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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Alleged drug dealers maybe , but we will never know now will we? Surely you are not in favour of extrajudicial killings by the Thai police or anybody else for that matter ? I am sure the death of ones son will sit uneasily with parents if he was murdered for selling cannabis, considering those imprisoned for that particular crime were all released when it was decriminalized. It not like they could be brought back to life is it
  2. you maybe right but if it wasn't for the half dozen or so examples that have hit the headlines, nobody would be talking about this, not the Thais and not the self flagellators on here who think they can virtue signal their way out of it.
  3. people overstaying or working without permits is of no concern to tourists whatsoever.
  4. whether he declares it or not the UK government could still issue a travel warning, if they do insurance companies will react. It not really up to him even though he thinks it is
  5. Seems to me that the problem is not an overall increase in criminal activity by foreigners, rather a few instances of bad behaviour have been jumped on by mainstream media, and "gone viral" on social media ,so the problem they feel they have is bad publicity Now a crackdown has been ordered, in order for that to appear successful results will need to be seen, so there will be even more reporting of bad behaviour and more reports of the ensuing deportations as the media jumps on the bandwagon, every minor transgression will be headline news, resulting in even more bad publicity The more bad publicity they create the more likely it is to get picked up by the foreign media which is probably not what they want to happen. To be honest I doubt many prospective tourists would seriously consider changing their travel plans due to the few reports of bad behaviour by a handful of foreigners that have hit the headlines recently. A cursory glance at this forum might not encourage them much though, and god forbid if a travel blogger or u-tube influencer simply started uploading clips from Amarin Tv's nightly news show , showing the sort of things that happen here every single day I reckon their precious tourist industry would be decimated very quickly indeed. Just the traffic incidents would be enough to discourage most people, but what would the average "quality tourist" make of the daily reports of Feral teenage gangs, Incest, Rape, Murder, Perverted Monks, Horrible Taxi drivers, Corrupt police, Endless acts of violence, etc etc etc ? First impressions are lasting impressions too, there must be thousands of people already who were a bit disappointed when the first thing they experience in the land of smiles is a 2 to 3 hour queue at immigration after a 10+ hour long journey to get here,and the first actual Thai they meet is a scowling sour faced immigration officer who interrogates them as to why they have come here and reprimands them for not retaining their boarding pass. And to cap it all if they arrive on the wrong day , they can't even relax with a beer
  6. I don't think they will be shuffling much paper, I'm imagining a relaxed day , probably arrive straight from the golf course around 10 am , review the papers and social media like you said, squeeze in a bit of "networking" or forge some new alliances , then an excellent lunch , and home before 3pm slightly the worse for wear.
  7. Well as she refused to remove her shoes , taking a shorter backswing would be one option, a bit like a delicate chip , as opposed to a full blown drive when playing golf
  8. Well i did say we all pay "one way or the other" pay them to come, or pay them to leave and stay away, its all the same in the end, Except perhaps for marriage when we end up paying twice, and it generally costs a lot more to get rid of them than it did to attract them initially
  9. So are you implying that we should all remain silent , and not dare to offer an opinion, That would make for a really exciting and interesting forum wouldn't it
  10. I think I remember that article or have read something very similar, but there is no way these two have jumped from that gravy train, more likely just had their tickets upgraded to first or business class
  11. looking at the smiles on their faces I'm guessing that is exactly what they have decided to do. a fine foundation for their new "bro-mance"
  12. That won't be the case for either of these two, However I can't help wondering what particular "inactivity" they will be tasked with to pass the time over the next 60 days
  13. I very much doubt anybody in Thailand , particularly government employees, are ever promoted or assigned positions based on personal merit
  14. They both seem delighted at their transfer to an inactive post at the Pm's office, Perhaps they see it as one step closer to the position they really covet, Maybe they think they are both genuinely in with a chance of that, and have decided to bury the hatchet, so to speak, on the basis that whoever eventually gets there will look after the other? Either way I don't think a temporary transfer to an a inactive post for people in their position will have any ot the negative repercussions that apply to more junior ranking officers.
  15. I agree also, it can be a bit worrying these days in the west, regarding certain services that one may require, especially of a medical nature. now that quotas are required to be met, you can never be sure if the woman (or tranny) is the best person for the job or if there position was granted as a purely box ticking exercise. In Thailand one never knows if they got the job due to who their father is and / or how much money they were able to stump up
  16. didn't even pay for 1/2 of lager or a bag of chips, c'mon that's stretching it a bit
  17. If I was a gambling man I would bet everything I own and all I could borrow that it was costing him, one way or the other, and I would win
  18. Everybody pay's for it one way or the other, except perhaps in our teenage years when we might be given a free taster or two , but that's only to get us hooked.
  19. I 'm sure every word is true, but some might be forgiven for asking why you have waited until now to release the results of your social experiment.
  20. hmmm, an already pregnant Thai woman or a crazy Russian, ? that's a tough decision to have to make ,, I'd go with "none of the above" if that's an option
  21. Now I'm getting confused, who exactly does the island belong to?
  22. And don't forget the delights of the regular internal examination for cervical cancer screening which you would be fully entitled to, along with a mammogram too if you wanted it.
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