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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Sticklebacks and water boatmen, (probably extinct now)
  2. Green shield stamps Double Diamond Party 7's Watneys red barrelCannon Cans of " LongLife" beer Pony (the little drink with the big kick) Gold label ( adverts with David Attenborough) Campari Adverts with Leonard Rossiter and Joan Collins Hi Karate Dad's Home brew (Served from a Bar in "the front room ") Penny Towers in Pubs The Guys from "william press" coming round to convert us to natural gas Those large rising and falling storage tanks for the old town gas French Cricket on the beach Battenberg cake Salmon or Beef paste sandwiches Collecting "money back" pop bottles Players No.6 bought with proceeds from the above Pot Black The reading of the football scores and the "teleprinter" Frank Bough and Dickie Davies Spot the ball American cops Cannon , Ironside, Kojak The Outer limits Its a knockout Lift off (with aisha) Friday its 5 to 5 and its Cracker Jack, Lesley Crowther , Michael Aspel ? Peter Glase (Doh!) Michael Bentine's Potty Time Subbuteo football Etch a sketch Mousetrap Rain soaked family holidays stuck in the caravan in north wales playing Monopoly Jesus I'm getting emotional I'm filling up
  3. Council vehicles flushing out the street gullies Bob a Job week and the accompanying "job done" stickers 1/2 day closing on wednesdays 8 track cassettes Radios and Tv's requiring "warming up" Colour "trade test transmissions" on TV Watch with mother & Jackanory Thunderbirds , Captain Scarlet, Stingray etc The Double Deckers and The Banana Splits show Setting fire to other peoples bonfires just before bonfire night Building dens Clackers Spud guns Shoes with animal footprint soles Snake belts String undies Grandads all in one underwear with "bomb hatch" Granny's clothes maiden that was hoisted up to the ceiling by a rope Steel "segs" in shoes 5 button waistbands Building "go karts" from old prams Father sweeping the chimney Dampers in fireplaces Father bricking up the fireplaces Mothers monday "washing" day Airing cupboards "The front room" Pantry's Instant mashed potato "Vesta " Chinese meals "Tea Cosies" Sickly kids with leg irons Cod liver oil , Castor oil & liquid paraffin "Kaolin and Morphine" medicine "Izal" Toilet paper Lucky Bags Sweet Cigarettes Action transfers Imitation tattoos Canned Shandy (not more than 2% proof) Tobacconists Snuff Pipe Cleaners Table Lighters Cigarette coupons and the related catalogue Golliwogs Collecting and playing "Conkers" The "corona" fizzy drink deliveries Kays catalogue "Pear and Dean" advertisements at the movies The National anthem every night on TV and at the movies Public information films The distinctive smell when walking past pubs I could go on for ever!
  4. in general I most are , as another member stated following religious dictats I have no idea about the distribution of sexual hangups between the sexes but I am inclined to think that women suffer less from such issues. Its not women , for example , that generally get over protective regarding their daughters having sex, fathers can be a nightmare in my experience
  5. I don't really care what somebody has "defined" it as and I have no inclination to "look it up " Everybody except a few who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths needs to earn a living, and for most people that involves working, the fact that most of us only work because we have to, pretty much means that most occupations are undesirable Coal mining, wagon driving, or door to door sales for example are not ways that most people would choose to spend their lives. However most people working those jobs do not consider themselves exploited and Very few puritanical social justice warriors get a bee in their bonnet about jobs like that screaming exploitation and describing those employed in such occupations as "exploited" But the fact that prostitution involves people having sex seems to rub a few religious zealots up the wrong way . So what brought you to Thailand, the abundance of cheap hookers like most here or was it your "charity work"
  6. Most of the vehement opponents of prostitution seem to be men, I suspect sexual hangups are the root cause.
  7. Not at all, just putting things into perspective for you,
  8. I doubt anybody using the services of prostitutes gives a flying <deleted> about your ex 's sympathy
  9. It is a statement of fact, The root reason for prostitution is simple , supply and demand. As long as nobody is forced into it against their will its nobody's concern what arrangements consenting adults arrive at.
  10. If he is he's picked a strange place for his crusade,
  11. Those who do it willingly are hardly "oppressed" There's one in the village here with 3 houses and two pickups Would you like her phone number so you can "save " her. She would probably have something to say to you if you tried, and I'm guessing the second word would be "off"
  12. not wrong at all , I reckon it was purely a rhetorical question the purpose of which was purely to express righteous indignation at the behaviour of others. Not unexpected really considering the current media frenzy /crackdown on foreigners.Its quite contagious, There are a few on here who mistakenly believe that criticising foreigners sets them above all others and elevates their status with the Thais, so its basically a mixture of virtue signalling, whilst at the same time appeasing the ever present lynch mob. I'm just surprised there was no call for blacklisting or deportation His fictional concern for the other Thai family was truly heart rending and more than a little nauseating I'm starting to think it was a totally imaginary scenario
  13. What has the presence of dope shops got to do with how she might be making money? or shouldn't I ask?
  14. I prefer Amarinn personally , I some times watch the news on channel 8 as one of the Amarin "anchor men" has moved there
  15. I think the Thai courts are to be praised for retaining a level headed sense of perspective in these highly publicised cases,
  16. I think you are overreacting, you and a few others on here have been taken in by the media frenzy. The Thai mainstream and social media are in overdrive at the moment, This site is just as bad in fact its probably the worst of the lot. The outrage of those elderly "netizens" who rely on this as their only source of information is somewhat understandable but its only adding fuel to the fire. the endless screaming for deportation and black listing for every transgression no matter how trivial by a few on here is evidence enough of how easily people can be manipulated, as if the recent frenzy over covid 19 hadn't already demonstrated that. There was no shortage of lynch mob members turning on each other then either. In reality any increase in "misbehavior" is actually minute in the great scheme of things, but amplified 100 times or more by the media coverage. Good for clicks though so don't expect it to end on this site anytime soon But actually it all pales into total insignificance if you are capable of watching and understanding thai dally Thai TV news
  17. what about the charges? I think some cards are cheaper than others but if you have one of the pricier ones you could end up paying more in fees than in tax
  18. I think Gaza vs Israel could be added as a heavy weight contender
  19. So presumably at the slightest hint of any threat from a Thai your default response would be to spread your cheeks and assume the position.
  20. Everyone has opinions on other peoples bodies, Its perfectly natural. nothing creepy at all
  21. hahaha I can see a few for sale signs going up in the gated communities, A reduction in the number of these sanctimonious holier than thou expats would be a good thing
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