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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. And as I predicted the choreographed media assault on cannabis has started again, Fake news without doubt, I'm not saying the incident didn't take place, but I am pretty much certain that cannabis was not responsible for him sinking, If losing buoyancy was a side effect (which it is not) this would not be the first time this has happened, and as there is no evidence that cannabis was a contributory factor why was it even mentioned?
  2. Makes one wonder why anybody would want to smoke it at all. Or the other way of looking at it is,...... Makes one wonder if we can believe anything that these so called experts tell us. And that refers to everything not just lies about cannabis
  3. bottle of cannabis, are you for real? is it your birthday today by any chance?
  4. Nah the first brush with corruption is at school
  5. Don't really care what colour my passport is , but on reflection its nice to be identified as different from the rest of the eurotrash When will the remaining members of the EU stop using the english language? should you all not consider communicating in German,? after all if it wasn't for the british you probably would be by now
  6. well at least you are correct about the title of the thread well done! Unfortunately you got the number of my posts wrong so probably best to freshen up on the counting. Not really sure what the point of your reply was supposed to be, but i suggest you take your own advice
  7. I'm sure they are great cars, but If one obeys the speed limits I fail to see how much fun is to be had in real terms on any streets. Maybe more suited to open days on race tracks but as you say only exceptionally talented drivers would ever fully get their moneys worth
  8. Well unlike you I don't have the ability to see into the future, But out of interest did your sixth sense accurately predict the results of the last referendum?
  9. No I don't, why would I , I don't have a list of drawbacks either, again why would I What sort of person sits at home compiling pointless lists? No need to answer that by the way
  10. Possibly because for me and everybody I know there has been absolutely no negative consequences. I spent 6 months in the UK last year and I did not hear one person even mention the word "brexit" In fact the only time I ever hear the "brexit" word is from a couple of whingeing expats on this forum. Show you the upside ? I don't even know if for me personally there has been an upside, and even if there was, trying to explain it to the likes of you would be akin to trying to convince the pope that there is no such thing as god. For me and many others life continues unchanged, maybe we are all just blissfully ignorant, but I much prefer to be like that, rather than crying and moaning about it at every opportunity on threads like this. Perhaps you could show me the upside of behaving like a spoilt child , has the whingeing had a positive effect on your quality of life? I very much doubt it . You could spend the rest of your life crying about this, or, take a deep breath and just get on with life the choice is yours
  11. So desperate are some people to clutch at anything negative regarding brexit that we now have a three page thread as a result of a few retards who failed to familiarise themselves with passport regulations. The vast majority of people in the uk don't even give brexit a second thought regardless of what "the surveys" might suggest, but there are still one or two who , for whatever reason just can't accept the results of the referendum because it didn't suit them personally. It really is time they got over themselves, this is what democracy is all about
  12. I've been looking at the exchange rate since I first came her just short of 30 years ago , It was around 40 baht to the pound in those days, A couple of years later , I think around 1997/98 I was quite surprised when I got off the plane at don muang and went to change some money as it was around 90 baht to the pound, Nothing to do with brexit then was it ? As I have said before there are numerous factors which affect exchange rates its not all about brexit
  13. so nothing to do with the fluctuation of the Baht then strangely the dollar performed in a similar way against the baht
  14. Any good news regarding the effects of Brexit, is typically downplayed, and actually resented by the remoaners, They actually want the UK to suffer in any way possible so they can play the "told you so " Card They are actually the willing architects of their own disaster, a negative attitude to anything will result in only failure. What do they expect? Talk about cutting ones nose off to spite ones face We are out and we are staying out, they need to get over themselves and stop the childish sulking
  15. Currencies and commodities vary constantly and it's seldom due to financial performance. Just a few carefully chosen words uttered by the right people can cause huge swings in value. Those remoaners bemoaning any loss of value of the pound would do well to look at project fear and the constant negative propaganda that was spewed out during the lead up to the referendum, and which continues to this day. A crash was inevitable, had there been a positive spin put on the whole thing instead, the results could well have been totally the opposite
  16. well it didn't affect me so much because 20% of very little is itself very little, your comment indicates 20% for you was a significant amount, therefore suggesting you are in fact one of the wealthy, or at least considerably wealthier than me. Either way you are wasting your time if you are expecting sympathy from me
  17. Well I have no problem with them wanting to make some sort of public commitment to a relationship they are in but why call it marriage? let them invent and form their own sort of civil partnership tailored to their own lifestyle, Or is that beyond the imagination Reminds me of all the wokies screaming for a black , gay or female "james bond" why don't invent their own fictional hero , rather than riding on the back of an already established one , I really can't imagine why they would seek to merely copy an already successful film genre that has generated billions lol
  18. The fluctuation of the GBP is due to many contributory factors, it is not solely influenced by brexit.
  19. I'm not wealthy, and I certainly have not suffered a 20 % reduction in disposable income. neither do I know of anybody who has, or how that would even be possible ( don't bother telling me because I really don't care) The way I see it , its all down to attitude, a bit like losing a limb in an accident, one can either retreat into oneself and become a sad moaning defeatist or one can persevere and achieve pretty much anything Oscar Pretorius being an example Life continually throws challenges at us all , its how we deal with those challenges that sorts out the men from the boys. but feel free to keep moaning on here if you think it will help.
  20. He is an alcoholic, we can therefore disregard his semi-coherent mumblings on here as we would in real life. Just imagine him sat on the floor outside 7/11, ranting , drunk out of his mind, in his filthy urine soaked cargo pants. Get the picture?
  21. This has been the case for years, since we left the EU. and its certainly not the first article on this matter. there is no "timing" that could not be worse, One can either accept the situation, inform oneself of the requirements and carry on relatively unhindered, Or refuse to accept the situation and spend the rest of ones pathetic lives suffering the consequences, and wasting ones time posting boring comments such as "another brexit bonus" etc on forums like this, which after all will not change anything. Exactly what suffering has "brexit" caused to british expats living here ? Speaking for my self absolutely none whatsoever
  22. for gods sake , some people should not be allowed to travel without being accompanied by a responsible adult ! It really isn't rocket science after all. Its been years since we left the european union. there has been plenty of time to familiarise ones self with the rules regarding passport validity, its been mentioned plenty of times in the news already. I suspect this is nothing but more anti "brexit" propaganda by the usual suspects. The wording of the headline confirms this , nobody os barred from anywhere. British passport holders may indeed be considered by EU countries as coming from outside the EU but the emotive phrase "third country nationals" has been carefully chosen by the author of this drivel as it sounds just a little like "third world nationals" Likewise the examples likening them to Venezuelan or Samoans , when they could have used American or Canadian Another piece of pathetic propaganda in my opinion Brexit may not have delivered what was promised, but that is due in no small part to the remainers tasked with implementing it all. on the other hand the world has not stopped turning either and most of the problems facing the UK have existed since long before we cut ties with the EU. Its all down to attitude, people should stop moaning , accept it for what it is, and get on with their lives. In fact most people have , just a few moaning journalists trying to fan the flames of unrest remain
  23. so was the guy renting from a reputable company such as Avis or Hertz, or had he rented from somebody basically hiring out their own private car?
  24. So if for example a gay couple split up and one of them decides to return to a full on single gay lifestyle, are you saying that the male prostitutes he would be at least "knee deep in" would actually really like him and thoroughly enjoy the sex? with the money just being an inconsequential bonus?
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