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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. More notable is how nobody is drawn to you,
  2. Well quite a few did , and they were vilified at the time for being islamophobic. In my opinion it was a racing certainty, I would have borrowed as much money as I could to put money on that I think some apologies are due to those who turned out to be right all along, and as another member has just stated it was no secret that terror police were involved from the start ( despite the claims it was not terror related ... from the start)
  3. from your link.... ""We have been given extensive guidance by the CPS in relation to what we can say publicly to ensure the integrity of the court proceedings are protected, and therefore we are restricted in what we can share with you now, whilst the proceedings are live." and who tells the CPS what to do ? Two tier himself, who else “We would strongly advise caution against anyone speculating as to motivation in this case. The criminal proceedings against Axel Rudakubana are live and he has a right to a fair trial. he killed 3 kids, or is that in dispute now ? thats enough to put him inside for life, don’t believe everything you read on social media. or indeed anything the authorities may tell you as and when they feel fit The criminal proceedings against Axel Rudakubana are live and he has a right to a fair trial he lost any rights when he was caught red handed stabbing children in my opinion, in America he would have been shot dead there and then I read the entire statement , can't say I was particularly impressed
  4. well now that a few more details have been released regarding his motivation and activities, would you like to take this opportunity to condemn the actions of this Islamic fundamentalist nutter ? I think it would be appropriate. don't you?
  5. Well it appears they would have been right if they had said so , better safe than sorry eh? Bit like wearing a mask when one developed a cough despite not knowing if one had covid or not. That was the advice at the time was it not. They did not just avoid saying he was a terrorist at the time , they specifically said he was not,
  6. and double that for those yet to be identified or those waiting for "the txt"
  7. You really are in no position to call anybody sad
  8. even if its only .01% that is still a lot of people when one considers the number of muzzers. plus there will be many who have "feelings" but have not (yet) acted on them. The activities of israel have nothing to do with this, but ank kids they kill would probably soon be wearing suicide vests so I can't fault them. Many people have indeed been victims of sexual abuse at the hands of the clergy, how many of them have gone on to commit mass murder of children or started to produce a deadly poison following instructions from islamist publications none that I can remember So what if he is a nutter, do you think he should just receive a slap on the wrist?
  9. its not what you said since, it is what you said before, you said there was no connection to islam regarding the incident and berated anybody who suggested otherwise, Rather than "waiting for the facts to be released" 3 innocent kids were stabbed and the intention was clearly to stab more, it was obviously an islam motivated attack. To have denied it at the time marked you either as a muslim apologist or just naive
  10. Well it would be somewhat strange for any information to be withheld "accidentally " by a government
  11. Sadly the only way he will be removed is if the media gets on the case, there is no incentive for change otherwise, at least not with years to go till the next election. Johnsons removal over party gate only came after a long and intense media campaign against him I very much doubt there is anybody "decent" in the whole party
  12. I have nothing to be bitter about at all, and your unremarkable life as a teenager, even when embellished with lies, is really of little interest to me or anybody else on here. I remember the last time you tried unsuccessfully to argue with me ( just before you got suspended) and you are again repeatedly and incorrectly throwing phrases like "uncontrollable frenzy" about, presumably to elicit some form of response from me, last time several other members called you out over it too. it seems to be your trademark response, evident in most of your posts At first I doubted you were a native english speaker due to your inappropriate use of language, however I can now accept you are a native speaker albeit one of low IQ with the debating skills of a 12 year old. I am not writing about myself I am writing specifically about you, and I am not the first to do so either am I? I am indeed on an anonymous forum and sadly its inevitable that people like you show up from time to time. Its a cross the rest of us have to bear unfortunately. The stats on ones profile give an indication of ones popularity, looking at yours its time you moved on, you appear to be nothing more than an irritating troll
  13. All very interesting and more than a little concerning. Its all well and good Jenrick commenting on this and as expected capitalising on the failures of Starmer and his cronies, but lets not forget he and his cronies were in power for 14 years and as such are pretty much equally responsible for a lot of the issues we have . The Tories are obviously a better prospect than Labour , but we need a complete change as Starmer keeps bleating. However the change we need will not be provided by him either, Like it or not the only credible alternative now is Reform. We need Farage more than ever now
  14. " You might say that I gave her the BFE...but that obviously flew right over your head" is that supposed to make sense? anyway Its pretty obvious from your posts that you would be incapable of providing anything that resembled a BFE Well that's another opportunity to look stupid that you have taken full advantage of , well done. And true to form , having lost whatever credibility you mistakenly thought you had, you have resorted to spewing out childish insults. You did the same the last time i wiped the floor with you and you were sent on your holidays for a few days. People like you never learn. Furthermore you have absolutely no idea what I have experienced, Although I freely admit , that by choice, I have had very limited contact with people like you , except during a short period of imprisonment and of course on anonymous internet forums, the two places your sort frequent Now run along before you get suspended again little boy
  15. Don't forget learning difficulties and mental health issues, and a bit of historical abuse too. All necessary for a water tight case
  16. and upon their release they can be replaced by Starmer and the other idiots
  17. Excellent post and probably one of the most salient points raised in this thread. I am actually considering passing it on to GB news as I feel it is a very important issue, and there is no way the BBC will be raising it. It actually rates as a genuine threat to national security as serious as any other if not more so
  18. I still haven't worked out who stands to benefit personally from all these reparations. That would explain a lot. I'm pretty sure there are many in the UK who are expecting a cash payout similar to the 10,000 baht bribe scheme recently proposed over here. I expect a lot of people will now be identifying as black. I certainly intend to next time I return there. might as well go the whole hog and identify as trans too. In preparation for when they get a free hand out
  19. Not at all it is your interpretation of reality that is skewed. A girlfriend experience is generally considered to be when one pays a prostitute to act as if she was in fact a girlfriend, ie taking her out for meals, kissing, buying her presents etc all the activities people in real relationships indulge in. If You were not paying her, you were not having a "girlfriend experience" at all. You had what most normal people would call "a girl friend" the fact that she was a bit older than you is irrelevant. So you are either too stupid to realise this or you are lying, simple as that, further more it appears that it is a long term lie that you enjoy telling on here under various pseudonyms. How sad is that I'm beginning to think you may have been related to the girl in question , and therein lies the origin of your confusion.
  20. for some on here that is considered virtually a capital offence.
  21. correct, and damages are awarded by a court after losses and guilt have been established
  22. No it was not intended as an attempt at humour, it was a genuine question. How much were you paying her, if anything? Why are you so reluctant to answer I suspect you are lying , your answer will confirm if I am correct
  23. Forget your western influences, The honour system in the west that applauds fighting one on one but condemns two or more on to one does not exist here, (except in proper boxing bouts) As far as the youths here are concerned, and most others, fighting one on one is actually a bit dangerous not to mention a bit stupid. Safety in numbers is how they think of it
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