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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. He did however save them from a far worse fate
  2. I seem to remember Biden not being very cosy with the UK due to his claimed Irish heritage, Trump on the other hand has never shown any dislike, he even owns a golf course in Scotland The bad actors are already present on the stage, they arrived during the Biden administration Your fears are unfounded and you apologies are not required
  3. I can't understand why anybody would consider sending weed from Thailand to the UK. Even though its still illegal there the UK is awash with weed, and it is nearly all grown there. I can only assume they were sending "brick weed" which as far as I was aware is not particularly popular over there, The current glut of this stuff is pretty low quality so they won't be able to sell it as exotic" Thai Stick" well not for long, they will end up virtually giving it away, The cost of transporting it over there surely makes it hardly worth while To be honest I seriously doubt the claims made by the UK authorities that this is a common practice occuring on a commercial scale, although I don't doubt a few idiotic tourists may get tempted to take a "souvenir" home with them
  4. A sad, trolling comment that you make every time immigration is mentioned, You should mind your own business
  5. indeed, i remember that woman that agreed to house a 13 year old, first thing she had to do was buy him was a razor The second was to take him to the dentist to have his wisdom teeth sorted, dentist said he was 20years old minimum
  6. correction..... " UK will see quality of life decline and environment degraded". further than it already has
  7. Fix bayonets, "They don't like it up them"
  8. very very few bring children , its just that on the rare occasions that they do , the media are all over it, 99% are single military aged men,
  9. The fact is , that had the border patrol force / royal navy used some strong arm tactics in the first place Ie just simply sunk a few of them, we would not have this problem, Yes ok there may have been a few fatalities initially , (boo hoo) but it would have stopped anymore from trying to get here in the future, so the overall loss of life would have been considerably less than it is It would have upset the lefties, both our own and those in the European administration, but personally I could live with that , in fact it would be a bonus
  10. it sounds a little unrealistic at the moment.
  11. So that makes everything ok then does it.? The issue of this topic is not his refugee status. It is the incestuous rape of his daughter, Another benefit of multiculturalism ?
  12. Nothing would surprise me, lets remember that many people have an obsessive uncontrollable hatred of Trump, one only has to read through the various threads on this forum to see that. There are people who would do absolutely anything to prevent a Trump win, as evidenced by 2 assassination attempts, so some will obviously. literally stop at nothing. What they are prepared to do is limited only by their imagination and bearing in mind the behaviour of his opponents over the last few years I would say anything . absolutely anything is possible
  13. prison would be one option, as indeed would a fine, or they could revoke his licence, there aren't any other options really
  14. And not normally subservient in my experience, in fact they could be described as the embodiment of soft power. Whether that makes then suitable for government or not is a different matter,
  15. No not a new word, but a well known abbreviation for the word "sorry" that most native speakers would be familiar with
  16. That is very true, and sadly something that many here just cannot accept
  17. how about changing the record, its getting boring
  18. They are certainly the best equipped and resourced of the various organized crime collectives
  19. of course not , and to his credit he never mentioned any of the above
  20. He is hardly likely to crackdown on that is he , nobody with any sense would shoot themselves in the foot deliberately. How do you think he got to be the chief of police in the first place ? by being a really good cop ?
  21. His b/s utterings would go someway to explaining why they normally form committees before making such statements, the thinking being presumably that no loss of face would be attributed to one individual, rather it would be shared by the anonymous committee members, loss of face shared being loss of face halved as it were Nailing a few errant foreigners is one thing and should not be too difficult but " building a new generation of police who serve the community with honesty and dedication." and protecting Thais from cyber crime is a whole different ball game, I hope he lets everybody know how it works out by the end of "the fiscal year" which strikes me as a strange target for a law enforcement organization, but then again considering where we are, maybe it isn't so strange after all "Pol Gen Kittirat, speaking at National Police Headquarters in Bangkok, outlined his vision for the fiscal year 2025" sounds more like a banker
  22. the post I responded to specifically mentioned the UK
  23. Its the kind of BS that i wouldn't mind a piece of though
  24. Of all the excuses offered by some to hide the real reason they came here (cheap pussy) not agreeing with an election result is a new one on me
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