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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. A hand picked headline, just for the likes of you
  2. Not the same at all many , especially foreigners, have been fined for such behaviour, nobody has been punished for cannabis use since the law was changed, Can you see the difference yet?
  3. one has to question the logic of fitting A/C in a car sales tent
  4. How much "empathy" do you think is present in the Singapore government for example? They seem to have avoided any recent disasters
  5. He won't need any of that now will he? He's the President of the United States after all
  6. Excatly, so why anybody is wittering on about "legalities" is beyond me
  7. Expect a lot more threads like this now that the elections are over in the USA. The 3 greatest click generators so far must be , Trump, Tax and Cannabis. Clearly little point in discussing Trump to that degree anymore so the other two will expand to fill the resultant vacuum Anyway the Title should read ...."urged to register by tax "expert" as it is now it gives the impression he is speaking directly on behalf of the Thai tax authorities, and he is patently not as far as I can see, and if he is then he is apparently breaking the law, even if he isn't speaking on their behalf he is still on dodgy ground
  8. yeah right, so how does that explain zero arrests for recreational use / possession ? Not to mention around 10,000 licenced shops selling it which have clearly nothing to do with medicinal usage ? Whatever you may wish to think it is clearly at present effectively legal.. And don't bother replying with your usual "but but anutin said" lecture. nobody cares, except you
  9. Did he produce any sharper tools than the one we have been landed with ?
  10. "David Lammy" another shining example of the failings of the quota system, are we really expected to believe that he was appointed on merit ? That there really was nobody more suitable, ?
  11. Yes they only have themselves to blame,, they should have thought a bit harder before saying such nasty things about him,
  12. I am not defensive about anything you have said , I merely doubt your assertion that "loads" of brits have been caught. Any that have been caught are simply low IQ opportunistic chancers,
  13. When did all this allegedly happen ? first I've heard of it all
  14. Me too, isn't it absolutely brilliant After all, there is nothing remotely "evil" about ending illegal immigration, except in the minds of the retarded, But look on the bright side, you will probably be able to post your signature well worn and rather pathetic trolling comment every day for the next 4 years (at least)
  15. Would you ? I wouldn't, well maybe from behind, after a good few beers
  16. It was an attempt to create a self fulfilling prophecy, fortunately it failed
  17. A perfect example ( as if any more are needed) of the obvious failings of the quota system
  18. A much higher likelihood in my opinion
  19. The ICBMs are far more likely to remain in the bunkers now, Although the lefties and woke will never agree, Americas negotiating powers are far higher with a man in charge especially with muslim countries and those, like Russia who have not yet been infected with wokeness.
  20. Ok how many then ? What do you consider to be "loads"
  21. Indeed, hopefully this could be a turning point , wokeness may well go into remission too,
  22. Spoken just like a whinging member of a minority group, how appropriate
  23. "until their anuses prolapse" That seems to be a very popular fantasy amongst certain people on this forum
  24. I guarantee they will not spend anything like 30 years in prison here. You have heard too many urban myths
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