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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. unlikely,. once again read the op, cannabis has been removed from the cat 5 narco list .. opium and mushrooms have been added to that list. can you spot the difference?
  2. So its obviously not for you then is it, maybe try something else
  3. if only you would open your eyes you would see that is clearly not the case. However that may well be the intention of any future legislation. What is wrong with people like you? After all this time , and with 10000+ clearly non medical retail outlets, millions smoking recreationally and not one arrest.You still insist on making your own rules up , give it a rest for gods sake, or start your own thread, hashtag "but but but Anutin said .com
  4. I am not spreading "FUD" you pompous buffoon, and I won't be providing any evidence, believe what you want, its no skin off my nose. on second thoughts, sometimes people like you need to be told so chew on this..https://genhvac.com/bigger-isnt-better-comes-air-conditioners/#:~:text=Higher Utility Bills,it to shut off again. or this https://www.oasiscooling.com/blog/why-an-oversized-air-conditioner-is-a-serious-problem/ but i do agree with your final sentence, wrong is indeed wrong
  5. Yet you quoted me. My comments are levelled at all those who appear unable to understand what is clearly written in the article
  6. I've always found a nasal spray perfectly adequate for a runny nose, generally only resorted to "sudafed" ( in the UK) for flu type infections, or when me and the lads were cooking up meth
  7. That reflects my experience , those pesky stones really are agony aren't they.
  8. Its hardly my responsibility to dumb down the headlines to a level where everybody can understand them. This subject is nothing to do with cannabis, The two substances mentioned are now class 5 narcotics, cannabis was removed from that category, with the exception of extracts over 0.2% THC. Its all there in the OP
  9. I think you may be on to something ,in fact I'm convinced. Further more I have never met a more materialistic nation of people than the Thais.despite the teachings of the Buddha. I guess they lost that page
  10. just another pointless poll producing nonsense statistics which no doubt support the views of those who commissioned it. Nothing to see move along
  11. It will be available to the public , just restricted to those who are sick, The opioid apocalypse is a different matter and is no excuse for denying these substances to those who need them.
  12. it was a full moon on the 23rd some of them are still out and about obviously
  13. what particular mess are you talking about ? No prescription req'd and not available to those under 21 or pregnant, lactating women seems like common sense to me regarding cannabis. Which part do you have a problem with?
  14. They are talking about prescription drugs, traditionally used to provide medical treatment to people suffering, Not really anything to do with "money and more money" unless one owns a pharmaceutical company
  15. It will probably take the form of what's generally called a "prescription " unlikely to be raw opium, more than likely a product derived from it, You know just like almost everywhere else
  16. I'm not so sure that's strictly correct, Around 10 years ago I suffered kidney stones. the pain was intense, the first thing they did on my arrival at hospital after checking my blood pressure and taking my temperature was to give me an injection for the pain. Not sure what it was but it certainly worked and as a bonus left me feeling high as a kite, Maybe the fact that it was a private hospital had something to do with it, not sure what a government hospital would do
  17. No it wasn't ! What on earth are you talking about. Try reading the article, specifically the bit where it says...." Opium and psilocybin mushrooms, known for their hallucinogenic effects, are now classified as Category 5 narcotics, differentiating them from marijuana and hemp extracts." Cannabis was removed from the category 5 narcotics list, these two substances are now classified as such. it really isn't difficult to understand if you just read what's written and don't try to add your own personal take on things
  18. The correct response from you would have started with the words " thank you for the advice"
  19. that would explain why you sought Pseudoephedrine for a runny nose But be aware nasal sprays are not generally suitable for those under 3 years of age
  20. they are only approved for "medical treatment and research" it states that quite clearly in the OP or so I thought
  21. probably because that contentious issue has nothing to do with this thread,
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