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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. at the end of the day you know in your own heart that whatever you are told on here there is no way you are going to avoid doing what everybody else has had to do. That being wasting what could amount to hours of ones life scouring the internet for the best price . So instead of wasting even more time on here, you might as well just resign yourself to it and crack on with the task
  2. Yes is the answer, and you don't need to look very far for examples, simply switch on your TV any weekday evening and tune into either Amarin Tv or Thai Rath and watch their nightly news show. There are many reports about domestic Thai on Thai incidents, every one accompanied by video clips from numerous mobile phones. Even if you are unable to understand Thai the number of "bleeped out" words should answer your question.
  3. It is indeed very creepy , you would be well advised to refrain from any further public admissions regarding your "peeping" activities and the feelings of domination that you enjoy whilst indulging in this practice. I think there is a strong chance that unless you get the help you need , one day this thread might be used in evidence against you. Maybe get some help before its too late eh?
  4. A rather weird OP and the above comment is more than a little creepy in my opinion
  5. It's really not rocket science is it? If you are having trouble working out the thought processes that got him into his predicament, then perhaps the following two simple analogies might help -: 1) Somebody who ends up paying a £100 parking fine because he wouldn't pay £5 for a parking ticket, despite being able to afford it 2) A shoplifter getting caught with £100 worth of stolen goods who has £100 or more in his pocket Its not always a case of not having the money, many who do have the money would prefer to hold onto it if they can, he thought he would get away with not paying for a visa, thought he could save himself a bit of money , thought he would not get caught, unfortunately he was wrong
  6. A rather idiotic solution on your part, Nobody or their money could have "fixed his visa issue" at least certainly not legally and in this case not even illegally. He was caught on 175 day overstay! one cannot simply buy a visa there and then and everything is OK. Any visa or extension would need to be sorted out prior to arrival or prior to when ones current extension to stay expires
  7. they are not real Buddhists Same goes for their monks
  8. Wow somebody is feeling sensitive today. I really could not give a t0$$ about going on your ignore list, what does interest me though is why you bothered telling me . Did you actually expect me to be bothered ?
  9. That is actually the only effective way to respond to what is essentially an invasion. Had this been the default tactic since the day it all started we would not be in the situation we are facing now. and any whinging from the human rights crowd would be long forgotten. Its too late now of course, the governments attempt to discourage the illegals by escorting them to a hotel and giving them money and a mobile phone, followed by paying an immigration lawyer to represent and advise them as to how to beat the system was surprisingly less than successful, in fact unbelievably, it seems to be encouraging more and more people to attempt to make the journey, Who on earth would have expected that
  10. paying them the full state pension entitlement would be a nice gesture to start the ball rolling
  11. Good for who ? I'm British and I quite enjoy the embarrassing spectacle of sanctimonious keyboard warriors working each other up into a frenzy. Your comment implies that you are concerned, do you think that British people might be intimidated in some way ? Well any that are , are a disgrace to their country, but the rest of us are always up for a frank exchange of views, and more than capable of looking after ourselves
  12. None of this is party specific, they are both the same, as will be seen. Its just unfortunate for the Tories that it happened on their watch, had labour "enjoyed" being in power for the last 14 years would anything be any different? Somehow I don't think so
  13. When has any politician ever put the welfare of the indigenous british people over and above their own political career?
