Nah, that's not how things work in reality, the Thais pretty much tar us all with the same brush, as far as they are concerned we are all much the same and at best we are tolerated, nothing more. In their view , we fall into one of three groups, bad farangs, those who have not yet been caught, and clueless short term tourists ripe for exploitation.
Its the standard attitude to foreigners the world over, call it racist or whatever you want, it is what it is and we all do it whether we admit to it or not. They would have a field day if they saw all the infighting that goes on in this forum. If they ever do decide to sort us all out there won't be a problem in instigating the classic divide and rule technique
Now on the other hand consider the muslims in the UK as an alternative example, whatever atrocities some of them commit, they never publicly attack each other, they stick together, the most we ever hear is a dignified silence from the "good" ones.
Can you imagine an arabic speaking forum in the UK where muslims tear each other apart over the terrorist attacks committed by some of their "brothers"? I certainly can't. and that is one of the reasons why they are a lot more comfortable in the UK, with their council houses, benefits and various laws in place to protect them than we will ever be here where we are entitled to absolutely nothing, except discrimination
. There is a lot to be said , and gained, from presenting a united front , and nothing to be gained from in fighting. The sooner the more sanctimonious members on here realise that, the better!