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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Any "anti-semitic" sentiment ( note the absence of the word "phobia") exists only a tiny minority of the UK's "indigenous" population generally restricted to left leaning individuals and a left leaning media. Anti muslim sentiment is far more common , as a result of and as a reaction to terrorist atrocities that have taken place in the UK and around the world. The UK has yet to suffer any such atrocity at the hands of the Jews, at least not that I can remember. I don't specifically look for anti british sentiment coming out of Israel and I honestly don't remember it making the headlines, ever
  2. My response "excellent post" was in appreciation of the very relevant points raised by that member @Lemsta69 in his post. The link he provided illustrates fully how the koran views non muslims and how they should be dealt with. I have not stated anywhere that wholesale massacre would be "excellent" I am neither proud nor ashamed of my anti muslim sentiment , and I am certainly not "walking back" or denying anything. You are the one spouting hatred and racism at every opportunity whilst as usual ignoring the real issues It probably won't be long before the UK ends up with a muslim prime minister, several large cities already have muslim mayors, partly due to increasing apathy on behalf of the non muslim electorate, but mainly due to the fact that anybody who dares to legitimately question their real aims and objectives or warn of the consequences will effectively be silenced by people like you, at present the two main parties are totally able to hurl insults an accusations at each other it may not be perfect but at least its balanced. That balance would effectively be removed by constant accusations of bigotry and racism. The first muslim PM will no doubt be ostensibly moderate those that follow will be increasingly less moderate. The non muslim population has no wish to live in a caliphate, those that do should move to Iran or similar countries Anti muslim sentiment should be as acceptable as anti racism, anti fascism, and anti marxism. it is necessary to provide a balance whether you agree or not
  3. Thank you I Totally agree , That is exactly my point, a phobia is indeed an "irrational fear" "anti muslim" sentiment is therefore a much more accurate descriptive. Regardless of the lack of linguistic accuracy, its somewhat telling that those who are "anti islam" are referred to as "Islamophobes" in an attempt to dismiss their concerns as irrational.and dismiss their views as "bigoted" Whilst those with anti jewish sentiments are overtly labelled as " anti semitic" no mention of an irrational phobia at all , and thus the implication is that their concerns are completely justified not irrational at all If you were a Christian missionary would you feel safer expressing your views and attempting to spread the gospel in Iran ? Or would you prefer to be assigned a post in Israel? I know where I would rather be sent to and where I would have a better chance of returning from alive
  4. Putting things mildly to say the least. Have you considered working as a diplomat ?
  5. Its not like they are going to discuss such matters with an "infidel" is it ?
  6. It appears other accounts have been compromised in a similar manner and are being used to respond to my posts
  7. I have not condoned forceful conversion of muslims at all Here is what I actually said...... "No there is nothing to convert them to. not that they would agree anyway. As another member has suggested declare it a terrorist cult and ban it. Total eradication is really the only answer" Neither did I suggest using anything written in the koran as the guidance for any "final solution" I did however highlight how certain verses in the koran instruct its followers to view non muslims, and promotes and justifies violence against them. I specifically did not go into detail as to what any of those verses actually state and used it as an example as to why so many non muslims are concerned. Unfortunately it appears that particular post has been removed so I can't quote myself, I really don't care what you call me. but its typical and predictable that muslim apologists choose to follow the easy path, and are more interested in throwing "silencing" words like "bigot" ," racist", and "islamophobe" at anybody who questions the virtue of certain muslim teachings. Scoring what they think are "woke points" being so much easier than discussing the real reasons for peoples justifiable anti muslim sentiment
  8. putting it mildly to say the least. I would say that any non member of the death cult who is not openly critical of it, is either delusional, or just to woke for their own good (literally)
  9. I have never considered the word islamophobic to actually be a criticism, or racist
  10. Its not going anywhere, Its not for you to tell me, what I must like. I will dislike whoever or whatever I chose to dislike Its really none of your business
  11. I don't like Rap music, Dog $hit, or Brown ale either, again no phobias involved. You appear to have a phobia about people not liking things, You need help, You need to understand that it is not you who decides what people like or dislike
  12. I don't have a phobia I just dislike them, I dislike you too, but I assure you its not a phobia
  13. "a real piece of work" eh? cheers thanks for the compliment. but sadly you are incorrect , I have unfortunately met a few muzzers, despite my best efforts to avoid them. I have no issues at all with Jews , I have just not met many, are you suggesting I should go out of my way to do so ? Mentioning female genital mutilation or decapitation of either gender, once or twice, is hardly indicative of harbouring an obsession, can't understand why you are so touchy about that. presumably you are in favour of the practice ?
  14. last time I checked muzzers were not classed as a race, So I am not a racist, in that respect at least I do however dislike muzzers intensely, Whether you consider me a "bigot " or not. is the least of my worries. It is not obligatory to like them and I am perfectly entitled to my opinion,
  15. What does "boomer" mean? is it supposed to be an insult? Do you hang out on street corners,? Why would any normal person do that?
  16. True but there will still be others with aspirations to replace him and also seeking the top job in the future. Its dog eat dog out there
  17. as he said himself......" high-ranking police officers, to keep him out of a race for promotion as police chief."
  18. How anybody near the top of one of the most corrupt organisations in the world can present himself as "clean" is astonishing, and anybody who actually believes him needs their head examined
  19. Nobody I know in the UK is particularly PO at jews in the UK . The demonstrations you see are predominately attended by Gazan and other trouble making muslims, there will also be the usual collection of half witted students, left wingers , and various other "activists" with nothing better to do on the day. Everyday folk are pretty much ambivalent about jews and know little about them I can count the number of people i've met that I knew to be jews on one hand This hatred for them or anti semitism seems to be limited to those who consider themselves to be "politically well informed" generally left wingers by all accounts , and the gullible idiots who follow them Everyday folk just don't know enough about it all to get hot and bothered about it .
  20. You wouldn't last 5 minutes living under the regime you are so keen to defend. There would actually be two rituals one for her and one for you, neither would end well for either of you
  21. Yes I am serious and no its not very tasteful, how could it be , now about your daughter, would you be accompanying her to the "ritual" ? still lost for words ?
  22. Only the deluded believe in the existence of "islam light" there is no such thing, its all or nothing.
  23. would you offer your daughter up to be "cut" voluntarily or would you wait until they came for her.? A perfectly valid question, but before answering you need to realise that not offering her up voluntarily would render you liable to some other unthinkable atrocity courtesy of sharia law
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