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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. It is not grown up behaviour at all. it is the actions of the sanctimonious self righteous holier than thou brigade. that historically are generally proven to be the most perverted of all. The catholic church and its followers being a typical example
  2. Not triggered at all , you have made quite a few seeping generalisations about the morals and behaviour of others . All in some sort of twisted attempt to appear somewhat more virtuous than everybody else. I just find that rather amusing and more than a little nauseating
  3. I nearly stopped reading when you mentioned a "housing estate" . I have been to Phuket several times , the first time was just before the sunami, I was only there for a week and was not overly impressed. Some years later I went to help with translation for a Thai friend who has a construction company and was looking to secure some building contracts with a group of Belgians initially and some English guys who were looking to build a few condos. We were all over the Island looking for suitable building plots, again I left pretty much unimpressed, as did my Thai mate I am perfectly happy here out in darkest Surin as are the few expats I associate with. plenty going on an never bored. plus the added bonus of no Indians or Russians or muslims and very very few tourists, what's not to love ? . Ps Cats are free, dogs can be a little more expensive, if one bites they are a stray but if you do kill one they suddenly have 5 owners all asking for money, so best to just keep on going
  4. No he has just proved himself to be an idiot
  5. The evidence about you is there for all to see, ie your continual and pathetic denials. Now perhaps in the great legal tradition, you would like to disclose the evidence you have regarding me and everybody else you feel fit to criticise,
  6. The term "sexpat" was almost certainly coined by a man hating bull dyke of a western feminist. It applies to anybody travelling abroad for the purpose of having sex with a foreign woman The "distinguishing features" you mention were not part of the original description. those adjectives have been added by other sexpats ( like @NowNow) in a pathetic attempt to set themselves up on their moralising soapbox . and distance themselves from others who actually have more in common with him than he cares to admit
  7. I knew a German guy who ran over and killed a kid after a good lunch , he got change out of 20k although it was not in Phuket. (another good reason to not live there)
  8. Any prolonged interaction with another person could be classed as a relationship, whether one can afford it or not. In fact it begs the question , how do you know whether you can afford it or not if you have no idea of the price?
  9. Are there not some who upon reaching advanced years , throttle back a bit and act in a part time capacity. I would hesitate to claim full time status, modesty forbids
  10. As opposed to illegitimate relationships ? And just who decides whether a relationship is legitimate or not? Oh silly me , that would be you presumably.
  11. I'm sure you have "it" in buckets and its probably stored under your bed next to your porn stash and that "odd" sock that you keep easily "to hand"
  12. Get with the times Will nowadays he has the whole alphabet community to indulge in his sexual preferences with, paid or otherwise
  13. "old" kind of a relative term really. anybody reaching the age of 35 in your god forsaken country would be considered old. But keep trying, with a bit of practice you might not sound so infantile, as long as we stick to the medium of the written word of course.
  14. "Filthy"?? sounds to me like you have some deep rooted sexual hang ups You are here just like everybody else and you came for the same reason, you just cannot bear to admit it to yourself.
  15. Its even more entertaining observing those trying to convince themselves and others that they are in some way better than everybody else
  16. I would say there is very little on this earth anywhere near as pathetic as somebody attempting to appear better than everybody else. How on earth do you know how much time anybody spends in bars ? And what makes their choice of how they spend their time any less valid than yours? It really is none of your business And I didn't say it was their only choice, I leave such generalisations to people like you.
  17. Says the sweaty sock trying to big himself up
  18. As sad as festering in a piss stinking nursing home ? Or a sad as freezing to death in a damp and mold ridden bed sit having to decide whether to eat or heat ? You really haven't a clue have you
  19. Absolutely, especially when compared to the traditional retirement that lies in store for them in places like the UK. Its actually a no brainer
  20. 20K !!! are you serious ? Sounds like you were taken to the cleaners
  21. Most foreigners know how to drive well in the comparative safety and controlled over regulated environment of their home countries. The majority of them however are like fish out of water as they try to adapt to driving here. There is a very strong argument, in my opinion, for not allowing short term tourists anywhere near a car or a motorcycle here,
  22. Not that surprising considering that in over 30 years here I could probably count on one hand the number of times I have heard a Thai use the Thai word for "toilet" Without exception they will use the words "hong nam" which does not mean "toilet"
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