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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. True of course, did you think otherwise?
  2. Drink some chang and then urinate in the San Mig light, should improve matters
  3. Yes, Speaking from experience , It's one of those things that one eventually forgets to do without any consequences and then something happens making you wish you had sorted it out at the time. If for example an ATM machine swallows your card you'll need to visit a branch to sort a replacement , they will want to see your passport and if the number doesn't match the one on their system they will want to see the old passport and the new one when they update their records. The sooner you do it the less likely you are to have discarded or disposed of your old passport When it happened to me I had changed passport twice since opening the account and my old passports were back in the UK. The people in the bank were very reluctant to issue a new card, Fortunately my brother in law had needed a lift to collect his car which was in for repair, and had accompanied me into town that day , even luckier he's a cop and he had his uniform on, Him vouching for me being who I said I was made all the difference.
  4. What kind of "piece" are you normally packing ? or do you prefer to carry a blade ? The Thai females in Soi six are prostitutes, Whether they "prefer" American and European men is neither here are there, but those nationalities form the majority of the potential customers in that particular Soi. I doubt very much that there is ever any jealousy at all at the root of incidents like that
  5. That doesn't look like your usual tipple, are you "drying out"? Or are you on penicillin ? (been a naughty boy?)
  6. This is due in part to the epidemic of "health and safetyitis" that has infected the west. Legislation and regulation are now the main factors influencing peoples behaviour. Common sense is pretty much a thing of the past, and acting upon it is not really encouraged anymore. Fine whilst people remain in their highly regulated countries and their lives are micro managed by the authorities Not so fine though, when these people travel to a more "natural" environment, were they are not permanently protected by rules and regulations. As they have no common sense to fall back on. Caving, ? underground? In Thailand? In the Rainy season? What could possibly go wrong? Did none of the tourists think like that ? Probably not they just trusted the guide, because that's what one does "back home" It makes me think of a family's pet rabbit being let loose in the jungle
  7. i cannot believe the word 80llocks is banned, WTF ! I'm sure I used it before, is there some sort of "crackdown" in operation ? Is it in response to somebody being offended?
  8. or <deleted> , not that that makes things it any more complicated, Then again they can castrate themselves completely, meat and two veg gone, Still not women just a bloke with no cock and <deleted>, Simple as that
  9. She's mental, she can't control her speech
  10. What a nightmare woman , I genuinely could not watch that , I had to turn it off after less than 30 seconds and I can still hear her voice in my head.
  11. What on earth has Thaksin got to do with road safety in Thailand, You may not be aware but he has only returned here relatively recently after about 17 years in exile I think you may be over estimating his influence
  12. and NEVER EVER be the last one to run through a red light
  13. Why even bother to post a picture of a crashed motorcycle that has nothing to do with the article?
  14. Well drug dealing mafia types generally run a pretty tight ship when it comes to unwanted competition on their own patch.
  15. I don't know much about the production process of methamphetamine , but I do know that there is a high risk of explosion. Had he blown up his condo he may well have killed himself and a few others. Would that have been a major enough incident for you ?
  16. The three groups you mention care little whether they are wanted or not. Just like all those pouring into the UK. they don't care about being wanted either, and they know full well they are not welcome at all, but as their intention is to take over eventually, they see "not being wanted" by pesky infidel natives as a very temporary inconvenience.
  17. plenty of shagging to be done too, Or don't we mention that anymore
  18. What "trained" security guard are you referring to? You do realise where you are don't you? The operators of the bars are serious gangsters as are the contractors they use to provide security. This incident has nothing to do with corruption, at least so far, but it has a lot to do with out of control bouncers who appear to think have free rein to do as they wish, probably because generally speaking , they can Maybe he was punched maybe he was pushed I don't know and I can't really be bothered, but ultimately a retired man has ended up in the ICU. whatever happened was far from ideal which ever way one looks at it
  19. reports of a few friends changing their minds is proof of nothing, and lets not forget most tourists do not spend their time on this forum or watching Thai TV ( which actually might put a few off) And as for those who decided to choose Mexico as a safer option. well I am actually lost for words. Plenty of incidents happen here . nearly every day, but the tourists keep on coming in their millions, I think the Thais can be forgiven for not worrying about a few snowflakes.
  20. Daily drug production would be normal for a drugs lab, not so normal for the average citizen
  21. There is little difference between an illegal lab and a schoolboy chemistry set, except perhaps the chemistry kit is generally cleaner. How would you define a major bust ? This guy had the basic ingredients and the know how , he could, over time, have produced kilos of the stuff
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