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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Its not "fake" as such. Its just a facial expression that can mean something totally different to what non Thais expect it to mean. As a result Thais are often seen smiling in situations where non Thais might consider such a facial expression as inappropriate. Its not a Thai "problem" and highlights the difficulties some people have fitting in. The Thai language is not the only difference between them and "us"
  2. And conversely women are generally better at Ironing, Laundry, Washing up and most other domestic duties that we can't be bothered with so I think you may be onto something
  3. Of course over the years there's been occasions when I have been asked to lend money to Thais However none of my Thai friends have ever asked me. Not even on behalf of somebody else
  4. Are there any religions that don't ? When did you ever hear about a female pope or female muslim cleric ?
  5. well historically their plans have not always come to fruition, their aspirations of world domination would be a good example, Maybe they forgot to think things through properly on that occasion
  6. I live immediately adjacent to her family Sister in law and her family on one side and two brothers in law and their families on the other side and since the death of the father in law around 8 years ago the mother in law lives with us in our house. No problems at all to be honest, Plenty of positives too but I can't say I feel any inclination to share any of them on this forum. I leave that sort of thing to the facebook generation
  7. So there we have it , the answer to the ultimate question, brought to us by the internationally renowned "impact group" (who ever they might be )
  8. Well regardless of your earlier predictions which are worthy of a child prodigy. I think you need to open your eyes and accept that we are all being fooled by propaganda and lied to by governments on a daily basis. Its somewhat illogical to cherry pick which bits of what they tell you that you decide to be true We owe it to ourselves to question everything these people would have us believe
  9. surprised his mother is still " sexually active " too
  10. its truly shocking that anybody should seek to supress a debate regarding a matter that has become so deeply politicised. Its even more worrying that people are so willing to accept what governments and teenage activists tell them; Blaming "climate change" or even using it as an excuse for the illegal economic migrants flocking to Europe in order to enjoy a life on benefits is stretching things by any standards. Nothing to do with the weather and everything to do with weak government, Hopefully the current rise in popularity of right of center governments might finally start to address that
  11. Educated very selectively by what they have been carefully fed by mainstream media and others with vested interests. The only thing that doesn't get on TV are the scientists with theories that contradict the narrative. The narrative that the powers that be have decided is not to be questioned. an attitude that pretty much destroys the fundamental principles of scientific research. It is not possible to ignore the element of propaganda so obvious in the news these days. At least not for somebody who has retained the ability to think for themselves As an example in the Uk from the onset of spring nearly every single day is referred to as "the hottest day of the year so far" by our esteemed weather forecasters, and accompanied by advice regarding drinking more water etc etc Last week an official national "yellow weather warning" was issued for 3 nice summer days, yet, once autumn arrives there is never any mention of the" coolest day of the year so far" and strangely even in the dark depths of winter there is a complete absence of any advice about keeping warm, despite hypothermia killing more people every year in the UK than any increase in temperatures, Why would that be I wonder?
  12. Boredom comes from within oneself, as does the majority of unhappiness and negativity
  13. Thanks again Greta, but last week it was 30 degrees C for a couple of days, so by your argument that must be evidence of global cooling then
  14. Same as that , those who can't be happy here would surely struggle to be happy anywhere
  15. Only that I think you will probably be miserable and disappointed where ever you end up. and on the off chance that you ever do find yourself to be happy, I somehow doubt it will be long before you find something else to moan about.
  16. Thank you for the unsolicited lesson on global warming Miss Thunberg. So now things getting colder is an indication of things getting warmer, what else would we expect in a world where women can now have a penis and men can have a cervix? But I was referring to the weather in the UK where cold temperatures are not in anyway either unusual or indeed unexpected in the middle of what should be summer. Its always been like that in the UK.at least for the past 60 years that I remember personally, so to try and use "climate change" as an excuse for what is just normal crap weather is absolute rubbish
  17. Have you ever considered that it might be you who is having difficulties relating to the Thais ? "selfish" and "generally unable to tell the truth" Certainly looks that way " Again these are generalizations. Of course there are good Thais." presumably the ones who you consider to resemble yourself, have you actually met any, or are you talking hypothetically?
  18. Just had an email from a mate in the UK Its 12 deg C and pissing down Global warming eh?
  19. I'm not really aware of any lack of freedom being suffered specifically by the Thai population that the rest of the world is not subject to in one form or another, And whilst there are indeed a lot of people living in what westerners would call poverty they don't appear to me on the whole to be any more miserable than people living in the west, on the contrary I would say the opposite is true. But at least you are "putting your money where your mouth is " as they say . and returning from whence you came, just be careful you are not overwhelmed by all the happy smiling faces you expect to encounter upon your return to the USA and keep a close eye on any girls or women you intend to take with you, especially if they are out alone after dark
  20. "The Far Right" "utterly horrific" You left because of this 3 years ago, were you fearful of ethnic cleansing?
  21. Oh dear another one who would prefer Thailand to resemble their country of origin more closely, The country of origin which they chose to leave in order to live here.
  22. I doubt there is one single travel book ever written about Thailand that doesn't at least cover the "phenomenon " of the Thai smile and tries to explain just why this place is often referred to as "the land of smiles" Even if this was not the case, its such a well known cliche that anybody considering coming here for the first time, would have encountered the phrases many times, and a simple google search would be enough to put an end to what might be considered natural curiosity Yet the OP has been here for years and still can't get his head around this basic facet of Thai society
  23. Its not unusual for even "high ranking officers" to spew out incorrect information when it suits them
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