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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. oh yes I liked Val too ! I was almost in tears when I found out that "lothario" peter purves had his evil way with her and I was 30+ years old when I heard Nowt wrong with floella either but If we are talking about inter-generational entertainment surely, with out a shadow of doubt the first prize has to go to SALLY JAMES from the absolutely brilliant TISWAS that also launched Chris Tarrant
  2. 55555555555555 knuckle children 5555555 brilliant
  3. there was also Jenny Hanley from "Magpie" and Lesley Judd from "Bluepeter" anybody remember those two ?
  4. I remember her in "the bothers" on UK TV late 70's tasty for sure but she was eclipsed by Kate O' mara in my opinion
  5. I remember her in " the lovers" dirty as a dogs @rse for sure
  6. I have similar fond memories of Amsterdam back in the day, And I couldn't wait to try the "new" stuff either , I understand exactly what you are saying regarding visitors here too and for some, the high prices may even act as an additional temptation for those with a bit of spare holiday cash to spend Wasn't it Stella Artois who coined the phrase "reassuringly expensive" in one of their, presumably successful, advertising campaigns. for a product that isn't really much different to any other mass produced lager, Chang for example. Not quite sure if any advertising will actually be allowed regarding bud, but word of mouth from returning tourists will probably help to keep prices high for that group of consumers, in the same way they don't worry about paying 200 baht for a bowl of fried rice, because they don't know any better. Craft beer, again , I completely get it, and 200 bt a bottle probably isn't that extortionate especially in a restaurant when you take into account all the overheads involved But 1000 baht a gram for a bit of weed of whatever quality is well over the top for me, and I will be very surprised if figures like that are still being quoted this time next year anywhere except places like Phuket Only time will tell i guess
  7. Very true indeed but I just think most people will not be searching for the "best" weed, in the same way that most people are happy drinking bottles of Chang or glasses of "Mont fleur" wine do you see where I'm coming from? I just think most people are not that bothered, not to mention the fact that with the price of everything rising, a lot of people don't have as much disposable income as they did. No doubt there will be a market for "premium" weed, but i really expect it will only ever be a niche market in real terms Time will tell I guess
  8. I think it will be even cheaper than that, as even in the the UK which is still tainted by the scourge of prohibition perfectly good weed is available for around £200 per ounce which at todays exchange rate is 300 bt per gram although it can reach nearly double that when its wrapped in an official looking California type bag (easily available on ebay) The first thing that will bring the price down from 500 / gram will be when somchai learns to grow it properly and decides to sell it for 450 / gram then suporn follows suit and sells it for 400 and so on The "right" price will be, as for everything else , assuming it remains a "free" market, which would equate to what ever the market can stand, and that in turn will ultimately be based on the cost of production + a reasonable profit margin, which even for weed grown under lights, is nowhere near 500bt per gram As I suggested in a previous post the only other factors affecting price will be what ever tax is levied on sales and peoples susceptibility to aggressive advertising and peer pressure from self appointed connoisseurs.. Bearing that in mind there will always be people who are prepared to pay over the odds for what they perceive to be a quality product in the same way that they do for wine and to a lesser extent "craft" beer but that's a niche , and tiny and almost insignificant part of the market compared to the amount of Chang and Leo that gets flushed down the drains every night I guess we will all just have to wait and see how it all plays out
  9. For me at the moment its the girl in the nescafe advert , not sure if she counts , but F.W.I.W. I would ride her like a stolen bike
  10. Wow nostalgia alert !! I'd completely forgotten about that strain hahaha
  11. I think that its highly ( no pun intended) unlikely that current prices will be maintained