  14. Well strictly speaking point 4 and points 5 and 6 are not really expected scenarios, I thing work in progress might be a better description
  15. No doubt the jobs were posted pre election but nothing will have changed since. The salaries for these non jobs are totally disproportionate, The people who are complicit in creating , advertising and filling these "vacancies" are employees of the NHS and are all too aware that that there is only so much money available yet they continue to squander the limited resources available on this rubbish rather than employing additional doctors and nurses, or paying the existing ones a decent wage . Its madness and the Tories should have stopped this nonsense dead in its tracks ,Why they didn't or couldn't I have no idea, but I will be very very surprised if this new or any future government will bring about any improvement. I'm no fan of Starmer, but there is nothing to be gained by wishing for him to fail, Its in all our interests that he succeeds,with all his intended plans/ policies whether we agree with them or not . and I genuinely hope that he does.as any failure will have negative consequences for us all The practice of hoping, and in many cases arranging, for failure just so one can start whinging "I told you so" cutting off one's nose to spite ones face as we say, as beloved by opponents of brexit helps nobody and should have no place in politics, and those indulging in it should be removed from their positions
  16. I expect a similar scenario (but with a few minor changes in detail) 1. Most claims will be approved and the claimants allowed to remain, They may find a job , They might earn enough to pay tax maybe not. 2 Very Very few will be rejected and those that are will then enroll in the never ending appeals process which will prevent their deportation 3 The above will have little to no impact on those arriving and any monies saved as a result will now go towards the cost of their legal aid 4 The "right wing" and just about everybody else will naturally continue to voice their concerns ( or bleat as you put it ) 5 The boats will continue to arrive exactly as before we cab also expect "relatives" of those from item 1 of this list to start arriving 6 And so it will continue until the islamisation is complete, (at that point all the above is superfluous) 7 No idea what happens next and I hope I'm not around to find out Do you think that's a realistic prognosis?
  17. well lets see how many of the 100,000 would be immigrants fare during their proposed , new, up and coming fast track assessment, before we decide whether anything actually changing, be it for better or worse. Personally I strongly doubt anything will change significantly just have to wait and see
  18. Well not Kier Starmer personally maybe but a Woke court of appeal populated by people who share his ideals
  19. well so far there have been at least 500 more arrived since Starmer took control.
  20. excellent example of how public money is squandered, pity it doesn't highlight the totally disproportionate salaries that these non-jobs are paying. There have been many reports in the UK that the NHS pay more for these positions than they do for surgeons and GP's 6 figure salaries are not uncommon. Its a national disgrace
  21. indeed, one or two very dopey, but yet very vocal suspects who cannot resist any cannabis related thread. After several years of their petty trolling we are all only too aware who they are and that that they don't wish to partake of this gift from above , But why they insist on trying convert the rest of us , none of whom are children, and none of whom have requested their advice should be a mystery to me. But its not really
  22. Of course somebody should pay, The authorities stood by and watched as a lot of people invested a lot of money, no doubt in many cases it was money they didn't have in what they thought was a legitimate enterprise. They were not "repeatedly warned of the risks" as some on here are claiming, I certainly didn't notice any public information videos on TV or anything in the news papers, The usual warnings about cannabis use appeared now and again but nothing about the risks of investing in licensed retail outlets Whatever Anutin allegedly did or did not" say" is of absolutely no relevance, except to a couple of whingers on this forum, who bizarrely appear to have become fixated, on this to the point of obsession on his utterings. As mentioned earlier the thread legislation is issued in writing in the royal gazette and not by word of mouth. Those that invested were, as far as they were concerned investing in a bona fide business / industry which they correctly believed had great potential, they were not wrong either I would imagine the amount of money turned over in a couple of years by the cannabis industry is probably thousands of times more than that generated in over 20 years by other government inspired projects like OTOP for example. Nobody was discouraged from jumping on board Those on here spewing out their sad "serves them all right" and other such scathing and unsympathetic comments really should try to get over their personal dislike of recreational cannabis use, especially as its only a result of the "reefer madness" rubbish they were brainwashed with years ago, maybe then they could think about attempting to develop a more live and let live attitude towards the choices other adults choose to make. Who knows, they may even stop trying impose their views on others , but somehow I doubt it If, as widely speculated , this change in policy is primarily as a result of Toxin's involvement then he should be the one paying the compensation, I would expect him to be only too grateful for the opportunity to return some of the money he stole from the country and people he claims to love, right back to some of those same people who may now be facing financial ruin because of him
  23. Well if you replace coca-cola with "kratom" it might make it easier for you to understand, not that it was particularly difficult
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