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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Indeed although the lack of language skills is hardly unique to coffee outlets, just the extortionate prices they charge, Thanks for the link I never considered trying Tops I'll give it a go next time I'm shopping
  2. I never considered myself a socialist, but something is not right with the world $230 billion !! must be nice to have a bank balance that resembles an international telephone number,
  3. I would accept that as evidence of being American, which part of the USA do you come from ?
  4. $230 billion jeez how is that even possible, I bet he still counts the pennies though whether he can afford it or not
  5. indeed there are , but somchai rushing home to eat his somtam is not one of them , Of course it should be an offence to obstruct an ambulance and the fact that this needs legislation ensure compliance is a sad reflection of society, However it should also be an offence for an ambulance driver to display flashing lights and sirens when not involved in an emergency, (some) people would then be more inclined to give way by default every time
  6. True enough, but as they say the rich get rich by living like the poor , and the poor stay poor due to trying to live like the rich. I think most billionaires therefore would be very concerned about losing $50 million
  7. Agreed but again exactly how much training is actually required to ensure staff do not pi$$ a customer off to the extent that they never return ? none I would say, in fact common courtesy and manners should suffice and whether a prospective employee is in possession of those basic qualities could and should be easily established when they are interviewed, "what can I get you sir" "A large cappuccino please" " certainly sir that will be 150 baht" "i'll tell you when its ready" Not much training required for that in my opinion, in fact one would have to go out of one's way to cause offence to a customer I have bought and made Starbucks coffee at home (despite a lack of formal training) as I said before back in the UK starbucks coffee is sold in supermarkets at around the same price as any other coffee Out of interest is Amazon coffee available for sale to be brewed at at home ? The amazon stores here only seem to offer instant coffee for that
  8. To reduce the risk of "overpenetration" my mrs prefers to place a "doughnut" on my cartridge ( sometimes 2)
  9. IF trump loses, according to the polls it is going to be very close I certainly would not be putting money on either of them
  10. Can't say I blame you, out of interest, how did the mrs rate the "jizz"
  11. "Street KFC" would actually be referred to not as gai tort but as Gai yang It does indeed taste much better Traditionally eaten by Thais with sticky rice ( khao neeow) If it was worth their while offering french fries they would by doing so already as Thai street vendors are pretty clued up. But as you say, they do not normally offer fries, even in tourist areas as far as I am aware, Have you thought of setting a stall up ? you might be onto a winner
  12. In all honesty how much "training" can possibly be required to operate a coffee machine? There are only two basic ingredients in a cup of coffee and one of them is hot water the temperature and quantity of which would be controlled by the machine. The other is of course the coffee itself, the quantity required is the only variable and again that would be measured by the machine, Its not really rocket science. And I'm not sure where or why the over glorified term "barista" was dreamed up , I reckon its just to help those who work in such a mundane occupation (generally students) feel better about themselves. along with their customers who need to justify themselves paying a ridiculous amount of money for a what is just a cup of coffee.
  13. maybe I was a little hasty in accepting that I was wrong ? It would appear further research is necessary, but to be honest I can't be bothered
  14. But that is because we are equally badly off no matter which side wins, so there is no point in kicking off
  15. I think the general philosophy of Buddhism is that if one really has "done their best " then there is no need to come back at all.
  16. As far as I an aware, in the UK at least nobody can lose their licence "on the spot" that option along with any other punishment would be decided by the courts , except in the case of a fixed penalty, but that would not include disqualification
  17. The Pizza company is the worst, I should really say "was" the worst as its years since I have been in either. No doubt somebody will come along and correct me shortly, Its been one of those days
  18. I cannot understand why any retail outlet would go cashless. Some might say it would make sense for the likes of high end jewellers or luxury car dealerships however I'm sure they too have some customers who prefer to or can only pay in cash.
  19. I thought there may have been some American influence to be honest but I don't consider American English to be "real" English more a variation or even a dialect . but that's just my opinion I have never heard either Arith or Ariths used in the UK the word "arithmetic" even was not widely used where I went to school its use was pretty much restricted to its rather bizarre presence in the phrase "the three "r"s as in" reading writing and arithmetic" or in the titles of textbooks We just considered arithmetic to mean "standard" mathematics and referred to it as maths and only used other descriptives for algebra, trigonometry, geometry , calculus and the like I do however accept that languages are continually evolving, I just can't keep up anymore lol
  20. It would appear I have been misinformed, although unsurprisingly ,and to be honest, I was never that interested that I bothered "fact checking" I'll take your word for it as I still feel the same way. I doubt the emoji was awarded by a representative of either of the two corporate entities you referred to though, Just somebody like yourself who is better informed, but, unlike yourself, just too lazy to offer a polite explanation.
  21. Personally i would go with "speciality bread" or "loaves" The bakery is known for its specialty bread ( or loaves) although as I mentioned earlier as the different types of bread have specific names the use of the word "loaf / loaves would not normally be used when quantifying IE One would order 3 baguettes not 3 loaves of baguette It would never be "Loaves of breads" it would one loaf of bread or three loaves of bread I looked on google as I was genuinely surprised, I have never heard the word "breads" used before there are several conflicting links as to whether it is a real word or not, but I can't argue with the link you found either so I guess I'll stand corrected. maybe its a recent linguistic development, similar to how I've noticed people nowadays do the "Math" as opposed to the "maths" Breads still sounds weird to me though, and in a grating sort of way,
  22. Hp is very similar. But much better
  23. not wishing to be pedantic,but I don't think breads is a real word it is what's known as an "uncountable noun" and needs a "classifier" when referring to a specific quantity As an aside this applies to all nouns in Thai language and "loaves " (of bread) is used in many Thai language books as an easily understood example of the relatively rare use of classifiers in English I have never heard anybody order " 3 breads" ever, it just sounds weird whereas 3 loaves of bread is perfectly normal. Loaves of bread can be all sorts of shapes and either sliced or unsliced, although the classifier would not normally be used if another descriptive is available ie "baguette" 3 baguettes would be fine but not 3 breads You are not obliged to agree with me but https://preply.com/en/question/bread-countable-or-uncountable-45550 and there are many others
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