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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Apparently his mrs was well rodgered by a British Swordsman and he, just like her has never gotten over it. Lucky for him it wasn't a black guy, as his constant racial abuse directed at such a person would have seen him banned a long time ago
  2. I was surprised that a website that positively discourages racism and stereotypes thought fit to include a photograph like this to promote this thread. Use of similar photographs caricaturing Negroes, Indians Muslims or Chinese would have caused uproar amongst the woke and liberal membership and would have been quickly removed by the mods if posted by a member I'm not against a bit of racism , I actually think its a basic natural instinct that's hard wired into the human brain. But what I am not in favour of is double standards and outright hypocrisy I bet that photo wasn't even taken in Thailand
  3. Perhaps you could enlighten us as to where the word "falang" appears, either in the OP or the linked article. Or is it just a figment of your imagination?
  4. You were lucky to get in the Ibis, I work around Leeds a lot and the Ibis there no longer accepts normal paying British customers anymore, Asylum seekers only ( or at least those claiming to be) Many other hotels I used have gone the same way, and those that have remained open to us have all upped their prices due to the consequential increased demand. Yet another benefit of the UK's failed approach to immigration
  5. I think it is a british thing "queensbury rules" " A fair fight is a fair fight" etc but I also think its one of the British values that is gradually being eroded. One of the "benefits" or rather consequences of multiculturalism in my opinion
  6. I have no real issues regarding "racism" there are plenty of people I have negative views about based on their race, I would not be able to elaborate further, or go into specific detail on here without my post being deleted, but suffice to say I am comfortable with my views, and feel pretty much nothing when the racism word is hurled at me by the woke brigade. Do you have similar racist views to me? If you do that's fine and you can disregard this post, but if like many on here you claim to feel that racism is inexcusable, unacceptable , and pretty much totally abhorrent , then your post is irrefutable evidence that you are nothing more than a hypocrite
  7. there is almost a case for making it compulsory here, It would certainly reduce incidents of this nature
  8. I think you are probably right, but here 5 or more onto one is hardly reserved just for foreigners is it . Without wishing to "Thai bash" anybody watching the Ihai news on TV could genuinely be forgiven for thinking that Thai guys save the one on one concept of fighting for the times when they attack elderly members of their own families. Maybe out of a sense of respect, or more likely, because more often than not, their friends are not present during the majority of domestic altercations so they have no real choice in the matter. However, when fighting amongst themselves and their peers,its clear that the 5 onto 1 scenario is very very common, almost to the point that it is the norm Where I come from, Liverpool Uk . attacks on elderly relatives are very rare, like any other city, there is no shortage of scuffles between youths, but 5 onto one really is frowned upon, by those involved and by society in general, it is considered a sign of cowardice , and is even liable to result in repercussions from one's peers, the same can be said for attacking from behind, or kicking a man when he's down. There is in effect an unwritten code of behaviour for situations involving violence, but I can see no evidence of such here in Thailand I am not arguing the rights and wrongs of this, as they say "it is what it is" and anybody considering "having a go" at a Thai needs to bear this in mind. Whether they are a foreigner or a Thai themselves .
  9. and no shame involved at all. that's how it is here so if you intend to" have a go" anytime take your mates with you, When in |Rome an all that
  10. And that was just one morning in our house, a pretty unremarkable day to be honest
  11. well if it continues its current trajectory it will soon be worth half what it was a month ago
  12. you could have just admitted that you misquoted me and apologised like any normal person. Instead of making your self look ridiculous by writing such barely coherent twaddle.
  13. Well if you are intending to quote me at least have the intelligence to choose some words that I actually wrote and it would also help if you posted what was written in its entirety, albeit by somebody else in this case, It might help the rest of us figure out what on earth you are trying to say? "If it's is a secret? if what is a secret? " You shouldn't be driving" Why should the secrecy of whatever you are talking about have any bearing on whether I should be driving or not? I really expected better from our self appointed road safety expert and statistical analysis guru, whatever did they teach you on the one day , entry level ,basic road safety course you bought online from the "Pirate Bay" ? I never even mentioned the word "secret" As you appear "confused" shall we say, here is what i posted, in reply to somebody else, What would be the point other than morbid curiosity? It might sound heartless but I really could not care less, I have survived decades of the Songkran madness, and completely unscathed, it's not that difficult for those with a bit of common sense. There are more than likely some who are regularly involved in Songkran incidents maybe even every year, we can draw our own conclusions why that might be The fact that the person i was replying to, ( the one you quoted) seems to think i am privilege to some sort of secret, which enables me to survive on Thai roads, suggests to me that he should not be driving, and you should not be posting this late as its obviously past your bed time
  14. it rains more in Prasat than Kap Choeng I can assure you
  15. I would avoid using wood, it's too tempting for termites and other such pests
  16. I'm glad to hear it , but like most women you seem to have changed your mind, as a couple of hours later you felt the need to ask for my assistance when you wrote... Seems like you have the secret to the Holy Grail. The secret to avoid road accidents in Thailand. Would you please share your knowledge with us and reduce the road accidents to "0"
  17. What would be the point other than morbid curiosity? It might sound heartless but I really could not care less, I have survived decades of the Songkran madness, and completely unscathed, it's not that difficult for those with a bit of common sense. There are more than likely some who are regularly involved in Songkran incidents maybe even every year, we can draw our own conclusions why that might be
  18. indeed, the Thai authorities response , if questioned about this, would be something along the lines of " just think how much worse it would have been if it wasn't for the annual safety campaign" personally I doubt it makes any difference. On the two days when everybody is travelling to or from Bangkok the slow average speed reduces the number of accidents, on the days of the celebration less people are driving around which also reduces the number of accidents. I doubt the number of those driving whilst drunk changes that much. Either way, twice every year, the daily death toll reduces by around 30% for whatever reasons. So the concept of "the 7 deadly days" is in reality a pure fallacy.
  19. I half owned and operated a tour boat that was certified for 50 people started in 2004 and I sold out after 10years. Compulsory Insurance was available for around 1500 baht I have no idea what it covered or how much it would pay out and fortunately never had to find out. Knowing what I know through my experience of that business I would never set foot on any tourboat in Thailand again ever and that would be my advice to anybody considering doing so Every one of those ill maintained boats is a tragedy waiting to happen as we have seen time and time again
  20. I don't deny being a cynic, but I seek no credibility on here, You on the other hand don't need to seek credibility as you think you already know more than everybody else. So you have assumed and confirmed your credibility, all on your very own. Well done
  21. and stupid enough to comment on everything posted, there should be a boycott of threads like this
  22. presumably it also takes into account how much they get scammed , overcharged, or extorted . or are the rest of the" contributions" received as charitable donations
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