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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. The most important thing kids can be taught at an early age is to keep well away from the kiddie fiddling members of the clergy Their are millions of people of different religious backgrounds who have no concept of the fictional character to which you refer There are also millions who have killed or been killed as a result of their beliefs and or the beliefs of others Life can be incredibly hard or relatively easy its what you make it. The belief that death results in some sort of beautiful future in an eternal paradise sat on the knee of some imaginary entity is pure and unadulterated fantasy with no basis in fact what so ever. Nothing more than a fairytale I had a thoroughly enjoyable and normal childhood, raised by decent parents who managed to teach me right from wrong without having to resort to lying to me about fictional deities or imaginary bogeymen . Why should I not be able to publicly dismiss the ridiculous concept of god , when there are plenty of nutters trying to force it down the throats of others. They pick their targets quite selectively, specifically vulnerable young children, and life's losers exactly the same way that unscrupulous drug dealers operate. However unlike drug dealers who can at least offer something albeit far from ideal here and now., the god botherers can offer absolutely nothing of any substance , merely a sense of false hope, that even they can never ever be sure of
  2. Was it The Arabian knights ? Talking of TV shows anybody remember Casey Jones, Belle Sabastian and the horses The singing ringing tree Pogles Wood Champion the wonder horse Vision On And one more that's not been mentioned but surely not forgotten the obviously psychedelically influenced and more than a little weird 5 minute production that delighted kids every night at around 5.45pm I am of course referring to "The Magic Roundabout" Starring as far as I can remember ,amongst others "Florence, Brian ( the snail) Dylan ( a spaced out rabbit) Mr McEnery ( a hyperactive guy on a tricycle) and of course Zebedee ( a bizarre spring thing ) I think it was a french production overdubbed into english
  3. There were these things advertised for sale in the Marvel comics called "sea monkeys" my parents wouldn't let me order any , I always wondered what they were, and never did find out. I'd forgotten all about them until now. Can anybody enlighten me ?
  4. But I thought that only applied to the 20 - 30 year old woke generation. I didn't realise that people who should be old enough to know better had also been infected
  5. And stamping on it when empty for the resulting explosive bang if done correctly
  6. I think it was supposed to be added to a cup of warm water not drunk neat from the bottle, even by the teaspoon full
  7. For gods sake what is it with people like you ? Just leave it to the authorities, What's with the constant demands for deportation and bans. Get a life
  8. Why thinking of paying a visit, boner boy ? Don't forget your shorts eh? you'd be buggered if you did?
  9. Brits have been getting pissed and stripping off since long before cannabis was discovered, You need to think less its dangerous for some
  10. They are a funny breed when it comes to nudity, Cut a long story short, about 20 years ago me and a mate took about 4 of our employees to Pattaya and as expected they were keen to experience a go go bar They were all eyes when the girls were dancing in their knickers but once they got naked and the pussy licking show started they actually covered their eyes and looked away ! Weird
  11. Obviously not, but I am, and, as history has shown time and again , we are more than capable of looking after ourselves There is no need for the likes of you to interfere, so do one! where ever you come from. Even better tell me where you are from, and I might reveal whether or not we consider your breed worthy of an offensive derogatory nickname. or not
  12. Fraudulently marketed with promises of the fictional brylcreem "bounce". But once that slime was plastered onto your hair there was no chance of it bouncing anywhere, Normally found on the shelf in barbers shops between the condoms and those styptic pencils for shaving cuts
  13. Tourists staying in resorts like the one mentioned do not use taxis. and do not do 90 day or 30 day reports I doubt many would stay in a resort like the one mentioned for more than a couple of weeks, and when they return home they will have seen nothing of "the real" Thailand
  14. I'm pretty sure in the context of the hospitality industry they are referring to gullible people who have more money than sense. The sort of people who will pay 200 baht for a bottle of chang and 300 baht for a bowl of pad thai without complaining. "quality" people who would not dare venture out on their own and as such have no idea how much things really cost. Many of these overpriced resorts actively discourage their guests from venturing out alone, often using scare tactics,like threats of being mugged or ironically being "ripped off"by local traders The mention of "quality" generates a feeling of smugness in their patrons and pretty much ensures compliance with their extortion rackets, meanwhile they pay their staff minimum wage
  15. They are all cults, and "normal" people do not believe in this rubbish. The only people who do, are those who have been brainwashed to the necessary degree, this normally takes place in their formative years. Due to the "influence and power" of "the church" which is a relic from medieval times, this brainwashing is sanctioned by governments, and it invariably takes place from the minute children start schooling, as young minds are very impressionable to suggestion, but just like the tooth fairy and father christmas, normal people grow out of it I wonder what the success rate would be if it was not allowed to be forced on people until they reached adulthood ? Why do they feel the need to indulge this fantasy en masse in the company of like minded others? Bearing in mind their allegedly strong faith, Is it not possible for them to communicate with their imaginary friend in the privacy of their own bedrooms? It's high time any public mention of religion was made illegal. What sort of people revere religions, especially given the number of pedophiles that have held positions of power in them and been protected from the consequences of their sickening behaviour? And as for finding other "followers" who do not pass judgement, good luck with that , it is one of the core reasons d'etre of all religions, and more pertinently what has the OP got to hide from others that he does not want to be judged
  16. But they would have us believe that the amount of daily crime committed by expats is of epidemic proportions, and it is that which is the sole reason for the change in rating .
  17. This reads like a poorly disguised advertisement. Moreover , the company has spent 46 billion dollars !!! on renovating its hotel and now presumably intends to charge top money for those it hopes will want to stay there. To assist with this aim it is trying to discourage other hotels from selling rooms cheaper and seems to expect the government to help keep prices high. <deleted> to that Furthermore, old people and young people generally do not mix well on holiday no matter what standard of hotel they stay in
  18. Why would you say that ? I have seen plenty of monks smoke, it don't think its forbidden, Many of them also chew Betel nuts , Some have amassed personal fortunes, hardly in line with the teachings of the Buddha
  19. Morecombe and Wise, (Sharing a double bed with no "implications" whatsoever) Carry on films , Sid James, Kenneth Williams,and all the rest of the team Eric Sykes Rich man Poor man with a young Danny Trejo Bouquet of barbed wire Sunday night at the palladium and the Royal variety show Radio Luxembourg, and Caroline Twice daily postal deliveries 2,3,4 and 5 star petrol Esso blue Blue invalid carriages (spaz Chariots) Drip dry "bri nylon" shirts Ben Shermans Doc Martins Those really were the golden years, when did the rot set in, why did it all go so wrong? Who or what is to blame?
  20. If I remember correctly 99.99% of kids my age were blessed with both parents, Everybody's dad had a job Some mums worked too mine was a Shorthand Typist , worked for "littlewoods" in the "typing pool"
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