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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Indeed, who could believe that innocent minded "families" would even consider holidaying in Thailand's drug hell? especially when they may well find themselves surrounded by prostitutes or even worse some of the prudes who like to whinge on here There are no "virtue signalling weed heads" they don't have time to virtue signal, at least not on here, as they spend most of their time responding to the idiotic assertations of the anti cannabis brigade Why on god's earth would you feel it necessary to impose a 30 day restriction of any sort ? and what's the purpose of your "weed licence". You sound like a real bundle of fun , not , What is it about cannabis that you think encourages people to try other drugs? after all, the gateway drug myth was debunked years ago. I mean just think about it Are you really trying to tell us that you actually believe that cannabis, a simple plant, has the unique ability to encourage those who ingest it to further sample multiple illegal substances, how on earth does it do that ? If that was actually true it would be phenomenal
  2. So what would happen at the departure gate when a tourist, turns up ready to go home, who on the spur of the moment, decided to extend their current stay for a month and when their current stay is added to a previous trip to Thailand, earlier in the year, it exceeds 180 days. They naturally didn't think to bring all their tax related documents on holiday with them, in fact , depending on their timing these documents may not even be available. How on earth are they to be expected to declare and prove their income back home and how on earth would a Thai official be able to check ? If they funded their stay using credit cards (or cash) how could anybody prove what they had actually spent? So realistically what could happen to them ? |Sent on their way with an IOU? Locked up until they pay their tax ? That would be ridiculous, Nothing will happen that's what, Also whoever suggested that banks might be able to withhold 15% of all monies originating from abroad until the sender could prove whether any tax due had been paid is taking scaremongering to a new level. I doubt anybody has any reason to be worried, except maybe those living here permanently, who receive some sort of dodgy tax free pension from the virgin islands or similar, they might want to revue their arrangements
  3. neither will it have any effect on the amount of it smoked by young people in issan
  4. Well I won't argue that it can't be dangerous, one time a small piece of burning hashish fell out of a joint and burnt a hole in my favorite shirt ! And back in the seventies a mate of mine got mugged and had his bike robbed on a council estate in liverpool when he went to buy some weed, so yes it can be risky stuff. My personal experience tells me that although having smoked cannabis habitually for over 40 years, periods of abstinence, often for months, cause no discomfort or ill effects , Neither have I been admitted to any psychiatric facility. Addiction is a myth as is your recently invented "cannabis use disorder" lol This is my personal lived experience so I am quite entitled to say it. You on the other hand have no actual experience of cannabis other than what you have scoured the internet for Don't bother posting any more links to your usual selection of fictional anti cannabis rubbish, your last lot were laughable, why not do your trolling elsewhere instead of coming here to cause trouble and spread your misinformation
  5. Well done. good man I feel the same about pla raa but until now have never bothered to make a public virtue signalling statement about it
  6. well nothing except that, just like alcohol with its "devastating effects" on youths ,, under 18's are not legally allowed to buy it Your "risk assessment" however is spot on , the benefits, of whatever it is you are referring to (presumably legalisation) cannot never outweigh any adverse effects for you, indeed the two will always be in perfect balance, because as an obvious "none user" the legal status of cannabis is of no consequence, it has no benefits for you, neither does it have any ill effects so no need to be "afraid" of anything If I didn't smoke cannabis I really would not have the slightest inclination to post on these cannabis threads, in the same way that I don't waste my time repeatedly commenting negatively on other threads regarding activities indulged in by other adults that I don't agree with. Why do the anti cannabis brigade see any cannabis related thread on this website as an opportunity to spout their tired old rhetoric? One could be forgiven for thinking it was just a form of "trolling" which is, I believe, a form of antagonistic argumentative behaviour normally exhibited by teenage girls on social media.
  7. Of course, once its illegal again only over 21's will have access to it won't they? Have you not realised that Theoretically anybody of any age could order anything online should we therefore ban everything
  8. And what name should we give to the condition that affects people, causing them to wish to impose their views on the rest of society, and restrict the choices available to other adults,based on their illusion of possessing superior knowledge. A condition so serious that it causes its sufferers to devote a large proportion of their free time to scouring the internet desperately searching for anything that reinforces their own baseless prejudices regarding cannabis and then deliberately targeting pro cannabis threads in which to re post that rubbish, in effect nothing more than trolling
  9. no they are the people who abide by the law, I asked about those who take advice, there is a difference. (they are called sheep) Were you really a magistrate?
  10. Doesn't speak a word of english? yet he asked you "what was wrong with it" and suggested that" if it didn't work you should buy a new one" he also managed to tell you he was "returning to the office" his english would appear to be better than your Thai. Anyway he's not stealing your water, he is stealing your electricity, so simply start by switching off the pump when you are not there or not using it for any length of time. Or as others have suggested re plumb the piping from the pump to your house effectively cutting him off, Rightly or wrongly you should expect some unpleasantness somewhere during the proceedings
  11. And on the other hand it might not If that "comprehensive" list of negative effects was even half true, then people would just not be smoking cannabis. Yet even with the plethora of similar negative information that you, have diligently sourced from all corners the internet, and after nearly 100 years of negative propaganda from the USA inspired war on cannabis people are still smoking aren't they. This is despite the absence of any comparable amount of information promoting or advocating the use of cannabis Do you ever get the feeling that its you against the rest of the world? I think there's a name for that condition.
  12. Obviously moderation is preferable to excess, but as usual government guidelines are always going to be set on the low side. 2 small beers 4 times a week is not "moderate" alcohol consumption, it is negligible alcohol consumption, probably wouldn't even put one over the drink driving limit ! The advisory limits are obviously a compromise, designed to appease over zealous doctors who really would prefer zero consumption, but the reality is that the limits are set so ridiculously low, that no normal person takes any notice, They should be, and generally are disregarded by most people, What sort of person follows advice from "the government" ?
