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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. its not "breads" its "loaves" come on fred there are standards to be maintained
  2. Nothing compares to the green bread that they use for the ready made 7/11 sarnies
  3. Yeah i'd go along with that , now and again is ok I always preferred "burger king" but I can't stand their offerings anymore
  4. There used to be "pizza hut" which sold relatively decent pizzas, but it changed to The Pizza Co. and was never the same afterwards seems to have confused somebody can't think why
  5. I quite like starbucks coffee and occaisionally buy it from the supermarket when back in the UK its no more expensive than any other coffee. But I flatly refuse to spend any money in their disgustingly over priced coffee shops. Amazon coffee is perfectly drinkable at a fraction of the cost,
  6. call me a traditionalist, but approved optional are pretty much limited to fried egg, sausage, or black pudding, And HP sauce of course
  7. And the more you eat the better you feel. Bacon is truly a gift from the gods
  8. Agreed, And It always amazes me how they will walk past some delicious Thai style barbequed chicken and go and stuff themselves with KFC rubbish guess its the power of advertising
  9. BBQ sauce should not be allowed anywhere near Bacon it should be a criminal offence to even think about such blasphemy. Only HP sauce is acceptable
  10. No benefits at all at Makro for having a card. As far as I can see the only difference is the receipt that they give you, as another member has already mentioned. I avoid all those supermarket loyalty schemes, the mrs used to collect points from big C and use them for" free gifts" normally useless rubbish that went straight in the bin Same at 7/11 I just leave the stamps on the counter
  11. they obviously couldn't care less, why would they?
  12. it might just be the name of the manager of the checkout girl herself, either way its only to log that the sale was to a non member
  13. I wish they would stop all this, do they honestly believe people will change the way they vote because of these reports ? There is only one poll which matters, lets just wait and see .
  14. those pesky "far right" get everywhere
  15. Yemen, Darfur, Gaza, need I go on?
  16. I thought that it was patpong which was famous for that delight
  17. not much chance of a retiree having a work permit. They obviously just don't want any more foreigners opening accounts, they should just be honest about it , maybe even advertise the fact on TV
  18. What a strange response, considering you yourself have stated that there are "good and bad foreigners" earlier in this very thread So basically we agree on that , as presumably you accept that the Thais feel the same way. And as for naive tourists getting exploited are you really saying it never happens ? Wake up man for gods sake never a day goes by without incidents involving tourists being scammed So not bigoted ,not nonsense, and not paranoid. next
  19. And nobody at all likes the self righteous holier than thou type of farang.
  20. Not sure who you think you are, or where your self perceived authority comes from. But you appear to be suffering from the worst case of "delusions of grandeur" I have ever seen. I suggest you consider signing up as a tourist police volunteer where you will meet other delusional individuals with attitude problems similar to your own I can only assume in your previous life you were a traffic warden or a police community support volunteer, well its time to let go, here you are just the same as the rest of us, despite what you may think of yourself
  21. could not agree more, well said, united we stand divided we fall, why add fuel to the fire they will never respect us if we don't respect ourselves, Posting negative comments about ourselves is never a good look, and for those who think it sets them apart, or earmarks them as "quality tourists / expats. It does not
  22. well regarding threads like this, especially when brits are involved it is clearly "most" on here
  23. Nah, that's not how things work in reality, the Thais pretty much tar us all with the same brush, as far as they are concerned we are all much the same and at best we are tolerated, nothing more. In their view , we fall into one of three groups, bad farangs, those who have not yet been caught, and clueless short term tourists ripe for exploitation. Its the standard attitude to foreigners the world over, call it racist or whatever you want, it is what it is and we all do it whether we admit to it or not. They would have a field day if they saw all the infighting that goes on in this forum. If they ever do decide to sort us all out there won't be a problem in instigating the classic divide and rule technique Now on the other hand consider the muslims in the UK as an alternative example, whatever atrocities some of them commit, they never publicly attack each other, they stick together, the most we ever hear is a dignified silence from the "good" ones. Can you imagine an arabic speaking forum in the UK where muslims tear each other apart over the terrorist attacks committed by some of their "brothers"? I certainly can't. and that is one of the reasons why they are a lot more comfortable in the UK, with their council houses, benefits and various laws in place to protect them than we will ever be here where we are entitled to absolutely nothing, except discrimination . There is a lot to be said , and gained, from presenting a united front , and nothing to be gained from in fighting. The sooner the more sanctimonious members on here realise that, the better!
  24. any body with any sense would be at least wary of the police , especially over here,
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