while you are at it you could try asking your gay mates how they would feel living under a muslim regime. Even better why not arrange for both parties to meet in order to discuss such matters. that could be a very interesting dinner party. Who's side would you be on?
  5. IT won't belong before Asean now's resident Covid doom merchant posts a few of his charts and statistics to dispel this good news
  6. And you clearly have no Idea where I have been. I suggest you and your private health care wife try living, and working, in a middle eastern muslim country before you extol the virtues of the religion of peace Your refusal to accept what is happening is astonishing. One only has to look at what happened in Iran or Lebanon not that long ago, to see how a relatively liberal regime can change almost over night when these "religious" zealots are given the slightest opportunity io inflict their medieval beliefs on a country. Would you really wish for that in the UK? come on now be honest Any way it's too late it's already started iT won't affect me I'll be dead and buried before the take over is complete but anybody under 40 years old can look forward to a bleak future, especially the women
  7. And that makes you happy? No immigration policy is 100% effective but Thailand is very pro active regarding the removal of those they don't want here. Many of the undesirables you refer to live in the south, they were unfortunately born here and cannot be deported
  8. And add to that , a genuine love of their own country. I recently returned here from the UK and whilst killing time in Dubai airport I could not help noticing how genuinely happy all the Thais were to be returning home, smiles everywhere. Compare that to the miserable hang dog expressions on the faces of those waiting to fly back to the UK and other western countries.
  9. I am wondering if those who are advocating mass uncontrolled immigration are familiar with the term "invasive species" There is a good reason why anything or anybody entering the UK is , at least in principle subject to regulation and control A simple example of that which should be easily understood by even the dumbest lefty liberal would be that of the grey squirrel ! Do any of these neo marxists think we should be importing any more of them.? The answer,sadly, is probably a resounding "yes" as the extinction of the indigenous red squirrel population is not much different to what they wish for the indigenous population. I am genuinely jealous of the Thai people, who are allowed and even encouraged to be patriotic, they genuinely have a deep rooted pride in their country, This is being eradicated in the west where the word "patriotic" has been replaced, incorrectly with "xenophobic"
  10. Another lefty who obviously has little or no knowledge what they are talking about. Last I heard the UK was spending £8 million per day housing thousands upon thousands of these people. I would be very very interested to learn,,, how illegal immigrants who are not allowed to work , can contribute anything to any economy, (except to the profits of the people traffickers and human rights lawyers ) The very essence of the UK's culture is being destroyed and people like you ( their enablers) are too blind to see it Why don't you tell us how julie would feel having to wear a burka whilst standing in a queue, waiting for the old woman to arrive with a rusty razor blade to purify her with a bit of good old FGM Your analogy to expats living legally and supporting themselves here (or anywhere else) and contributing to the economy is truly pathetic, and insulting to our intelligence, Wake up and smell the coffee
  11. No i do not have any muslim friends, neither do I want any thank you very much, I am perfectly happy in cloud cuckoo land, the real world looks a little dangerous to me what with ISIS , Hamas, Hezbollah etc. You may find it hard to understand , but beheadings, being burnt alive, and FGM don't really attract me, or my wife for some reason. Maybe you should lead by example and spend some time in Iran, Saudi, Arabia, Iraq, or Yemen let me know how you get on, particularly if you try to preach a bit of the Gospel or dare to listen to some western pop music. If that is a bit much even for you, you could try one of the "lighter" versions of islam by going to Dubai, and see what happens when you hold hands with your wife in public, or if you are not actually married, try booking a double room with your girlfriend. Bon Voyage, and don't forget to send us all a postcard
  12. Its a multi million pound industry for these people they know more about it than the likes of you or me, of course they are aware of changes in UK policy
  13. Of course it makes a difference, you appear to be blinded by wokeness. Muslims hate us its the very essence of their religion, if you think otherwise you are living in cloud cuckoo land
  14. look , you can stop producing these fictional scenarios I am not in the least bit interested. Lets just keep them out
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