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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. So somebody from the UK leaves the country for over 6 months, a long holiday perhaps or maybe working overseas and on their return are not entitled to NHS treatment. I call b/s on that. It is certainly not my personal experience
  2. I think he should reveal the name of his resort so that we might never make the mistake of staying there. Imagine being forced out of ones room and onto a motorbike just because the real owners husband thinks ones cannabis use might not be "medicinal enough" Does anybody know where this miserable sounding place is situated? Or do I just have to look for the negative reviews online
  3. Don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do? reminds me of a song. Another nasty , and somewhat weird pastime is wasting one's time trolling a pro cannabis thread. And as for the tales of slapping people, I almost pissed my pants when I read that,and you say you don't drink alcohol? so what is your excuse.?
  4. There is a good reason why they should keep the numbers low for partner Visas. Many immigrants have scant disregard for birth control, 30,000 today can easily become 180,000 withinin 6 years and then those 180,000 can start the process again with the next generation. It really isn't rocket science,think of it as compound interest if you have trouble understanding the huge problem
  5. I think incompetence is only a small part of the problem, the real issue is , like you mentioned, the lefty leaning sympathisers who for some inexplicable reason seek some sort of open border policy for the UK. And for those on here who feel the same way , consider this, You are not the primary intended target, and it would probably be a lot easier to take your foreign wives to the UK if it was not already over run. You are in effect collateral damage from a broad sweeping legislation. A bit like getting hassle from a bank when conducting transactions over a certain (unspecified) amount of money in the name of money laundering, or being repeatedly searched and x-rayed at airports in the name of anti terrorism. I won't mention the other thing except to say its not a scam , its an absolute disgrace
  6. Immigration to the UK is out of control and needs to be sorted out, Whether it is cheaper to live in the UK than certain parts of Europe is nothing to do with that. I have no confidence in the current UK government and even less in a labour government, but every attempt at controlling the numbers is opposed by the lefty liberal types. Something has to give, and if they are unable to deport the illegals turning up everyday on the small boats then other easier targets will have to be found. For example is there really any reason why a foreign "student" needs to bring a relative or two with them? Of course not Government ministers are moved from job to job on a regular basis, todays minister for education could easily be tomorrows transport minister. It is not necessary for the home secretary to have specific legal training, that is what the hoards of advisors are for. The UK could learn a lot from Thailand when it comes to immigration, I doubt 17,000 illegal immigrants here have simply vanished
  7. Life is not fair , There are always regulations to be complied with, those who want to live here need to meet certain financial requirements and I doubt very much there are many Thais out there on a similar forum crying on behalf of foreigners who don't meet the financial requirements to live here. In the scenario that I commented on, the guy in question was born in 1947, he is nearly 80 years old, and we can assume his "childhood sweetheart" is of a similar age, it would be astonishing if they both did not become an elderly burden on the state very soon. He may well have contributed to the Uk's crumbling health system but his childhood Pakistani sweetheart, like many wannabe immigrants, has not
  8. I don't really care what reasons were given by the home secretary, the fact of the matter is that the Uk is not a cheap place to live,
  9. And what are the odds that the guy claiming to go around slapping people is on his 5th Chang already, and has probably pissed his pants twice today
  10. Despite b/s to the contrary, nobody "needs" weed,as it is not addictive, the same unfortunately cannot be said about tobacco or alcohol , and as for "summoning up pleasures" not quite sure what that actually means but it sounds a bit weird to me
  11. The figure of £38,000 seems fine to me when bearing in mind the obscene cost of living in the UK. If I was Abdul I would sell my house and be on the 1st flight back, and enjoy what little time I have remaining, with my childhood sweetheart, £25,000 a year does not go very far in the Uk. Don't forget half of ot will be taxed at 20% and don't forget his poll tax. His money will go a lot further in Pakistan
  12. That is not exactly true, your link is from the open borders brigade, think you might find this government website a little more informative .. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a7c321340f0b674ed20f74d/Sham_Marriage_and_Civil_Partnerships.pdf
  13. Do you differentiate between medical and recreational use of alcohol ? If not why not ? Do you also help totally drunk guests out if their beds and onto their scooters? If that is the case, not only should you be thoroughly ashamed of yourself, you are partly responsible should an accident ensue Perhaps you might like to tell all of us here the name of your budget resort so that we can avoid it
  14. Another geriatric keyboard warrior, give it a rest you are scaring nobody, and sounding rather ridiculous.
  15. Good advice where ever one finds one's self, certainly not just specifically for Thailand.
  16. "you think too much" is a common retort by Thais, In this case I agree with them
  17. Its not exactly normal to apply for a visa, online or otherwise, to gain entry to a country where one is already residing. Although its not that difficult to find away around this, some have suggested the doubtful possibility of using a VPN. Personally I can think of another way, if one has a friend living in one's own country. Just be careful if the stamps in your passport prove you were in Thailand at the time you applied, as a keen eyed immigration officer might notice this
  18. Not surprising really and I don't really blame them. Many countries around the world have problems with foreigners evading immigration regulations by getting "Married" I am from the UK and it is a problem there, It would be a bit hypocritical of me to suggest it should be allowed continue over here or anywhere else, just for my own personal convenience
  19. Have you ever actually been to a village? I ask because you appear to have no idea what you are talking about.
  20. Luxury where I live we dream of garbage collection, we have a recycle guy who removes the bottles, but everything else just gets burnt There was some sort of proposal to start garbage collection but the locals decided they didn't want to pay such extortionate fees ( I believe it was estimated to be about the same as yours 300-400bt per year)
  21. Are you applying from the UK ? If so you need to look a little more carefully at what kind of tourist visa they might give you, There is indeed a multiple entry tourist visa option available if one selects "Tourism and leisure activities" as the reason for applying , BUT..... If you state on your application that you want the visa in order to visit "family" then you will find that the multiple entry option is no longer there, and only a single entry option is available And for anybody thinking of disagreeing, don't bother as I have just checked on the UK e-visa website On the positive side, the application process for METVs seems a bit easier than before the recent changes, there was no financial evidence required, or tax return or employers letter, and no need to do a selfie holding ones passport, at least that's how it was a month ago
  22. "An exorcism of the wrong spirit" !!!! what on earth are you talking about ?
  23. Absolute rubbish, from somebody who has never lived in a Thai village
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