  12. Absolutely correct , discounting the possible effects of any future changes in legislation, the novelty value for people who live here will indeed soon wear off. The basic driving force of the market (supply and demand) must eventually prevail. The only reason cannabis was ever expensive was the fact that it was illegal, that excuse is no longer valid. The only people who might be prepared to pay over the odds will be the naive tourists coming from countries where prohibition is still enforced, as for them, there will still be a novelty factor. As for the rest of society, the fact that cannabis , despite what some people would have you believe, is no more difficult to grow than tomatoes or any other plant, must inevitably bring the price down to an appropriate level, Not sure what plans there are to tax cannabis but if one looks at tobacco here for example, One can buy a fair sized bag of rolling tobacco at the local shop for 10=15 baht so if cannabis was taxed at a similar rate, there would be no reason for cannabis to be anymore expensive, which is pretty much the case with the indigenous "brick" weed, at present , 10 baht per gram and still dropping which in my opinion is about right, and I actually resent paying anymore than that, to the extent that I would grow my own should it ever cost much more! There is only one or two other reasons why anybody would be prepared to prepared to pay ridiculous, hyper inflated prices for cannabis in the future, the first I would call a form of elitism or maybe more correctly "connoisseurism" Its already well established within the wine drinking "community" and its clearly starting to reveal its self on this forum, with certain members on here berating others for smoking weed that they , for some reason , consider "inferior" its a sad aspect of consumerism that will no doubt be further exploited by the the advertising and marketing firms employed by the large producers who will inevitably seek to dominate the supply The other "phenomenon" is people searching for and proudly boasting about smoking stronger and stronger strains and paying handsomely for the "privilege" Stronger cannabis does not in real terms cost any more to produce than "normal" weed but that illusion is easily propagated based on the manipulated price of alcohol were stronger brews are generally more expensive due to higher excise duty and not due to any real increase in production costs. Beer drinkers are not constantly searching for stronger and stronger beers, in fact the stronger brews like "Carlsberg Special Brew" in Europe and the red version of "Cheers" beer here like are not that popular with normal drinkers and are considered the sole preserve of "problem drinkers" This phenomenon, the obsession with THC% will fade as the market for cannabis and the users of it mature over time Anybody charging 1000 bt per gram for any sort of weed should be prepared to revise their business plan as it wont be tolerated by many for very long and anybody paying 1000 baht a gram for cannabis needs their head examining' To keep things in perspective, Just bear in mind that Gold is currently "only" 2000bt per gram
  13. And people should brush up on how due legal process is based on facts and evidence before blundering about acting as judge and jury and condemning a man based on a photograph that has triggered their sensitivities.
  14. As has been pointed out several times, the captain is in sole charge of the boat, passengers have no control over where he drops anchor and i doubt any captain would appreciate a "troublesome" tourist trying to tell him what they think he can and cannot do. I suggest you try it sometime and see what happens. I would also suggest that people should inform themselves a little better regarding the facts of what actually happened in this incident before vilifying a possibly innocent tourist based on a photograph , his dress sense, his perceived nationality and the opinions of a few outraged "netizens"
  15. since when has smoking been discouraged for foreigners ? I think you are making things up or have been misinformed
  16. And how many people would want to live here then ? You can count me out for a start If you consider that system to be so ideal why not just move there ?
  17. I wouldn't bother arguing with him any more and when he's read what I'm going write now he will have a bit more to think about. About 20 years ago me and an irish guy bought an ex fishing boat and used to do (amongst other things) fishing trips at a popular seaside resort. We had a crew of 5 including the captainall Thais of course and all had worked on commercial fishing boats previously. Just like fishing with rods, trawlers have no control over what they catch, They told me dolphins occasionally got caught in trawlers nets and although they couldn't be sold at the fishmarket , they were considered a welcome addition to the menu for the crew, the young ones being the tastiest apparently ! I wonder if that puts things into perspective for him he didn't seem to like it the last time I mentioned perspective
  18. They don't care or even know if he broke the law or not. but that trivial detail won't stop them when there is a lynch mob mentality
  19. And why let facts get in the way eh? So, for the benefit of me and the others on here ,could you please advise on several legal points the first being the legal position of using an anchor in an area of protected coral reef ? the second being who is in legal charge of a boat A) the captain or B) a fare paying tourist ? In fact while your at it you could tell us all how far from the shoreline the no fishing zone extends?. and then give us your best guess as to how far from the shoreline the tourist was when he caught the fish ? take your time thinking about it I wouldn't want you to answer incorrectly and lose any credibility you might have left you could always pass on all or any of the above questions if you don't like the answers
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