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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. What, and miss all the fun ? I have not told people to stop posting stuff that I don't like. I don't have an ignore list , Anyway none of these financial requirements would be game changing for a real "doctor"
  2. If you don't know why they are looking, you could always ask them. "WTF are you looking at" should illicit a response from a westerner or "Mong Haa Arai" would almost definitely provoke some sort of response from a Thai...but both may lead to a situation somewhat less than ideal for a 75 year old Or simply carry a few photos of yourself and offer a signed one to all the people who stare at you The best advice,for you personally, however, is stay in your house and only go out when absolutely necessary, based on the responses you normally receive to your posts, That or consider hiring some sort of personal security
  3. In the UK the financial evidence requirements are not needed anymore, this happened at the same time that the ME non O were withdrawn . at least that was the situation last month I can only assume, from the OP that the US has followed suit For those struggling to "merge" several pages of documents into one file simply open all the documents in Adobe and print ( using the microsoft "print to pdf"" option) easy and free
  4. to intimidate those who are not influential of course ! c'mon it's not rocket science
  5. "people who can't speak english" You do realise where you are don't you ? Unbelievable comment. Have you even considered learning some Thai "annoying old people that are treated like gods but have never done a days work in their life" What an unpleasant and ignorant remark, you need to learn some respect, How on earth could you even begin to know their work history with your obvious lack of language skills ? You should certainly be looking at the floor , In shame ! I hope your long suffering partner has a brother, because it looks to me like you need to be taught some manners, or maybe they should just give you a lift to the airport You were not designated as a babysitter for the kids, its just that all the adults want nothing to do with you, why would they? Honestly, some people!
  6. Well that's what they told us, believe it if you want. But its stretching the imagination to suggest that all unvaccinated people displayed no symptoms,
  7. I think its because its one of those words that Thais can understand even when mispronounced by a westerner. I once saw a guy get quite upset when his Khao pat gai arrived as khao pat khai
  8. Aw c'mon Britman what about Christmas pudding ? Reminds me I have to sort out my Turkey soon, I got a special stuffing planned for it too, involving a large chunk of brickweed
  9. Don't really have a problem with spicy , its the sugar I cant be doing with, When I ask for no sugar some of them look at me like I'm crazy, I have started telling them I am diabetic and that has proved rather successful. I couldn't give a damn what other people eat, food is of course a very subjective matter, I deliberately avoid tourist places, that helps There are many Thai dishes that are not spicy at all, for those who do not like it hot.
  10. In theory its a good Idea but in practice its a waste of time, as its a very subjective matter. I mean how would one reply "not too spicy" "medium" "normal" each means different things to different people, There is no standard, Until one can refer to something like the "Scoville scale" for reference any descriptions are pretty much meaningless,
  11. That's the spirit, I've had it at least twice, possibly more, I don't bother testing these days, One just has to knuckle down and soldier on, Loss of appetite and a consequential weight loss is a positive side effect, even if only temporary. I soon put the pounds back on, its pity I can't get the long covid version, if there ever was such a thing. Strangely , well not really, but I believe "long covid" is only found in countries with a welfare benefits system in place
  12. Indeed it disappeared faster than I could ever have imagined. For years and years it has been one sort of bad news after the other, when was the last time we ever had good news? Somebody should consider looking into Mass depression psychosis as I don't think the human brain is wired up to continually receive only bad news day in day out ad infinitum
  13. I endured the covid era from within in the UK. I was luckily able to work all the way through it and didn't visit this website much. I have just scanned through the thread about the guy who wouldn't wear his mask, AS I expected the few members on here that I respect come out of it looking just fine. However many of the usual suspects do not. if they were to revisit their posts they would surely suffer from buttock clenching embarrassment.
  14. I questioned the narrative on here a few times and was rewarded with a suspension, I doubt I was the only one. But the thing that really got on my nerves was the tall doom monger from bangkok who insisted on reposting every graph and statistic ever released, he is still at it too. Why for gods sake? No different to those walking round with "the end is nigh" placards on their backs Calling somebody a conspiracy theorist or denier is just a way for those unwilling or unable to discuss things to halt any further dialogue, I rarely believe what governments tell us, it may be because we've been lied to so many times in the past, but I generally assume the opposite of what they are saying to be the truth, however as you say billions of people obediently fell into line without question, and aggressively berated those that didn't. I find that more than mildly concerning They have, in the UK. started some sort of sham inquiry in to the governments covid response, I'm sure the results of which were decided and probably written long before it actually began. Several prominent people are already denying they called for lockdowns and are being shown to be barefaced liars. Sadly Its a foregone conclusion that we will never know the full truth.
  15. Hysterical is a good way of describing the behaviour of many, but in fairness, it wasn't just their imagination that was to blame, in my opinion the mainstream media have an awful lot to answer for, ok they were subject to "emergency government regs" which basically forced them to stick to the official narrative, but they milked it for all it was worth, and still do. Fake news was ok as long as it followed the guidelines. Do you remember the stupid nurse who claimed there were hospital wards in the Uk overflowing with dying babies? total b/s but it went around the world, When she was called out over it she said she was "just trying to raise awareness" The government at the time was running around like a headless chicken, but I suppose they were only trying to do their best , at least in the early days, but later on i'm pretty sure they were using the opportunity to see just how far people could be pushed and manipulated. Nasty people like Tony Blair and those at the WHO are already talking about the next pandemic, which is a bit strange for what is considered to be a 1 in 200 year event. Apparently there were plans in place to force pet owners to euthanise their cats and dogs, thankfully they were never put into action, but if they can force people to do that then they could pretty much force them to do anything. A lot of what they implemented was nothing short of laughable we have heard a few examples here already and no doubt we will here more as those with better memories than me make further comments
  16. hahahaha how on earth did I miss that one, I just nearly choked on my coffee, that is absolutely priceless, best laugh I have had all week And when I thought I couldn't laugh anymore there was this.... "the department rep for sanitation and sex" Comedy gold worthy of an award
  17. Ah yes common sense and reason, I remember those rather important qualities that most people used to posses. But unfortunately as we both know they were the first victims of covid. Closely followed by free speech and the economies of most nations It has been ,probably, one of the most bizarre things we will ever experience, My faith / trust in the media was always fragile but it has been completely destroyed now (probably not a bad thing) Also a little more worryingly I have a lot less respect for the medical profession, and a total disdain for anybody described as an "expert" they should be shot on sight.
  18. A very easy way out of answering what must have been a difficult question for you. Do you avoid condemning FGM to women. There would be no need to ask them what sexuality they are. just out of interest did you consider the events that took place in Israel an act of terrorism or do you consider Hamas to be "freedom fighters" Palestinians are not wanted by neighbouring countries for good reason, but no doubt will soon become another unwanted burden on the UK. it is unlikely they will become inconvenienced by the UK's tightening of immigration requirements
  19. I have stated my opinions and views, you are not obliged to agree, you are not even obliged to read them . If I have caused any offence I really and genuinely could not care less.
  20. my personal favorite being those who wore masks whilst alone in their cars. although to be fair I think it was an enforced legal requirement to do so in Thailand. Another was the requirement to wear one when standing in a restaurant but being allowed to remove it when sitting down. and who could forget the night time curfews. Did some really believe covid was more prevalent after 9pm
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