  13. a modicum of intelligence or a sense of humour is all thats needed normally
  14. Why do people post links to rubbish like that site (drugs . com) look at some of the cr@p they publish -: "possibly"..."possibly associated with some cancers such as testicular cancer" really? Nothing to do with the fact that testicular cancer might be a real concern to the young men who just happen to be the target of this "advice" yet links to other cancers are unclear,. more unclear than "possibly associated" which probably means non existent . May cause a "mood disorder" what does that even mean? reading that rubbish would cause anybody to experience a mood disorder Some respiratory problems,, Ok maybe, but after how many hundreds or thousands of joints? Gastrointestinal issues, none of which would lead to the production of b/s like this list looks like tiredness, drowsiness and fatigue all require a seperate listing in an attempt to bulk the list out a bit and hidden in the middle of this rubbish "a false feeling of wellbeing" its not a false feeling its a real feeling. and, eventually, "getting high" just to put all the non indulgers straight, a feeling of well being and getting high are NOT considered as "side effects" by any users anywhere. They are the desired intentional primary effects Finally has any body anywhere ever experienced the "facial flushing" referred to in the link? somehow I doubt it very much but i can think of one who posts extensively on this subject who will claim to have tried many "addicts" in court exhibiting such damning physical evidence
  15. Sadly for you drinking is not illegal, I suggest you start a new thread on here promoting prohibition, good luck
  16. There you go again,,,," but but but Anutin said,,,," as I explained before, it doesn't matter what he said. The words that came out of his mouth are one thing, what gets written in the statute book is another, and how the laws are implemented is a another factor, your views don't come into it, thankfully But turning things round a bit, if this whole issue was surrounding a U turn over the recent proposals to derestrict artisan beers, forcing small micro breweries to pour thousands of gallons of premium artisan ale down the drain. I would bet a weeks wages that you, like all the other hypocrites would soon find some sympathy for those affected and would be complaining how unfair it all was
  17. I challenge anybody to read the list of "side effects" there with out laughing, You should stop insulting peoples intelligence by linking to rubbish like that
  18. drugs.com lol are you having a laugh? If any of these agenda driven anti drugs sites ever mentioned one positive effect of taking drugs Ie that they might just make one "feel good" ( if only temporarily) they might achieve some credibility, but as they basically only repeat the same scaremongering lies, they are a complete waste of space When somebody is told constantly that taking drugs will only cause one to feel bad and they then go on to actually take some drugs and actually start to feel quite good How will that person then respond to further advice from similar sources once they know that the information they are receiving is total rubbish They will disregard it of course, (if they have any sense)
  19. You appear to be totally obsessed, over what you think Anutin may have said at some time, Not a single thread on this matter exists without you repeatedly bleating on and on about " but but Anutin said..." can you not even begin to understand that what he may or may not have said is as irrelevant to everybody else as your personal beliefs . What is relevant, to people who actually use cannabis, is the way in which any laws which actually exist are actually implemented in practice, and bearing in mind that cannabis users, have, by necessity kept themselves well informed regarding this, where ever they may live. So you can rest assured they will be at least as well informed as you regarding the practicalities of smoking cannabis and know exactly what they can and cannot get away with You seem to spend an inordinate amount of time scouring the internet looking for any negative news clippings or "scientific" reports relating to cannabis which you then proudly cut and paste in to your rants with almost a religious conviction as to their authenticity. Now you have latched on to "cannabis use disorder" as a tool of your crusade, but had you even bothered to read the "official" description of this mythical condition, you could have saved yourself a lot of embarrassment. It is completely made up rubbish, made up by people like you, people who get their panties in a bunch regarding cannabis, despite having little to no personal experience, that's why you find it so easy to believe this rubbish, because its dreamed up and written especially for you Oh and now you have decided to share with us , at exactly what age the human brain reaches full development.... 24 and 26 according to your experts and presumably not a day earlier eh ?, Well two things in that assertion don't sit well with me Firstly it is impossible to put such a finite figure on such a matter, secondly if this "fact " is so well and "irrefutably" established, how come I have never heard it mentioned in connection with any other substance abuse or activity that may negatively affect a developing brain? Then again I don't spend a disproportionate amount of my time scouring the internet, looking for reasons to stop grown adults doing things that i don't like As somebody has already said in a previous comment regarding your incessant whingeing , this is the cannabis forum and your constant unfounded attempts at scaremongering are not welcome here. You should do your trolling elsewhere
  20. My attitude is to not concern myself about the immigration status of other people or how much money those people may or may not have in the bank.. You really should keep your nose out of other peoples business.
  21. Absolutely and big joke could almost be forgiven for smiling as he proudly declares the results of his obviously phenomenal business acumen. Another poster showed a report which declared his wealth at 100 million! I guess we could take that with a pinch of salt, but something tells me he will certainly not be worth any less than that . What is his current salary ? 1.5miilion baht ?? and he certainly would not have been earning that much 10 years ago . So Its amazing how he has managed to find time to invest what would need to be every baht he ever earned so wisely and successfully whilst at the sametime single handedly fighting vice and corruption at all levels within the RTP. How did he manage to fit it all in? Of course there is absolutely nothing unusual or remotely suspicious about a senior police man who I believe likes to make out that he comes from a humble background, recently declaring his wealth to be in excess of 60 times his annual salary Rightly or wrongly I also reckon that a guy who owns 5 houses in one street probably owns a few others too
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