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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. "My earlier moan"?? I wasn't moaning, why would I moan? I made a claim, and, contrary to my expectations, I got paid out, happy days. That was the fundamental message of my post. I was just a little surprised at the lack of communication who wouldn't be ? You obviously. The only thing shown in a "completely different light" was your sad little provocative attempt at being a keyboard warrior. I noticed that you've tried it half a dozen times with other peoples posts on this particular thread. The weather is a bit miserable today did you start drinking earlier than usual
  2. just to put your mind at rest here is a copy of my quarantine bill
  3. No I did not expect a "running commentary on the entire claim process" but as their claim form clearly states " Once your claim is registered, You will be updated through sms or email." I did expect some form of communication does that appear to be unreasonable to you?
  4. I bought insurance, as required for the Thailand pass, from AXA it was the cheapest I could find but I didn't really look very hard. I was PCR tested at the test and go hotel and it showed positive. I was totally asymptomatic . I was subsequently transferred to a quarantine hotel for 7 nights the total cost was 17,000 baht. so not really the end of the world. I had plenty of time to read through the small print and was pretty much convinced AXA was not going to pay anything. So with nothing to lose I completed the claim form and uploaded the required documents and e mailed in to AXA. Somewhere on the AXA website it said that e mailed claims would not be considered and that everything would need to be copied and sent by post to the Bangkok office, but to be honest I just couldn't be bothered , so I was further convinced that nothing was going to happen, and somewhat unsurprisingly, despite a follow-up email I received no correspondence whatsoever regarding my claim Fast forward a month and I was at the ATM withdrawing some cash and was somewhat surprised to notice that I had about 17,000 baht more in my account than there should have been ! So it would appear that they did in fact pay I would add that the cost of the policy was just over 9000 baht so even somebody as cynical as me would have to admit that as far as I am concerned I certainly haven't been scammed as such. But I am still surprised that I heard nothing at all from AXA regarding my claim
  5. The title of this topic sounds like the words of the school tell tale as he runs to the teacher with his hand in the air "" Sir Sir , the politicians are joking about the gullible""
  6. I would expect the increase in IQ is inversely proportional to the amount of time spent at school
  7. They also contain toxins and pathogens, are you for real?
  8. Oh dear sounds like one of the wokies getting themselves all offended over nothing again. That crazy old man should indeed be in some sort of psychiatric institution, and once incarcerated should be treated just like any other patient, does he deserve some sort of special "holy" status? I think not. I also find it difficult to believe the gullibility of of the people who consumed the bodily fluids and any right minded person would consider it disgusting Could somebody please enlighten me why these comments were in anyway crass or offhand? on second thoughts, don't bother I'm not in the least bit interested
  9. I wonder when they will start investigating the financial affairs of this cult. There's probably a considerable amount of money somewhere. Can't see the boys in brown missing out on their share of that.
  10. Be very careful if dealing with large amounts of pidgeon excrement, especially if dried, it has the potential to cause what can be a nasty and sometimes fatal lung infection. In the U.k the presence of it is treated with the same precautions afforded to asbestos
  11. not much different to alcohol in that respect, many people enjoy the effects with no problems , whereas others..............
