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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Of course culling works if its carried out properly, its used to control the populations of many different species, however its not a one hit solution and should be thought of as a continuous "work in progress" What happens in the UK is absolutely a cull. It has just been cleverly disguised so as not to upset the usual objectors The releasing of stray dogs back out onto the streets under any circumstances has got to be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard in my life
  2. And it would have happened a lot quicker and cost significantly less if they had removed the Neuter , Vaccinate, and especially the "return" part of the programme , It should have been simply a search and destroy operation. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by releasing stray dogs back out onto the streets once they have been trapped , whether vaccinated ( which doesn't last forever) or neutered ( which does not stop them biting) These feral animals and their filthy excrement are a blight . Simple as that
  3. Spot on , and treading in dog $h1t happens a lot more than treading in the snakes version
  4. I'll take your word for it, but if that is the actual wording (assuming nothing was lost in translation) of this seldom enforced law I see no legal issues with a nationwide cull. It can be done "humanely" so unnecessary suffering need not happen
  5. Agreed, I don't think authorising the general public to shoot dogs is the way to go, most don't appear to have the stomach for it anyway, but officially appointed dog control officers would be the way forward. No need to pay them mega bucks as there would be no shortage of applicants ( as long as the uniform looked the part) There is no point in releasing these animals once they have been caught, Save the money that would be wasted on vaccinations and castrations and simply destroy them. Collars may , very rarely, fall off. but it should not be beyond the scope of any responsible owner to keep an eye on that, especially as it would be easily noticed when they try to clip the lead on. Dogs should not be out on the streets on their own , collared or not. Gas every last one of them as far as I am concerned
  6. It doesn't surprise me, but I bet there was nowhere near the same public outcry to that we hear whenever somebody suggests dealing with these filthy dogs in a similar manner
  7. Well i guess there could be issues regarding seasoning, or cooking times for example , but as it is "traditional" fayre most "chefs" would have no problem following a recipe that has been passed down from mother to daughter for generations
  8. Dogs should never be allowed anywhere near a beach for god's sake. Not only are they a bite risk for everybody but their disgusting excrement is also a source of some possibly fatal infections. Any dog with no collar should be shot on sight
  9. several years ago drug dealers were euthanized in Thailand following orders from Mr Square face. Who on earth is going to lose any sleep over these filthy disease ridden hounds. Gas them all
  10. i would suggest cambodia, very few problems with dogs there!
  11. You are not wrong, I have never come across a nation of people sp adept at grovelling to those they consider "superior" it really can be nauseating
  12. Over the years there have indeed been many stories of things going very very wrong very very quickly for some people. whilst in many cases people only have themselves to blame, there is no shortage of innocent people who have become the victims of circumstances and ended up "up to their neck " in the brown stuff Never say never, It might not have happened to you, but that does not mean that it never will, or that it has never happened to anybody else. The police may well have helped you previously, but their services can be bought and as such their assistance cannot be taken for granted to the extent that it might be in one's country of origin ,
  13. I don't think that its only foreigners who suffer in that respect , Nobody really has any "rights" here, it all depends on who you know, Even as a foreigner, knowing the right people or having the right connections can make all the difference
  14. "Don't eat with food in your mouth," are you sure that is what she told you?
  15. No need for anybody to panic themselves, there will be no shortage of experts with charts and statistics along shortly , with the sole intention of doing just that.
  16. good question, I hadn't thought of that. Joking aside I find this all rather worrying, not the disease itself , but the media's predictable response. I'm in the UK at the moment and its already getting plenty of coverage on the news. Various "experts" are emerging, there is already plenty of talk about vaccines, and apparently various health authorities are "preparing", presumably for " the worst" following advice from the WHO. One "expert" gloomily seizing the opportunity to remind us that lockdowns are most effective when enforced quickly and strictly enforced All we need is a government spokesman to utter the phrase "no need to panic" and there will be fist fights over toilet rolls in supermarket carparks again
  17. So now its called "M Pox" because apparently "monkey pox" is considered to be "racist" I wonder about the thought process that led to that decision. are we really concerned with offending monkeys ?
  18. British taxpayers who would never be allowed to live in one, then the locals start moving out one by one Lo and behold another ghetto / no go area is born
  19. but its not just Nigel Farage or the "far right" is it ? https://www.gbnews.com/news/uk-riots-ex-cop-says-two-tier-policing-certainly-exists-and-officers-walk-on-eggshells
  20. it's not the police that the uk population have lost confidence in, it's the politicians ! Any shortcomings in the police are the direct result of political intervention, and as every cop above the rank of police inspector is effectively a politician the rank and file cops are in a difficult position. It was so much easier for them (and us) when they were allowed to hate everybody equally, now all that hate still has to be shared out amongst the criminal classes, but as certain elements of that community are now protected, it means that the others must now take a little bit more on board
  21. I gathered that, i was referring to them threatening not to approve your next application, on what basis ? "over seasoned funds"? never heard of that one
  22. I can't see why it would be, as long as the money has been there for at least two months the requirement has been satisfied surely ? it maybe some sort of misunderstanding between your missis and the IO. What would be their (official) reason for denying your application?
  23. Whats wrong with me ?? it's you that appears to have anxiety issues , There was no shortage of people using covid rumours to "share" their fears on here a few years back. Some people seem to have a need for others to share their fears, but then again..... Some also seem to enjoy doing just that
  24. then then So for reasons known only to yourself you actually are trying to frighten people
  25. And normally there is nothing like a topic like this to bring out the virtue signalling woke But your battle cry appears to have landed on deaf ears,They must all be busy taking offence somewhere else, Somewhere more worthy perhaps? You would probably be better off joining them , if you haven't already, afterall , virtue signalling is a group participation activity, It won't be much fun for you on your own
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