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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Dead for a few days and came back to life? Really ?? Don't believe all you see on youtube and tiktok. But You should try using google too, check out the origin of the saying "saved by the bell" and while you are at it you could check out the loch ness monster and bigfoot for good measure
  2. Where as you consider it perfectly acceptable to inflict your opinions on everybody. Your job as you chose to describe it , your divine right perhaps?
  3. Your Job? what are you a Jehovah's Witness ? Ok then tell us about heaven, how does it compare to muslim heaven? Are there 72 virgins or what? I'll tell you what I think its like after you die, and that is exactly the same as it was before you were born, Prove me wrong and I'll convert here and now. Don't worry I won't be holding my breath
  4. I would not waste my time trying to change your beliefs. But i feel entitled to explain why the rest of us may not agree. It does not mean we are "sinners" "living in a moral vacuum" or even "yobbos" as the OP described us. Our views and opinions are just as relevant as yours if not more so. Your proof is fundamentally flawed however, as not understanding or knowing the answer to certain questions and the inability to explain things, is not evidence of the existence of "god" it is only evidence of ignorance or a lack of knowledge. As an example I don't understand Quantum physics , fluid mechanics, or calculus, it is because I am ignorant of such matters simple as that. It in no way proves anything else and to use that ignorance as the basis for a religion would be ridiculous, would it not?
  5. As usual you are pretty much spot on There is absolutely no other explanation
  6. "Us" being who? other brainwashed people that's who. Your "proof"?? You have absolutely no proof of anything , nothing at all whatsoever. All you have is a flawed belief in what warped adults told you as a kid. You have literally had the fear of god put into you. I won't be wasting my time trying to cure you, That is the domain of professional psychotherapists Not quite sure why you are so quick to condemn all the worlds Buddhists to hell fir and damnation, but you seem to be convinced that you know something that they all don't , So more than a little arrogance there on your behalf in my opinion I don't know where you live but you should take a trip one day to where I live in darkest Surin on the border with Cambodia. the rubbish they believe in here is no more ridiculous than what you believe, But believe in it they do , and just as strongly as you if not more so. Who is to say that your belief is more valid than theirs ?
  7. So that's millions upon millions of hindus lined up for hell fire and damnation too then. Have you thought of warning them?
  8. and all of them offer nothing now, just false promises, which will conveniently only allegedly be fulfilled after death. |Religions were not created by divine mystical deities they were created by humans More specifically by men. Why for example do no religions accept women as equal to men often portraying them as inferior and in some cases even unclean ? I am not going to waste my time arguing this with nutters who believe this fairytale anymore than i would waste time arguing with a flat earther or a vegan. I have seen or heard of nothing during my life which gives me any reason to believe the existence of a "god" and neither has anybody else
  9. That explains it, no further details are necessary
  10. So what is the "real story of god" that you refer to presumably that written by the primitive clerics a mere 2000 years ago and distorted over the years by a combination of translation to other languages and the human propensity for indulging in chinese whispers and of course jumped on by those of dubious intent who were quick to exploit human's fundamental fear of the unknown to enable them to control the masses as they felt fit Your vision of an afterlife in eternal paradise is some what different to the Buddhist theories of reincarnation What make you so sure your version is correct. oh yes I forgot , your "faith" You are of course free to believe whatever you want no matter how irrational, as indeed are the rest of us who generally feel no need to impose our views on the rest of society
  11. The most important thing kids can be taught at an early age is to keep well away from the kiddie fiddling members of the clergy Their are millions of people of different religious backgrounds who have no concept of the fictional character to which you refer There are also millions who have killed or been killed as a result of their beliefs and or the beliefs of others Life can be incredibly hard or relatively easy its what you make it. The belief that death results in some sort of beautiful future in an eternal paradise sat on the knee of some imaginary entity is pure and unadulterated fantasy with no basis in fact what so ever. Nothing more than a fairytale I had a thoroughly enjoyable and normal childhood, raised by decent parents who managed to teach me right from wrong without having to resort to lying to me about fictional deities or imaginary bogeymen . Why should I not be able to publicly dismiss the ridiculous concept of god , when there are plenty of nutters trying to force it down the throats of others. They pick their targets quite selectively, specifically vulnerable young children, and life's losers exactly the same way that unscrupulous drug dealers operate. However unlike drug dealers who can at least offer something albeit far from ideal here and now., the god botherers can offer absolutely nothing of any substance , merely a sense of false hope, that even they can never ever be sure of
  12. Was it The Arabian knights ? Talking of TV shows anybody remember Casey Jones, Belle Sabastian and the horses The singing ringing tree Pogles Wood Champion the wonder horse Vision On And one more that's not been mentioned but surely not forgotten the obviously psychedelically influenced and more than a little weird 5 minute production that delighted kids every night at around 5.45pm I am of course referring to "The Magic Roundabout" Starring as far as I can remember ,amongst others "Florence, Brian ( the snail) Dylan ( a spaced out rabbit) Mr McEnery ( a hyperactive guy on a tricycle) and of course Zebedee ( a bizarre spring thing ) I think it was a french production overdubbed into english
  13. There were these things advertised for sale in the Marvel comics called "sea monkeys" my parents wouldn't let me order any , I always wondered what they were, and never did find out. I'd forgotten all about them until now. Can anybody enlighten me ?
  14. But I thought that only applied to the 20 - 30 year old woke generation. I didn't realise that people who should be old enough to know better had also been infected
  15. And stamping on it when empty for the resulting explosive bang if done correctly
  16. I think it was supposed to be added to a cup of warm water not drunk neat from the bottle, even by the teaspoon full
  17. For gods sake what is it with people like you ? Just leave it to the authorities, What's with the constant demands for deportation and bans. Get a life
  18. Why thinking of paying a visit, boner boy ? Don't forget your shorts eh? you'd be buggered if you did?
  19. Brits have been getting pissed and stripping off since long before cannabis was discovered, You need to think less its dangerous for some
  20. They are a funny breed when it comes to nudity, Cut a long story short, about 20 years ago me and a mate took about 4 of our employees to Pattaya and as expected they were keen to experience a go go bar They were all eyes when the girls were dancing in their knickers but once they got naked and the pussy licking show started they actually covered their eyes and looked away ! Weird
  21. Obviously not, but I am, and, as history has shown time and again , we are more than capable of looking after ourselves There is no need for the likes of you to interfere, so do one! where ever you come from. Even better tell me where you are from, and I might reveal whether or not we consider your breed worthy of an offensive derogatory nickname. or not
  22. Fraudulently marketed with promises of the fictional brylcreem "bounce". But once that slime was plastered onto your hair there was no chance of it bouncing anywhere, Normally found on the shelf in barbers shops between the condoms and those styptic pencils for shaving cuts
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