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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Another who chooses to base his opinion of people on what he reads in the media, you know pretty much nothing regarding this incident, or either of the people involved
  2. Its irrelevant where they are from there are enough "students" who never attend any lectures to warrant rounding up and deportation. That would send out the right signals
  3. Sadly true, we are constantly bombarded with news reports of threats from the " right" but the threat from the "left" is never mentioned, presumably because the "left" have now moved beyond the threat stage and are currently conducting an active campaign. It is not just the media, don't forget the major contribution being made to this mess by the education system too
  4. Not true as we remember neither i don't think either is intended to be a team event under normal circumstances
  5. He's described by many as "extreme far right" although I'm sure that those who refer to him as such have little knowledge of such matters, its just a label they stick on anybody who speaks a bit of common sense, But he is not far right and not far wrong either
  6. A big fuss is made in the UK about illegal immigration particularly those coming in the small boats (around 50,000 per year) but now its been revealed that is just a distraction to divert attention from legal immigration which is around 750,000 per year mainly from abuses of the student and other visa schemes. Today the authorities admitted that they have "lost" 17,000 illegals who have just vanished into the country. What a disaster
  7. Looks like everywhere is suffering the same fate, I was always an optimist until relatively recently, but now I'm pretty sure the writing is on the wall, Every civilised country seems to be getting run into the ground, to me there seems to be a sort of grim reality about it all, The curse of mass uncontrolled illegal immigration coupled with the misguided notions of diversity and wokeness will be the undoing of the modern world as we know it It will happen an awful lot quicker than the climate change disaster that has been invented to distract us
  8. I would respond "I personally do not have a government but the UK government......."
  9. They would have you sussed and given you a perjorative nickname in seconds
  10. I have heard westerners telling Thais they mispronounce some words Conversely I have had Thai english teachers correcting my english
  11. Even if one is Thai I don't think ones IQ ( if there even is such a thing) is anybody's concern
  12. I could not give a toss about some test, I may have failed your basic intelligence question, and I'm obviously not as smart as you think you are , but i never had a problem shopping
  13. in order to buy certain Items from some Thai shops one often needs to speak Thai to a higher level than a 3 year old
  14. Personally I have no idea what IQ specifically means other than its generally calculated by how one responds to abstract questions formulated by bearded psychiatrist type people. To assess somebody's IQ based on some sort of customer service experience is just plain weird The OP seems to think his negative shopping experiences are due to the low IQ of the shop assistants. Perhaps he should think about improving his own Thai language, and interpersonal skills before he decides how he will increase the IQ of an entire nation of people
  15. You must be bored , why would anybody care about the average Thai IQ ? If you want HK IQ then go to HK (better for all of us)
  16. Why do you find that a "real concern"? do you think there may be "racist" undertones lol does it state the nationality or ethnicity of the drunken tourist or the person impersonating them? no it does not. Or are you just a bit "noi jai" because they didn't ask you to play the part
  17. Don't you just love the mainstream media and politics. Two entities who are supposed to serve the public, yet have no idea what the public actually want. They have not, contrary to popular opinion "lost touch" with the public, that phrase would imply that it happened almost accidentally, and that is not the case They don't care what we want they have their own agenda, hasn't always been like that but it is now "Far Right" seems to be the most misused word of the century so far, seems to me that most people have no idea what far right actually means, and genuinely believe it just means "people who don't agree with me " This Wilders guy is not far right, and he certainly isn't far wrong The constant mantra from them, that left is good and right is bad is just plain wrong, where did it start?
  18. I have never in my life heard anybody, except perhaps the late queen, ever use the phrase "my government" It is not "my" government it is "the" government. You may feel in someway duty bound to accept responsibility for its pitiful failings but I and many others do not A government is voted in on the back of its values, and / or as a result of various promises contained within a manifesto which it makes prior to the election. When a government, upon being successfully elected then decides to abandon its traditional values and break its election promises, either wilfully or through incompetence, the electorate, even those who actually voted for the incumbent administration cannot be held responsible, there is very little the electorate can actually do about it, except wait until the next election Then, in the case of British politics, they are given the opportunity to vote for "the other" whose manifesto is no much different that the current shower, and who will, no doubt do exactly the same. There is no other choice. I'm hearing your response already " why doesn't somebody form a party that stands for what the majority want"? I don't think its that easy, but a few are trying , with "UKIP." and "Reform" being a couple of examples but the treatment they and people like Nigel Farage receive from the established parties and of course mainstream media ensures they have little chance of success. However when the people have eventually had enough, and actually vote for somebody who shares their values and genuinely understands their concerns, they are confronted with headlines such as the one attached to this thread, telling them their votes have "spooked" Europe. Europe is not spooked, the only ones spooked are a vocal minority, of those involved in illegal immigration, and a few bleeding heart liberal lefty wokists
  19. exactly and the only ones feeling spooked are prospective immigrants , workshy benefit claimers and the loony lefties. The hard working dutch citizens have nothing to worry about
  20. Are we to be bombarded with this hyped up, sensation seeking, journalistic trash every time somebody sneezes. These attempts by the media to exaggerate all the common and regular viral infections is truly pathetic and quite annoying. There should be a law against this
  21. Nobody "needs" to migrate to a specific country, especially those claiming to be refugees/ asylum seekers. Only illegals have a preferred target destination The UK for example would not be overrun with them if they were not able to abuse the benefit system there, Anyway there are plenty of miserable impoverished countries that are not muslim. Catholics are not big on birth control either and are far less volatile, I'm sure South America alone could meet the needs of most of Europe Many people are only too happy to leave the poverty and desperation of their own countries, I could not wait to leave the UK lol I have given some thought as to why they might hate "us" and have come to the conclusion it is not for anything that the average "man in the street" in the west has done to them, but rather that it is a result of the actions of various western governments. So as neither I nor any other person has much direct influence over the actions of government, and we are the ones targeted for retribution by these savages, the best thing for the west would be to avoid importing any of them to western countries. No need to worry about a bit of bath water, The last thing we need is "highly educated" potential terrorists that follow a barbaric medieval religion with aspirations of world domination at large in society. Don't forget they hate you just as much as they hate me, they hate the lefties just as much as the right wingers too. The fact is that nobody really wants them if the truth be known, and anybody saying otherwise is either lying or virtue signalling
  22. There are certain protocols to be observed if one expects the police to perform, especially in matters such as house breaking, when a foreigner is the victim , however with the right" incentive" or should I say "percentage" they can be very efficient Anybody who expects the police here to behave in the same way as the police back home will end up disappointed...( at best)
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