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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. You and a few others seem obsessed with road safety, You all knew what Thailand was like yet you still came to live here, and now you moan incessantly about something you can't change. Its a kind of impotent rage . Your statistics , and studies etc. are as usual cherry picked to further your arguments, but there are just as many "studies and statistics" that contradict yours. Furthermore I haven't noticed a surge in cannabis related driving accidents or deaths, reported and I watch a lot of Thai news, If there had been a single incident where cannabis was even suspected of being a contributory factor the press would have been all over it , and the fact is there hasn't been, has there ? So far your predictions have all failed to materialise haven't they? Other than the somewhat unbelievable story about a guy who cut his penis off some six months ago, the pitiful sight of a fat drunk man getting "assisted" on the beach after feeling weird . and a couple of sickly kids, Oh and the bloke who died from heart complications with No THC in his blood there has been very little of the hell on earth scenario that you and you kind told us was coming our way So would you like to apologise now , for the disruptive behaviour of your self and others like you, not to me or to the other pro cannabis members on here who knew what you were preaching was utter rubbish, but to other maybe less worldly wise people who may have believed ,been unnerved, and worse still, possibly formed opinions based on , the rubbish you continually post regarding this subject
  2. The head line should have read "Silly woman has a little moan" about stuff she is not qualified to talk about about" Or maybe one day we will be reading..... "Expert " Tourist praises Thailand's relaxed attitude to cannabis" Recent arrival Mr John Smith, A retired plumber from Essex Uk has given the thumbs up to Thailand's new gancha rules " its great being able to buy weed legally he said, and other than that every thing is just the same as before, I read a few disturbing reports on the Asean now forum before I set off and to be honest I was a bit worried, but thankfully it was all rubbish,
  3. Dream on , exactly how many days like that do you think there are in the Lake district ( the clue is in the name) and don't forget the traffic jams
  4. I'm not angry with you , why should I be ? I was just pointing out the realities of life here. it may not be a lawyer who evicts you , but a long drawn out hate campaign can be very persuasive and somewhat more effective than a usufruct
  5. Yeah ? Really ? That's fine,.... in theory but try living alone in your multi million baht mansion in "nakon nowhere" once you have fell out with the missis, and the whole family and probably the rest of the village hate you. Usufruct or not you won't last long, and it won't end well. Especially if she has a new Thai boyfriend and / or racked up a few debts with the local mafia !! When push comes to shove these usufruct / 30 year renewable leases etc, are not worth the paper they are printed on in practice, except for the slimy lawyers who organise / sell them them to naïve foreigners I personally know 2 guys who found that out the hard way. One had his house burnt to the ground !! More recently I guy I know tried to go down that route too, luckily for him he spoke to an "honest" Lawyer who told him straight " I can do it for you for 50,000 baht but you are wasting your money" So think on , best not to buy what you can't afford to lose
  6. the clue is in the words "domestic flight" so probably yes ! but @jingtings advice is right
  7. why not just put it in your pocket its not illegal now
  8. pretty certain the ban on those Arab pipe things was something to do with them also not liking the Tobacco that was used in them, some sort of Tax issue maybe. I wouldn't worry too much about a bong
  9. I know what you mean , even though when in the UK im normally paying the equivalent of around 300 bt / g I still resent paying more than i have to. papers aint cheap here either
  10. and this on 17:31 https://shopee.co.th/สมุนไพรช่อแห้ง-ดอกกัญ-บรรจุ-1-กรัม-i.222995135.19121785441?sp_atk=242c46ec-0dc7-426b-9875-7d094bc18c8b&xptdk=242c46ec-0dc7-426b-9875-7d094bc18c8b
  11. not sure why shopee are deleting the weed listings, somebody told me it originated from singapore so that could explain it .. I wouldn't be surprised if a dedicated weed selling shopee / ebay type portal appears online here soon, Definitely potential for making money ? Any internet techy types reading this????
  12. haha yes we got henna . formula in Liverpool if buying a bar we used to stick a red hot needle in it to try to establish what was in the middle, some of it was so bad i can't believe that it wasn't made on a council estate somewhere in the uk. Nobody would have imported that <deleted> A mate once bought a bar of sticky (<deleted>) black and niddle was made of plaster of paris or something ! this link on shoppee still seems to be working 14.10 12/7 https://shopee.co.th/search?keyword=กัญ
  13. Are you crazy ! that Thai woman said we just don't know if it contains pesticide she's scared for her children too for gods sake man Nah they don't want anybody getting in on the act I'm sure "unofficial" importing is frowned on currently, My guess is it would just not arrive but then again if you did get a " visit" you can't help what (other) people post to you can you? just try not to leave a "paper trail" but then again why bother its all over the place here bit like taking oil to saudi arabia
  14. Other than the climate the ratio of daylight to darkness will probably "confuse" even the auto flowering strains. If growing outside best to stick to local / indigenous strains
  15. It may well be a myth but often the police don't arrive as quick as you might hope, There are other members of society who are more inclined to administer there own summary justice. Its really not the police who you need to be wary of. There is good reason why many Thais don't hang around at the scene and its not always because they are drunk. Did you see that pick up driver get dropkicked in the face on the news yesterday after having an accident with a motorcycle ? knocked him spark out ! Think on!
  16. You were attacked !!! now why doesn't that surprise me, and no doubt the police just wanted to get rid of you once you started mouthing off about your "rights" down at the station....Some people just don't fit in here do they
  17. Its ok pulling your sad face but don't be telling people what to do when you really don't have a clue what goes on over here
  18. you need to be a bit more inventive lol try typing สมุนไพร กัญชา or สมุนไพร กัญชา you can copy and paste if you dont have thai key board or if not try ...AAA or 420 tea , https://shopee.co.th/search?keyword=กัญ seems to work too
  19. Well Mr" know it all" see what happens when some stupid kid on a motorbike decides to crash into you when accompanied by his methed up gang of mates in the middle of nowhere, and you foolishly decide to get out of your vehicle to" remonstrate" with them ! They would tear you apart, I can guarantee it, especially somebody with your " holier than thou attitude"
  20. Not sure either of us would be happy with weed that tasted like paracetamol though ! lol I remember back in the 80's there was some awful Afghani hash going around which tasted like a mixture of diesel and rubber, it didn't even get you stoned just made you feel sick, and there was another one that we called "formula" which was just as bad if not worse, did you ever come across that stuff?
  21. Yes nearly all do COD. but not much point sending you a link as many of the weed listings get removed by the site admin, you can't really spend too much time choosing, so if you see one that looks good for you then go for it before it is removed. You can check the COD status on the check out page. before you actually place your order
  22. no need to post a sad face at my comment Mr Gecko depending on what sort of incident one has been involved in it may indeed be good advice to flee the scene, if only to report to a police station ! Have you never heard of a lynch mob ? and anyway fleeing the scene isn't considered the same as it is in the uk for example
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