  12. Indeed it would, every day we hear about horrendous violent crimes but we very seldom hear what punishments are handed out. The exception to this is when what would appear to be disproportionally severe sentences are handed out to anti-establishment / goverment types often using the "lese majeste" legislation
  13. I assume that the teachers who have had to struggle on (just) their full salaries during the closures will be happy to return too, in order to recommence the usual supplementary salary enhancement schemes
  14. If a drugged up halfwit can get through the so called security that easily., it makes one wonder what a more sophisticated and determined terrorist organisation could achieve
  15. If you do manage to get the METV there may well be some "difficulties" in using it, if , for example you tried to do a quick in/out, you would need to get a new Thailand pass and arrange a test and go hotel, Also the <deleted>ty Thai insurance that I ended buying is cancelled when leaving the country so it would be best to check your policies terms and conditions in that respect Some land border crossings are still closed too. I don't think it would be impossible but somewhat more challenging than normal
  16. I guess for two of you 50k or so would be in the right field, however if she's Thai she might get it at the Thai price, although I wouldn't count on it, as a "mia farang" she will probably get stung the full amount. I wouldn't worry too much about the cost of the para , (they only gave me 10 tablets) lol Not sure if they would let you quarantine at home, I think the problem would be actually getting home, you might need a private ambulance or similar. My insurance will only pay for the related medical treatment not the "hotel" costs. However it would have paid everything if I was hospitalised and for a few moments I actually considered feigning some symptoms to get admitted but on reflection for 17,000 I couldn't be bothered and I don't really trust the Thai insurance to pay up
  17. Hi yes I'm asymptomatic, probably the nicest virus I've ever had, strangely I was quoted 25000 baht for the quarantine hotel, but, they came for the money yesterday and only wanted 17000 (possibly because its for 7 days and not 10) That was the 3 star option I was quoted 75,000 for 5 star (no thankyou) I'm not expecting the insurance to pay for anything other than the "ambulance" transfer to the quarantine hotel, An x=ray the 10 Paracetamol pills they gave me, and two phone calls from a doctor (consultation fee) They have told me I will get an itemised bill , probably for that reason The food is basic Thai street food, normally khao tom (rice porridge) for breakfast , lunch and dinner is variations of noodle soup, pretty much what I'd normally be eating so no complaints there really Its a bit boring, which probably explains the length of this reply , but there is a tv and I got my laptop, Its not as bad as prison I can tell you that. I would recommend that you pack any "luxuries" you might want (ciggies snacks etc) as it may be difficult to get these depending on location, luckily I, near a 7-11 and the staff have been prepared to get things for me. All in all not too bad, could be a lot worse
  18. Well , as luck would have it I tested positive on the day one PCR test, they moved me out of the test and go hotel and I am now incarcerated in a quarantine hotel for the next 7 days Today is my 5th day and my morchana App is asking for the results of the 5 day ATK test. I did an ATK yesterday which showed positive so I'm pretty sure if I test today it will also be positive. Is there any point in submitting a positive test result whilst I am currently locked up.? The doctor tells me he will let me go on the 7th day presumably with some sort of clearance certificate but if I submit a positive ATK today will that mess things up for me? My morchana status at the moment is orange I would have expected it to be red considering my initial PCR was positive, and there is no mention of my positive test result on the app. I'm wondering if the 1st hotel even registered the test result Obviously the day 5 test is for those who tested negative on the day 1 PCR but developed COVID afterwards, but I was positive on day 1 so I'm not really sure what to do now, I asked the doctor who phones me up occasionally and his reply was a typical "don't know/ up to you" Anybody been through this that can make a suggestion ? For what its worth I don't have any symptoms at all
  19. if granny died from flu at 80 (before covid appeared) that would have been considered "natural causes"
  20. of course he believes it , they all do , lol don't you remember about maybe 4 or 5 years ago when they held some sort of "exorcism" to rid a government building of "dark forces" There were also some "serious ????allegations" regarding Taksins use of Khmer black magic I used to think that the so called educated elite only pretended to believe in this rubbish as a way of controlling the masses through fear, and that they based the important decisions on more scientific / factual data. I have known for a long time that i was wrong, so dreadfully wrong
  21. absolutely unbelievable, it's he or him for men and she and her for women end of
  22. How could you possibly know how they will travel home and indeed what will happen on the journey? Do you have special powers?
  23. There were a few moments during the 6 day wait when i wished i had gone down that route but I'm glad I didn't. Firstly the prices seem to be around the $100 mark and obviously there will be no guarantee honoured or even offered as far as I could see. Secondly I would still have had to find / scan / upload etc all the required documents to send to the "company" . so nothing gained there Thirdly, in reality all i would have achieved is to have introduced an unnecessary third party into the process who would no doubt become just as difficult to contact in the event of a problem There always seem to be people making a living by offering help when its not required, many of them advertising on here, and it never ceases to amaze me how people manage to find their way to Thailand and then to some remote border point all by them selves and then feel the need to pay some horrible pestering character 100 baht, or whatever the going rate is these days, to fill in a simple form at the immigration check point My advice would be to do it yourself and save the money, just apply as early as you can, as soon as you know your flight details, and contrary to what some of the "experts" say you don't need a visa to apply for the Pass (assuming you are from a country that qualifies for visa exempt) In the mean time , its a couple of weeks till I fly, so, now that I'm an "expert" if anybody wants to send me $300 (i have a 100% success rate) and all their details including bank and credit card details i will apply on your behalf (joking)
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