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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Don't you believe it , as far as some are concerned, everything is to do with racism, you are just obviously not "woke" enough to see the connection. But then again neither am I. There is good reason why India is known as the rape capital of the world, To me that suggests a basic cultural issue and a flaw in the character of their males
  2. Well as I live in Surin it did not happen that far away did it ?? I repeat no respectable married woman , accompanied by her husband would normally pose for a photograph with a group of drunken male indian tourists and if they did happen to "forget themselves" most Thai husbands would have something to say about it. Which funnily enough is exactly what happened is it not? What you describe as "good natured" might be considered an acceptable character trait for pattaya bargirls but I can assure you the vast majority of Thais are a lot more conservative. Especially Thai husbands regarding their wives interactions with drunken Indian tourists or anybody else for that matter 43k posts !! Ever thought about going out and experiencing the real world for a change
  3. He's far worse than that , he is nasty brown tonged sycophant who will have spent his entire life creeping and fawning his way up the political ladder. He would happily throw his grandmother under a bus if he thought it would further his career, Just look at him not a single grey hair , just like the rest of his ilk, Who could ever get tired of punching that smug arrogant face?
  4. That is your personal view but you cannot speak on behalf of others. Personally I find it astonishing that anybody would claim to drink any alcoholic beverage for the "taste" Who are they trying to kid?
  5. many are infected with the "reefer madness" propaganda which originates from the early part of the last century. There really is no other logical reason for strong anti cannabis sentiment, which is based on ignorance and fear
  6. Where I come from married women do not pose for photographs with groups of indian tourists. In fact married women accompanied by their husbands would not generally pose for photos with any strangers
  7. is that "globally" or just in Phuket?
  8. or a multitude of other possibilities
  9. I would tend to agree. Another point worth mentioning is the much talked about placebo effect. I remain open minded about it, bu if so many tests confirm it can work , why is it not the default goto first option for doctors dealing with non critical minor issues ?> maybe ask big pharma eh?
  10. Unless one is a "trans" in which case its all fine ( and you are a transphobe)
  11. I doubt many getting their shots in Pattaya are "athletes" even after the injection
  12. I recently stumbled across a policy that would exclude "undiagnosed" pre existing conditions, and another which would not cover anybody who had not been "permanently resident in their home country for the previous 6 months" Personally a few years ago I was hospitalised with kidney stones, I gave the girl in the hospital the insurance paper which had a 24 hr emergency hotline telephone number She called 5 times a day for 3 days, nobody even answered the phone ! Lucky I had my credit card
  13. In fairness he did specify an ombudsman "like we have in europe" Do you really think they are similar in any way other than name.?
  14. Well none of them are actually rockets in reality so I guess you are technically correct . I didn't realise that there was an "official" definition of a slang phrase like "crotch rocket" probably because there isn't one. Its a 900cc motorcycle that is capable of very high speed and acceleration and the main point of contact with the rider is the crotch. That fulfills the definition of crotch rocket for all but the most pedantic on here. There is nothing ignorant about describing it as such, in fact a motorcycle half the size would fit the description
  15. Maybe it has an app that enables "daddy" to do the actual talking but sound just like her
  16. Indeed I imagine she is as addicted to "the face" as the rest of them
  17. Well i wouldn't hold my breath whilst waiting to see it . Seriously though the maroon and yellow coloured highway patrol cars do seem to spend a lot of time providing "escorts" to various "VIPs" Where I live its quite common to see them escorting minibuses to the cambodian border presumably escorting people to the casino there. I have also seen them escorting various Cambodian registered vehicles to and from Surin city center, presumably visiting the hospitals, and I once saw them parked up in the Makro car park with a Cambodian Lexus I can't imagine its anything other than a cash payment that is accepted, especially in the case of escorting Cambodians, As far as Thai VIP's are concerned ,I have no idea how they pay , and to be honest I couldn't care less
  18. Any 900cc bike is capable of incredible speed and performance, naked or fully faired
  19. It has already been confirmed by people that knew him , that he was actually a very experienced rider
  20. And once you realise how stupid the average person is, just bear in mind that half the population is even more stupid than that
  21. Is he using his hands to hide a smirk or his brown tongue?
  22. yes it will be paid for, that's how they got one
  23. What colour is your anorak ?
  24. "aviation enthusiasts" AKA anorak wearing geeks who have never had a girlfriend and still live with their mothers. no different to train spotters. And they all consider themselves to be experts , some get quite aggressive when disagreed with. As can be seen on this thread and many others of a similar nature
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