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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Even if they did "break a girls nose" they did not deserve that, What they would have deserved was to be arrested and dealt with appropriately by the courts, A bit of a slap in the heat of the moment may well have been understandable, but this was a very violent and sustained assault for which there can be absolutely no excuses whatsoever Lets just assume for a minute, bearing in mind the lack of any confirmation, that no girl was assaulted, do you still think this is how a disgruntled customer should be dealt with anywhere?
  2. if that was the case then the police should have been called, simple as that,
  3. we have all been skimmed before and are therefore less shocked when it happens, but it may well have been the first time for that guy, It would be normal to get a little bit upset knowing one has been taken for a mug. They obviously did not expect things to escalate the way they did, if they were aware of the potential for that they would more than likely have walked away like most of us
  4. Without doubt , there is a strong possibility of life changing injuries, assuming he is still alive, I would be very surprised indeed if he is not in the ICU at the hospital ? Assuming they had travel insurance ( i know its doubtful) but i wonder what the insurance companies take on this incident would be, I'm guessing there will be a hefty hospital bill resulting from this for at least one of them
  5. All the kicks to the heads were totally unnecessary and sickening, both the guys posed no threat to anybody when they were lying semi conscious on the floor, This may have started over a dispute about a bill but that was the last thing on the bouncers minds when they were kicking seven shades of 'it out of the two blokes. It was a horrendous frenzied attack That could easily ended up with somebody dying , if they haven't already
  6. Fair play to the bar girls at the scene who at least were trying to calm the situation down, if it wasn't for them the two guys could easily have been killed
  7. What behaviour are you judging them on, One guy was the victim of a serious assault he tried to defend himself but was overpowered , then whilst he lay unconscious on the floor the 3 bouncers continued to violently assault him. The second guy who I'm guessing was his friend, naturally attempted to help him by pulling at least one of the attackers off him, the attackers turned on him and proceeded beat him unconscious too Then after it was all over and the first guy was lying on the floor out cold, one of the bouncers performed a running kick to his head with full force, akin to a penalty kick in a football match, The victims entire body shuddered from the impact. That is all you saw, nothing else, so please tell us what aspect of the victims behaviour it is that you find unacceptable? And don't start on about girls having their nose broken you did not see that and have no proof that it happened Where you perhaps kicked senseless at some time in the past? if not what is your excuse for such a pointless, inaccurate and inflammatory trolling comment?
  8. Bday Prang

    Soi 6 beatdown

    A video of a drunken, raging, aggressive, tattooed ,foreign thug punching a Thai girl full in the face would be the equivalent of the holy grail as far as the media is concerned, absolute TV gold, the Tv companies would be fighting each other to get their hands on it by any means whatsoever. , Not only that but various authorities would obviously want to get it out there as quickly as possible too , if only in an attempt to lessen the shocking impact of what we have seen on here, hoping that the impression that those guys somehow deserved what they got ,will take the edge off it all Bearing that in mind it is not a bit strange that nothing has appeared on the news well if there was i missed it.
  9. Human rights lawyers will have a field day, I can just see it now "have you been misgendered by the military? phone the claims hotline today, No win no fee"
  10. Real national service probably wouldn't be a bad thing , But once the alphabet community start getting called up it will become some sort of a pathetic woke joke. It will never happen I reckon a hung parliament is looming, expect very little to happen now for the foreseeable future unless a full blown war forces their hand. Except of course the continuing islamisation
  11. Bday Prang

    Soi 6 beatdown

    Nothing will change until somebody actually gets killed, Looking at the relish with which these guys handed out the beating I don't think we will have to wait very long for that to happen. Although when it eventually does i wouldn't expect it to make the front page.
  12. Bday Prang

    Soi 6 beatdown

    The police will be well aware of the incident, It should not require reporting before they take action,
  13. Bday Prang

    Soi 6 beatdown

    4 seconds in and you can see him getting it broken
  14. Bday Prang

    Soi 6 beatdown

    And what effect do the "netizens" think this will have on the "family friendly" image of Thailand. Somehow I doubt we will ever hear It certainly puts that Swedish guys alleged kick into perspective
  15. Its actually worse because you end up with a "drugs" conviction on your record, which has more stigma attached to it than a DUI. The possibility of body cavity searches at airports for example in the future is increased, which is not the case for drunk driving
  16. The alcoholics will be telling you that its spelt" Hennessy "
  17. The current urine tests that one might be subjected to are even worse, they don't even test for THC but for metabolites of it which are not even psychoactive, but can remain present in urine samples for weeks . It is effectively a "lifestyle" test and gives absolutely no indication of intoxication whatsoever. It merely indicates that the person ingested cannabis some time in the last 3 months, as an added insult , false positives are very common too. The fact that people have lost their jobs and had their lives ruined because of this is a disgrace. The common threshold for failure is 50 nanograms, but there are more sensitive tests that can detect the metabolites at 20 nanograms, however they are rarely used due to false positives. I recently saw a promotional video for a testing lab in which the rep was positively gushing about a new test they had developed which was sensitive at levels of 1 nanogram ! considering that is one nanogram of an inert non psychoactive metabolite, one really can.t help asking "why for gods sake ?" The fact of the matter is that the effects of cannabis are nothing like the effects of alcohol, especially when it comes to activities like driving which makes the cut and pasted protocols for testing totally inappropriate, in my not so humble opinion
  18. They would need to offer a better exchange rate if they want to become attractive and why limit them to 30 days is there any reason they could not last indefinitely and even be used elsewhere?
  19. I guess you are not from the UK if you didn't understand that saying, but to be honest I should have realised that and moderated my language, as I could never imagine a British guy becoming infatuated with a corrupt Thai cop. You have obviously been taken in by his carefully manicured image, or is it his boyish good looks ? But, what you see is never what you get with high level villains, remember, all the infamous mafia leaders presented themselves as legitimate businessmen I'm starting to worry you might consider doing something unwise , when your idol's fall from grace is eventually complete, painting your bedroom black or developing an eating disorder are symptoms of depression so contact a shrink if you develop the urge
  20. A couple of guys I know had similar problems, like anything else in Thailand it was sorted for a few baht 500 seemed to be the going rate Just ask around a few different vets. I also heard of another guy who experienced some reluctance even after offering money but the vet changed its mind when he told them he would take matters into his own hands and kick the dog to death, guess he must have been pretty convincing
  21. I think you have been reading to many Tax threads on this forum
  22. Hard to believe that stories like this don't contravene the "community standards" of this forum
  23. Sounds like you need to sort her out, Me and my mrs can complete any packing in well less than an hour, Try asking yourselves if the "little things" that the rest of the world can do without are really necessary
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